****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hey ladies i have a question!
Think it all depends on first time, second etc.
First babies usually engage and just keep dropping down til they put enough pressure on the cervix and trigger labour. (along with other things)
Subsequent babies can pop up and down in the pelvis, and sometimes don't actually engage til labour.
Everyone is different, babies engage at different times, but i don't think its too long from baby being engaged to labour starting, just days i think?

Hello again!

Then when my mum leaves to go home Nathan turns into devil child and has been a complete nightmare climbing over me, throwing things about and its takes too long to get him to go to sleep...not like him at all!:nope:
My dd has been the same, she is usually ok, has always been demanding but this is crazy!! She was up about 3 times last night, not counting how long it took her to settle in the first place, she just shouts from bed 'mummy i need juice' she has been up through the night now for a few weeks, a night she goes through is rare, perhaps one a week.
She wants her dvd on now and i have told her to wait for mummy, i want her to get used to the fact i can't do things right away for her.
She is saving all the tricks she can, last night she waited til bed to fill her nappy and then insisted i changed her downstairs, she is a right madam, i just hope dh realises how much more involved he will have to be when baby comes.
Think they can sense something, yet she seems to love the bump, she strokes the bump and says she loves baby, and is very careful with me, she jumps all over dh but not me, perhaps that is a boy/girl difference, she saves rough play for everyone else!:hugs:
Sounds like you are going to be having baby pretty soon! :happydance:

Anyway, I got all upset today as Holly just would not latch on and I couldn't feed her :cry::cry: I spent most of the day crying (common I hear on day 3!) and then my lovely midwife (the one I didn't like at first!) visited me at home and helped me position her so that I could feed her. As soon as she walked in I burst into tears! I felt like such a burk! But she said that is just the hormones going mad. I have fed her twice since then and I feel sooo much better. I hope I can keep it up! I have to say though my boobs are MASSIVE and very ouchie and hard!
Sending big :hugs:, baby blues are the usual! I remember my first i was crying on the shoulder of a lovely junior midwife, she was fab! I remember crying over nothing, just looking at my ds crying saying i didn't know why i felt so sad! It did improve fairly fast, its like a cloud of hormones, it passes! :hugs:
As for breast feeding, sounds like you are doing brilliantly, the first weeks are the hardest, as you get sore and are trying to establish feeding, make sure her mouth has a good mouthful of nipple, it can get more sore if she is just sucking the end, stick your finger between her and the nipple to take the suction away and re position.
Try if you can to get air to your boobs between feeds, this cools and helps harden the nipples a bit.:hugs:

OH MY GOODNESS! Is it right that i have 4 'coming home' outfits for Tufty :dohh: Poor little mite will never get out of there with me choosing what to dress him/her in!!!
What do people think?
Lovely outfits, you will just use what fits best at the time! I took an all in one to bring dd home in and she was swamped in it, i couldn't see her!! So had to give that a miss and just put her in her grow with a blanket and hat!
White is lovely on a newborn, I have just done all the white washing, i have lots of white vests, little next ones, they are so cute!:hugs:

I forgot to say I got a tip at the weekend. For night feeds place a hot water bottle in their basket or cot. Then when you put them back to bed they dont get upset with having cold sheets. I personally love cold sheets but baby probably wont
Love this tip, i think i left baby wrapped in one blanket and just went to moses basket still wrapped, i don't get out of bed to do night feeds, just roll over and pick up baby!
My tip would have to be tie a bit of ribbon on your feeding bra the side you give the last feed from so you know which one to start on next time, but this is only any good well into esablished feeding as to start it is pretty obvious the one to start with is hard as a brick and loaded with milk! :dohh:

Hope your all getting more sleep than me x
:hugs:Poor you xx:hugs:

Well last night was not good, dd kept getting me up, at half 4 she woke me to say she wanted juice, i had a cup done so took it in, then got back into bed after a wee, then dh was snoring, and i had indigestion, so i sat up and dh asked what was wrong, so i say, well dd just got me up for the whatever time tonight, i have indigestion, and you are bloody snoring!' he said he would go into another room, but it is beside the point!!
I think he will be in a strop with me today! Lazy git is still in bed, he will be for ages yet!

