****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hello again!

Sorry about not sticking about but when my wee boy is about he wont let me on the laptop without grabbing it and bringing up windows and closing things then he just screams and screams when I say no....so I waited til now!

First off,

MrsJ Sorry your having a crap time with friends.:hugs: To be honest if thats the way friends treat you then you can easily do without them. I found this out and my life has been so much easier and happier.:hugs:

Lilia I hope all is ok with baby and you went to triage:hugs:

Drazic I hope your doing well! And that your pains turn into a lovely baby!!:happydance:

Limpets...your really having a bad time. I cant believe you have been seeing a mw until now and they never cared to mention it wouldnt be them seeing you after the birth!! ANd dont even get me started on the other things like ecg...I mean surely its common sense since as you say your consultant lead due to family history:shrug:
Hope it all goes well tomorrow. Take it easy ad chill with your cuppa!:hugs::coffee:
LOL just seen your massuese baby! What a lovely thing to do for mummy!!

Becs congrats to your friend!! What have they called him??:cloud9:

Oh Genies! They are very good weights! Can you not request the consultant?? Get some answers rather than seeing his registrar?
I cannot believe they would let you go to 38/39 weeks when your babies are such a good size already. I canunderstand they want you to go as long as poss so they have more time to develope but my goodness that seems later than I would ahve thought!! Plus if your BP is starting to get higher maybe they will do something?:shrug:
Its really rubbish! I hate doctors...all we want is a simple this is the date and we would be happier knowing (although in your case you would prefer sooner which is understandable!) I say request to see the consultant...it part of your care after all and you shouldnt be asked any questions either as to why you want to meet.:hugs:

Oh Asher I hope things are ok! Sorry your having a crummy day:hugs:
We had high hope for you being in labour...we love you!:hugs:

MrsJ I have very limited clothes in my hospital bag just some jim jams (a few pairs as I bled heavily after the birth and the bottoms got soaked after a night and I was in for two..I only plan on one this time!) Somethign to wear home and a second set of comfy clothes for if I need to dress for visiting if I am still in.

Oh Carley I hope everything is ok?!?!:hugs:

Right this could be long ladies....

All morning I have been crampy feeling and like a bwoling ball is gonna fall out of me at anytime. That and I felt soooo ill and threw up all morning:blush:

I get to CTG and Liquor scan and she asks how I am I tell her crap...she measures baby bump (gasping in horror at my door handle battle wound which I had forgotten about!) Its still measuring large...funny that!
Baby is fully down there....hence the bowling ball ready to drop out feeling:thumbup:
Hooks me up to the monitor and then leaves me to it for 1/2 hour with my sick bowl and cups of water as she wants a sample which I cant produce since I have been ill....:dohh:
So I am laying there wondering what my child is up to as I keep getting "Pressure" like she is sticking her bum out but its like her whole body if pushing out...and my cervix feels like its being stabbled AND I still have my crampy period pain...after a few mins I look at the CTG as baby is doing this quite frequently:blush:erm turns out its contractions/tightenings of my uterus and they are hitting 44 on the scale reader:happydance:I spent the rest of my time feeling them coming on, watching my tummy tighten then the reader go up lol...
The look on her face when she came back was great and she quizzed me over it all...I am not holding my breath.
Liquor volume is good and all is ok with baby!:thumbup:

Off to clinic where I am still having contractions every few minutes but just short 30/40 second ones..so nothing too exciting. But its starting to hurt a bit more.

Consultant is quite excited for me. I still just dunno...I mean I want to get excited but its just not like th elast time you know?:shrug:

Everything ok at clinic....

I get home and they are getting a bit stronger and lasting a bit longer:happydance:

Then when my mum leaves to go home Nathan turns into devil child and has been a complete nightmare climbing over me, throwing things about and its takes too long to get him to go to sleep...not like him at all!:nope:

And now I have barely anything that I can feel...maybe the odd contraction/tightening and I am putting it down to the fact I have been driven to the edge by my son and my adrenaline has been pumping just trying to get him to listen, up for his bath and bed then the struggle afterwards!:cry:

SO gonna have something to eat...yup there is nothing in the house that I want/fancy etc etc and Stuart is working until 10pm!
So I have no clue I just want something REALLY spicey to get it all back on track again and hope she comes out tomorrow as we really dont want her born on the 19th as that OH mums birthday and we havent spoken for a long time and he really couldnt think of anything worse...I wouldnt care but dunno how I will get through tomorrow if Nathan doesnt buck up a bit!:dohh:

Feel so horrible saying that but I really cant believe the change in him since I got home...I think my mum might have sneaked him something and he is hyper:growlmad:

ANyways good luck reading my huge post.

I doubt it:nope:

Was just msning my OH to say its all slowed down since I got back and have been driven up the wall. My only hope is that things might pick up.:shrug:

Gonna have a bath later and try ot relax a bit and see if it brings on anything...might eat the pinapple thats iint he fridge too....lol
Hi girls

I've just got time for a quick catch up whilst Holly is asleep! Matt is asleep too, he is knackered bless him! I seem to be doing alright with the lack of sleep... I think because I had got so used to not sleeping much with the SPD. Speaking of which, you SPD girls will be glad to hear that the pain went IMMEDIATELY after she was born! Woop!

Choc I'm sorry to hear about your OH Nan :hugs:

Emma and geines I hope you get your dates! How exciting.

Emma, ouchie bump!! :hugs:

Asher you are soooo next!! That's exactly how I felt the day before I went into labour :baby: Or maybe you Becs... oooohh I'm so excited for you!

Louise woop for no pain!!

Those who were talking about DTD to get things going... I'm sure that's what did it for me! Mind you, that was probably because my body was in such shock- SEX?! WHAT IS THIS?! :haha:

123Deirdre the week before I went into labour I lost a blob of whiteish/clearish jelly type stuff and then a bit of pink on my liner. When the rest of my plug came away it was really quite bloody with lots of mucus and there was LOADS of it! It could be your plug starting to come away but don't worry as they can start coming away a while before labour x

MrsJ08 I felt like you about people staring at me last week. I was sick of it and wanted to punch everyone in the face lol :hugs:

lilia Hope all is ok at triage. The worrying doesn't stop, I keep checking Holly is still breathing lol

Draz! Oooh so excited for you. Come on Simba!!!

Limpets :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Becs yay for your friend!

Mrs N, I packed some loungy PJs as well as my nighties and I'm glad I did as that's all I wore. I didn't feel like wearing the nighties and felt much more secure with bottoms on. I bled much more than I thought I would and felt so much better with my black PJ bottoms. Oh and take LOADS of knickers and LOADS of maternity pads because of leakage.

Jessica214 my baby was @brim at 35 weeks and then fully engaged by 37+4 weeks and I went into labour at 37+6. It felt like I was just about to start my period and like a bowling ball sitting in my pelvis!

emma sounds like you are on your way!!! You sound like me last thursday :happydance:

Anyway, I got all upset today as Holly just would not latch on and I couldn't feed her :cry::cry: I spent most of the day crying (common I hear on day 3!) and then my lovely midwife (the one I didn't like at first!) visited me at home and helped me position her so that I could feed her. As soon as she walked in I burst into tears! I felt like such a burk! But she said that is just the hormones going mad. I have fed her twice since then and I feel sooo much better. I hope I can keep it up! I have to say though my boobs are MASSIVE and very ouchie and hard!

Anyway better get going, just time to leave you with a nice piccy of Holly!

Sending labour dust to all the term ladies. I fully expect at least one more baby to be here by the time I next look!