Have to take dd to dentist today, she is only 2 but i am noticing her teeth are greying, i think its all the juice she drinks, she is milk intollorant so has only really just moved onto having small amounts, the rest is juice, why she has it in the night, i may have to change it to water but she is so stroppy, she throws her cup and screams 'its not juice' and the valve comes out the cup and it goes everywhere and i dispair, give up and give in! :dohh:

Well i am off, not much else to do but i just give myself one thing a day, i do actually get much more than that done but don't stress over it!
Today i want to iron all the white baby stuff, and pack hospital bags properly.
Hope everyone has a great day xxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Lilia glad everything is ok, baby just having a snoozy day maybe!

Happy 37 weeks to you and Becs! Woo!

Asher and Emma, it's sounding hopeful that you'll be meeting your babies soon! So exciting!

Not such a good night as Monday night for me unfortunately, was up a few times and in a bit of pain but easing off now so can't complain! Going to have a shower and get dressed in a minute and try to do some more walking today to get things moving! I think I had silly expectations that a 3 mile walk yesterday would have me in labour over night! DIdn't happen!

Got a lovely solicitors letter this morning from DH's ex's solicitor, very very threatening it was, stating that if we don't confirm to them in writing that we will return the children on the 3rd September, they will get an urgent court order in place for us to return them IMMEDIATELY and a further order that contact is suspended! All because DH can't confirm that he can drive 6 hours to Kent and back on a day that I may or may not be in labour!! Argh! How can we explain to THICK STUPID PEOPLE that we can't confirm anything because it all comes down to whether the baby is on her way or not!!! All we asked of her was that she have alternative arrangements in place just in case we can't, Wayne has said that if she's already been born and everything is fine that he will return them, but don't know until the time!

The letter stated that DH said to her that he refuses to return them and unless she collects them, he will retain them indefinately...

I can't be doing with this all over again! Everytime we have the children for a longer period of time she ends up sending solicitor letters and threatening to stop us seeing them!

You know, Nathan (6) said the other day that he hopes she moves house while he's here and that she doesn't tell us where she goes, because then he'd be able to live here... bless him..

Sorry for rant, I really, really hate this woman! She is going to do everything she can to split us up, make Wayne's last few weeks in the country a misery and to stop the children seeing the baby!
Limpets, I agree with MrsJ.. your mw sounds appalling! Thank goodness you walked out. I wonder if her mistakes will be taken seriously and if they will do something about it.

Drazic, hope your appointment goes well. I think it's time for LO to come out so FX they do soon!!

Becs, I'm so jealous. I would love to be out walking in Bury St Edmonds, it's such a lovely town. I'm getting increasingly frustrated as don't have a car so am pretty much stuck at home. I could get a bus in to town but it's bloody hard work especially as I would then have to walk back up the hill to get to our house.

MrsN, how about packing some loose PJ bottoms with a comfy top (that you can BF in if you intend to do that)?

Aww Genies Girl that sounds like a rubbish appointment but at least you haven't been admitted. I'm so surprised they haven't given you a date for your C Section yet.

Glad you're ok Asher :hugs:

Babythinkpink, when I turned 37 weeks last Thurs I was saying how DH was going to be busy helping me get this baby out but nope... nothing! I've 'suggested' he might like to help me but I think I'm probably the last person he wants to go near at the moment!! Maybe this weekend when he's not tired from work. Umm.. we'll see. I guess I don't mind so much as 37 weeks is still quite early but 38 weeks + I would really like to think LO is on his way.

I also had a dream last night but dream LO was a girl and was panicking because the nursery is furnished for a boy and we didn't have a girl's name!

Jessica, the baby's head doesn't necessarily have to engage until your labour starts. My friend went for a mw appointment in the morning and baby wasn't engaged and then she went in to labour that night. The baby's head engaging caused her waters to break and she gave birth pretty quickly afterwards. Also the opposite is true, LO can be engaged for a month or so before labour starts.

Oh Emma that sounds exciting!! Keep us posted. I had that feeling yesterday with the pressure I thought was either baby pushing himself out of my tummy or BH and the stabbing in my cervix but unfortunately nothing too frequent.

Aww Emzy :hugs:. I've also heard that day 3 is when the hormones are at their worst etc and that this is when most women feel the baby blues. Hope you are ok hun.

Jellycat I hope the last few days at work go quickly! What job do you do? I can't believe the hours you are made to work when so heavily pregnant!

Louise, the ex really does sound like a complete cow. I can't believe she's only phoned and spoken to her kids twice. And as for demanding you to return them on the 3rd.. agghh! I don't know how you remain so calm. Why on earth does anyone feel the need to be so nasty on purpose. And as for the solicitors!!!! ... grr... evil b*stards! Get your solicitors on the case because like you said it's obvious how unreasonable the ex is being.

Laura, they don't do internal checks in the UK unless there is a specific reason so I've no idea what's going on with my cervix or what the good signs are. FX it's all good and that the LO arrives when you want them to!

Krakir.. thanks for the info re the cervix. I'm tempted to go and check!

rockyraccoon the snuggles and home baking sounds perfect!! Enjoy.

:hi: Cerise! Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?

Glad there is more movement lilia. Do go get checked out though if you are worried again.

Asher, my NCT lady told us that you can demand a home birth past 37 weeks. You simply say you are not going to the hospital and they HAVE to get someone to you. They can hire cover staff etc it's just they don't because of costs. Ok the pool etc may not be set up in time but it's terrible that your mw is so dismissive about the whole thing. I would hassle her every day for an update on where the pool is etc.

Am soooo bored! I need a car. Might go and check my cervix he he!
Hi ladies just poped on to say

37 weeks today whoop whoop

Will pop bk to catch up later got the plumber comin today to fix th tap in the bathroom as only the showers workin at the moment and I want lots of baths to try start something lol

Off to the midwife later to check my bp as it's been a bit high gonna mention how rough the iron tablets are makin me

Gonna try get a hour sleep as I was up 10 times between 12 and 6 so decided to get up lol

Off to mil for tea and lookin forward to speaking to my mom later she's I'm Spain lucky sod lol

Catch up later ladies have a good day all xxxx
Morning ladies (just!).

I've finally caught up (after not being on yesterday). It's so exciting with everyone getting pains and twinges and dilating etc etc. I'm still completely normal, no cramps or pains or tightenings or pressure. Good luck to everyone who is getting ready!

Baby holly is soooo cute! And you sound like you're doing fab emzy :thumbup:

Mrsj - One of my closest friends is similar to yours. She moved away around a year ago, and hasn't visited me once (even though I have visited her loads, and her parents live close to me). I have been in my new house for around 5 months now, and she hasn't seen it. She never calls, or texts. Personally, I think it's because she is jealous of the baby... whenever she does text or call she never asks how I am, or refers to the fact I am pregnant at all. I know it sounds awful, but i've just cut her out (which wasn't hard - I just stopped contacting her and as she never texts me, it was pretty simple). The last time I visited, I went all the way to her boyfriend's house (an hour away) to see her, only for me to be there 15 mins before she said that she was going to the cinema with her aunt and I had to go! Could she not have told me this before? The time before that, she kept me and my DD waiting in our car outside her house for an hour because she wasn't in yet (even though she knew I was coming and what time). Jealous bitch.

Sorry - that's turned into a bit of a rant hasn't it? Anyway, I know how you feel :hugs:

Louise, that's just crazy. What part of 'I may be in labour' does she not understand?!?!?! Thankfully DD's dad doesn't have a gf at the moment, so he's being ok (he tends to change drastically when he gets a new gf). He's even gonna come to her party on Sunday, although I'm not sure how long he'll stay as it's at our house, and all mine and OH's family will be there.