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emzy she is adorable = listen to you aswell you are like the guru know it all we all just sit here listening intently to the weeks to come....

glad all is going well with bubs at home
ha ha I'm no guru! I haven't got a clue what I am doing :haha:
Emma sounds like things are happening!! Fx'd its very soon xxx

Emma so glad all is going well with Holly xx She is gorgeous xxx

Hope is shifting around in me, watching a baking programme and its making wanna go and bake more cake!!!!
OH MY GOODNESS! Is it right that i have 4 'coming home' outfits for Tufty :dohh: Poor little mite will never get out of there with me choosing what to dress him/her in!!!
What do people think?


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Awww Emma - she is adorable hun! I heard days 3&4 are the ones where your hormones peak too :hugs: hang on in there, it looks & sounds like your doing a grand job sweetie xxx
Argh! Just noticed outfit no 2 has no socks or booties!!! Eeeeeek gonna need to go shopping again :dohh:
Emzy- thanks for popping back its great to hear how its going, glad your not too tired, im sure your doing a great job!

Elmaxie- ohh sounds good? hope its not for nothing x

Asher- hope your okay love?

Drazic-hope the walk made you feel better or better than that hope something is happening!

Limpets- i hope you get a better day tommorow with proper care, i know just how you feel about incompetent care thats just how i feel about my community midwifes

Lilia- hope all is well

thanks for listening to my rants earlier i am feeling a bit calmer not sure how im supposed to rest when im at the hospital every other day :)
im glad the babies are good weights so ill just have to be patient and take each day as it comes.
I ordered pizza for tea , a little treat for being stressed at clinic and they got the ordr wrong so i took my rant out on the guy on the phone, cheesy bites are important to stressed pregnant women :) x
Oh Genies glad your feeling better!:hugs:

I am jealous of your pizza though...I REALLY want pizza bad but it gives me bad heartburn and I felt rubbish for days after so holding out until baby is here. That and we have to go and pick it up as we are out of the delivery zone:nope:

I do want to order a chinese though...BUT

1) I have no cash on me and dont want to ask over the phone if they take switch over the phone incase they dont then I will look like a real muppet.
2)I cant leave the house to 1-get money or 2-go pck it up due to stuart working....do you think a spicy singapore noodle pick up from the chinese is classed as an emergency to my mum???:shrug:
Ooh elmaxie fingers crossed things start up again for you. I'd just ask the Chinese place if they take cards, who cares about looking silly!

Emzy glad you are getting on well. I'll definately pack a pair of pj bottoms then, thanks for the tip!

Limpets love the outfits, I like little babies in White, it's all fresh & clean looking!
MrsJ08 I've heard lots of women get cold feet during labour, so I am also packing socks (with non-slip soles, don't want to be sliding around!)
:hugs: carley
jessica I can't answer your questions, sorry! baby wasn't engaged at my 31 week appointment, although the last few days I have felt more pressure and needing to pee a lot more so maybe that's a sign, not sure.
thanks for the update on mumto5 snoozie

urgh I feel really 'periody' this evening. not really cramps just aching and completely lethargic!

Thanks for the reply! Ive been feeling the same way...like im going to start my period and ive been going to the bathroom like6-8 times a night so i cant sleep! I was on vacation so i missed my 26 and 32 week apt and im already 35 weeks!! i have an apt on thursday so im hoping they will check then!
Genies, yummy pizza!!!

Limpets, love the outfits!!

Emma, go for it with the chinese!! I was only thinking earlier that we hadn't had a chinese for ages!!! Trouble is they always make me so thirsty!!

I have one wriggly little madam tonight, eee can't believe I am full term tomorrow!!! Come on Hope Mummy wants to meet you!!
spicy singapore noodles are important but if not have you anything in the house?
Emzy - Congrats it sounds like your coping really well, loving the pic aswell xx

Asher / Genies - Hope you both have a better day tomorrow , congrats on the weight of the twins Genies !!

Elmaxie - I think by the time you wake in the morning things will start happening again, keep us posted... how exciting

Limpets loving the outfits

Well had MW this morning who says i'm 2 5ths engaged and baby is in optimal position... Jessica I thought I had engaged on sunday because my bump seemed to have dropped and am now walking / sitting like a man ie cant keep my legs shut :blush: My iron levels have improved but bp is still falling hence my white outs I have been having.

Didnt get out of work until gone past 8 tonight I ended up telling my Boss I need to go home as felt sick and he still managed to keep me there for another half an hour..... no other person was in the office so why does he want me to stay? I was so cheesed off and worked up got home and ended up having the most painful BH they were literally coming in one after another and painful all round the front and back...... the sooner I leave work the better.... 2 more days and counting.... and sod off if they think im taking my laptop home when im on leave
Jellycat :hugs: I think you're doing really well to still be working! Especially hours like that, mean mean boss!

Emma, wow it sounds so exciting, fingers crossed it all starts up again for you over the course of the evening/night! Don't forget to keep us posted!

Emma, thanks for the advice! Holly is gorgeous, her hair seems to have lightened a lot already!

Geniesgirl those are fantastic weights if they are accurate! I agree that they really should be giving you a date sooner rather than later!

Limpets, how cute are thsoe outfits! Gorgeous :hugs:

Becs, chinese makes me really thirsty too! Congrats on full term tomorrow!!

Lilia I look forward to your update, hope everything went ok

Erm.... what else was there... no I can't remember sorry... I'm sitting here eating my pineapple!! Walked 3 miles plus today, with no pain, and still no pain now, it's amazing that things like being pain free are so utterly fantastic when pregnant when they would be taken totally for granted pre pregnancy! Like heartburn and sleeping through the night!!

We took the boys to Rendlesham forest to the BMX track and lo and behold, wicked stepmother was right and Nathan (6) went straight over the handlebars on the first downhill! Thank goodness I insisted that he wear wrist, elbow and knee pads and a good helmet! I think sometimes DH forgets he's still really little! And bless DH... he carried a deckchair around the forest for me so I had a nice comfy chair to sit in while the boys raced around the track!! (Nathan was fine after his fall and his dad explained properly how bike brakes work!!!!)

It was lovely being able to walk again! Only spoiled by DHs ex texting demanding that we return the children to her on 3rd September instead of the 5th... stupid cow knows my due date, we had told her she was going to have to make arrangements to collect them herself in MAY and she is still refusing saying it's not her responsibility! Wayne rang a local solicitor this afternoon though and got some good free advice on how to deal with it, the solicitor said (as I thought) that any decent judge would tell her she is being totally unreasonable in expecting Wayne to drive a 6 hour round trip on or so close to my due date when my closest family live 3 1/2 hours away! So hopefully that will get sorted, could do without the stress in the meantime though! The boys have been here 4 weeks tomorrow and she has only rung twice to speak to them, and even then the second time she only spoke to the eldest one!

Sorry for ranting and whinging! Hope everyone is doing ok tonight and any pains are ones that you might want?!!
Jessica - Tabs didnt really engage until late on and i have no idea what it feels like :haha: this baby hasnt engaged either...but i know friends who have had fully engaged bubas from 36 weeks and still gone to their DD??

Emma :hugs: hope it all picks back up for you :hugs: Tabs has those days too and i just want to cry...

Emma try expressing a bit before you feed her :hugs: Its so much harder for them if your boobs are all hard... :)

Cuuuuuute Limpet :cloud9:
Louise it sounds like a proper nightmare with stepchildren :dohh: We always have a total nightmare with my mums husbands ex :dohh: She has put so many investigations on us (since my DH and I are partners in the business) its so annoying saying we lie about money etc etc :hissy: My dad is awesome he comes up still to see us and thats a 6 hour journey and comes on a sat and goes on a sunday :)

Its really nice you get on with all your husbands children too :cloud9: more often you hear horror stories.

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