Yep, that's right folks, on Sunday I'm having a bouncy castle, 15 kids, 15 adults and 2 dogs in the house. I really don't wanna be in labour then, as I'll have 50 egg-mayo sarnies to make! :haha:

Today I feel like poo. I'm such a bad mother - DD is onto her 2nd DVD in the room; she's bored stiff. I'm so tired as I had the worst nightmare i've ever had last night (about DD - don't wanna think about it!) and couldn't get back to sleep. I even went in to check DD was ok, and woke her up by accident (my own bloody fault) which led to her wanting a snack at 4am.
I really want to do something with her today, but yesterday I went for a walk with her and the dog, and it KILLS my legs! I have to stop for a rest every 5 mins or so because I get the achey throbbing in my thighs that feels like i've just been squatting/ on the stepper for half hour! And I HAVE to sit down wherever I am. It's awful. I've heard it's because of my muscles relaxing ready for birth, but i'm not sure how true that is. Never got it with DD.

I'd better go and do SOMETHING. I really admire those of you going swimming etc... I just wanna curl up in a ball. Poor DD :(
Asher they wouldnt even bring anything out to me until i was nearly 38 weeks here :grr: They brought the last bits when i was 37+6 :shock:
I just read through loads & had lots to say, but my mind has gone blank!
oh, apart from Asher, we were also told that if you have booked a home birth they have an obligation to send someone to you, you do not have to transfer to hospital simply because they don't feel like coming out to you. :hugs: I hope your midwife gets things sorted out & you can have your homebirth.

having a bit of a crappy morning. nothing specific, and nothing compared to what some of you are going through :hugs: just feeling generally not really with it and very lethargic. I had a shower & had to lie on the bed for half an hour afterwards because it took everything out of me!
think I am actually going to lie on the sofa and stick a film on. sod the housework!
:hi: ladies

Louise - you know that I know how you feel. I think you have two options - say fine we will return the children immediately and take them back this weekend. (I know this probably isn't the preferred option) or ignore the solicitor's letter. No judge is going to order you have to return the children on a different date to that previously agreed under the circumstances. Also, I don't think she is in a position to refuse contact and no judge will permit that. From what you have said the court order doesn't specify a certain date for you to return them so it's your DH's word against her's on that one. I think a judge would be very interested in the fact that she is being completely unreasonable and essentially dumped the kids on you for the whole summer despite the fact that you are pregnant and has only called the kid's twice. I must admit being in such a similar situation to you I would be inclined to call her bluff. I can't tell you how much happier DH and I are since we stopped dancing to SD's Mum's tune. We've only had one text (which wasn't particularly abusive) in the past 4 weeks. Bliss! Sending you :hugs:

Asher - stupid bloody MW - why make a promise they can't keep it's not as if you have changed the month you are giving birth is it? I thought that if you said you wanted a homebirth they have a duty to facilitate under the maternity charter?

Optical - thanks hun, I'm feeling better about it today. I'm not going to worry about it any more. I haven't done anything to deserve this and I'm not going to feel bad about it.

Emzy - sounds like you are doing fab to me :hugs: well done x

Choc and Drazic - hope your appointments go well

F&C - I was so bored yesterday. I went to M&S, Mothercare & Boots in the end. I recommend retail therapy

Lilia - glad all is well now

Babythinkpink - have fun packing your hospital bags

Ok now I think I have caught up with everyone else - I can share my news. I have been for my 36 week scan this morning and

my baby has turned around and is now head down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::headspin::wohoo::cloud9:
I am so happy and relieved. Baby is still on the average line and estimated weight is 5lb9oz and has lots of hair apparently
Awww congratulations hun :wohoo: :wohoo: Thats AMAAAZZINNNGG news!!!!
Wow MrsJ thats great news! That moxi-whats its called must have been good :)

Opticalillu5 :hugs: have a lazy day it will make u feel better!

Choc - Congrats on 37 weeks !

Louise - I would be inclined to aggree with MrsJO8, and call your SS's mums bluff. You and hubby don't need the stress of driving etc on the 3rd whether baby is with you or not! She is being unreasonable and i can't see any Judge taking her side!

Mrs Jo8 thats gr8 news hun xxx

Well = my car has officialy died the gearbox has gone just after me spending £400 on it last week bloody thing is now going to cost another £700 BOOOOOOOOOOO!!

I have a health visitor coming round at 3 ..... has anyone else had this already? are they really as bad and strict as people make out? i've scrubbed the house but dont know what to do with the ZOO i live in... lol ... i just know shell have something to say about 5 cats a lizard and a rabbit .... shell just have to put up with it tho because im not getting rid of them i had to rehome my chinchillas and that was bad enough....

any way less that a week till full term now so the countdown can really begin....

how many RLT tablets should i be taking per day for them to work?

Sorry about all the questions lol...

going to walk to the shop to get some milk just incase she wants a cuppa...
Mrs J that is great news!!!! Clever baby! I would go do retail therapy but I don't have a car to get out in and unfortunately now we are only on 1 salary I have to be sensible and only buy necessities. Boo.

Oh Carley, I saw your post on FB. That really is crap timing. I don't think our health visitor will be with us until LO is born. x
:hugs: Carley none of my MWs ever had anything bad to say...but i never had one before baby :wacko:
F&C - the other thing I do to past the time is make lists and if there are things we have to buy spend ages on the internet looking for the best price! Lol!

Now that the baby has moved I will need to sort out a tens machine. I have held off as I didn't want to waste my money if I was going to end up with a C-section. I was going to go with MamaTens, think we might buy rather than rent at they are £30 to rent and £40 to buy on ebay. I figure I could sell it after and probably get £25/£30.

Bekklez - I wonder whether your baby will turn too?

Thanks Mrs J that is a good idea. Maybe I'll research prices on cars!! lol

Have taken up making beaded jewellery which is giving me something to do.
Just wanted to say WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! to MrsJ, what a clever, well behaved little baby you have in there! Thanks for the advice re the ex, we have written her a lovely polite email (on advice from the solicitor yesterday) outlining what's going on, laying it on thick about the baby's arrival etc and how if we can get the children back ourselves we will, but would she please mind making alternative arrangements just in case blah blah blah, not sending it to her solicitor because as you said, he's just typing out the letters and putting her words on to headed paper, there is no order in place or anything. That way, if she was to get a court order, we forward the email we went her to the judge/court, who see how reasonable we have been and how unreasonable she has been and the chances are she'll be told to go jump!

Feel just like you today MrsN, lethargic, tired, headachy and just in the mood to do bugger all!
Big Congrats Mrs J !!!!!!! I am so happy for you WoooHoo. I ordered a tens machine rental from Birthease on the internet they are sending to me at week 37 and can extend for an extra week if needed. The price was better than Mothercare

Louise - How frustrating hope they will listen to you as to why you can't confirm the 3rd... idiots

Mrs N - Sounds like your really struggling at the moment :hugs:

F&C - I'm a Management Accountant which means there are a lot of Ad Hoc requests for me to deal with All the time, I also Manage a team of staff so have alot of problem solving - Hence sometimes my hours slightly over extend :blush:

babythinkpink - Nice tip about the ribbon for BF as my memory is rubbish now adays :)

Question for the day - Does anyone get a sudden very strong pain up by the Cervix ? It almost took my breath away at lunchtime.
Fantastic news MrsJ08!

Hey girls,

Been a mad night for me! Just thought I would update, sorry for the selfish post. Was woken up at 1am with strong back pain, which led onto contractions every 10ish mins. Took paracetamol and got in the bath and rang delivery and they said it sounded like labour and to keep going! Got excited and scared and eventually the pains went down enough for some sleep! They carried on during the night and my bump just plopped down, it's SO low now! So, went to my consultant appointment at 9:30am, they were worried that babe is measuring small so had a scan and a CTG - she is fine, measuring a little small but she has grown enough since the last scan for them to not be concerned. They confirmed that I am in early labour, but they have said it could be a day or a fortnight! I have been walking all around town and contractions are totally irregular, but sometimes they bend me over. Fingers crossed I won't be waiting too long but disapointingly things have calmed down a little - thought I would be having her today :rofl:

As for induction, they have said they won't make me go more than a few days over 40 weeks, but they are hopeful that I will pop before. Please send tonnes of labour dust, I want to get this going now it's sorta started! :hugs:

Sending love to you all - hope you are all coping well -x-x-x-x-

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