****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Emzy i love Matts blogs i was keeping my eye out for his update! Congrats again on beautiful Holly you sound likr you're doing an amazing job :) x x x
Emma i'm expecting the same as last time also :wacko: Its also our family dentist day today :rofl:

I cant remember if anyone posted this here... but its Amy's fundraising thing
Choc no wonder you are pee-ed off! I would say something. There is a reason they check your bloods so why they didn't think of checking them and taking action sooner I have no idea!

:hi: daniellelk! How are you feeling? Any cramps or anything yet?

Thanks for the link Optical, am going to check out the website in a bit. And babythinkpink is right, I was told they didn't sell maternity or nursing bras.

:hi: Emzy! Hope I'll be joining you in mummyhood soon.

Aww Krakir. Have you seen the cat before? It obviously likes you a lot!

Lilia, that's mad! So 'guessing' your measurements is better than measuring you just incase you change size?! Nuts.

Carley thanks for explaining the little man!! I was a little concerned.. lol.

Well I was getting cramps and backache yesterday which got increasingly strong in the evening and were fairly frequent. So DH and I had a hot curry, then I bounced on my ball for blimen ages and then we had some lovely DTD. It felt so odd as was so awkward and I was really expecting my waters to break!

Anyhoo.. as soon as I got in to bed they stopped. I've had the odd one since then but nothing last night. I really thought something was going to happen during the night, as did DH. Maybe he's just dropped a bit lower? My bump looks the same but I think it feels a bit heavier down there, but I could be imagining it.
Morning ladies just a quick update it's my gtt today the sugary drink they give I has made me feel very sick and given my heartburn

Will he calling into my doctors on the way bk from here
To make my complaint not sure if it's worth it I hate complaining lol

Another half hour and it's my second blood test then food mmmmmmmm lol

There's a macdonlds and a subway round the corner from the hospital oooo which one shall I have lol

Have a good day ladies xx
Choc no wonder you are pee-ed off! I would say something. There is a reason they check your bloods so why they didn't think of checking them and taking action sooner I have no idea!

:hi: daniellelk! How are you feeling? Any cramps or anything yet?

Thanks for the link Optical, am going to check out the website in a bit. And babythinkpink is right, I was told they didn't sell maternity or nursing bras.

:hi: Emzy! Hope I'll be joining you in mummyhood soon.

Aww Krakir. Have you seen the cat before? It obviously likes you a lot!

Lilia, that's mad! So 'guessing' your measurements is better than measuring you just incase you change size?! Nuts.

Carley thanks for explaining the little man!! I was a little concerned.. lol.

Well I was getting cramps and backache yesterday which got increasingly strong in the evening and were fairly frequent. So DH and I had a hot curry, then I bounced on my ball for blimen ages and then we had some lovely DTD. It felt so odd as was so awkward and I was really expecting my waters to break!

Anyhoo.. as soon as I got in to bed they stopped. I've had the odd one since then but nothing last night. I really thought something was going to happen during the night, as did DH. Maybe he's just dropped a bit lower? My bump looks the same but I think it feels a bit heavier down there, but I could be imagining it.

Cramp's...lot's of cramp's...lot's of back ache....had cramp's for 3 consecutive day's with back ache, woke up this morning to just have constant back ache and nothing else! Had a tiny bit of bleeding yesturday, which has vanished completly.
Anybody else hate their bodies for playing game's :/
Oh yes the Sept Stars are all little teasers!!! Sounds like you are well on your way though! I wouldn't be surprised if you do still have an August baby. I did originally want mine to hang on until Sept but now I just want him out!! lol
I convinced my self i'll go over...my mum and a few others are addiment i'd be early. Not sure what my OH think's, but he's banned me from driving when i'm on my own!!! He's scared i'l go into labour while i'm out. What he doesn't know wont hurt tho :)
Good morning All,

Nothing exiting to report here!

All my labours have started differently because only the last was natural, the others were induced for one reason or another, all late!
My last i just woke up in the night when my waters broke, and then it took 32 hours of not much going on til labour started!

Anyway as promised nothing much to report!

Looks like another quiet day for me, pj's and chilling!

Have a great day everyone, labour vibes to those wanting them! :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
:hi: Morning everyone! Just popping in to see if we've any more stars yet! It's the 20th August today, so not so long now until September's actually here!

We've got a right little bunch of teasers eh!

I am already fed up of my mum and MIL ringing me early every morning to check if I am in labour. I think it's cos I'm so close to the elusive 37 weeks! I am trying to be polite but potentially there could be weeks more of this!! If I do get to midnight tonight and get to my 37, I am trying every eviction method going, if only to escape the mothers ringing every day 3 and 4 times a day!!! :haha:

Off to get showered now, popping in to work with the boys this morning, then swimming later.

Have a good day all! Choc good luck at the hospital. x
Morning all! What, no babies?! What's going on!! I blame Emzy, she's stopped everything!!

:hugs: to all the ladies being teased by bodies and babies at the moment! I'm not really having any cramping, occasionally in the night but it's so faint I feel I must be imagining it! We DTD last night (sorry for tmi) but I was flagging to be honest, we didn't go up to bed till 11.45pm so I was shattered and told DH that we might have to leave it and he looked crushed! SO in the end I agreed that he could go for it but the rules were no foreplay and he had to be quick, to which he agreed very quickly!!! Sorry, I think I may share too much!
Was really hoping that I would have some show during the night/this morning but nope, nothing!

We got an email from DH's ex's solicitor again yesterday afternoon, it's really starting to get on my nerves now! It stated that we still need to confirm that we're taking the kids back etc etc and it also added in that contact will be suspended during his deployment ... unsure if that means that once the kids are back with their mum he won't be allowed to see them again even though it should be 4 weeks before he flies out there... otherwise it means that they are suspending contact during the whole 6 months he's there, which means I don't get to see the kids, they don't get to see their sister, or their grandparents or any family on this side... which seems very wrong to me because it is going to be difficult enough for them in the first place! Her solicitor said in the email yesterday that if we did not respond by the end of the day yesterday (email was sent 3.00pm) he would be filing an application to the court. Sorry to keep going on about this girls but it's really getting to me and I need to vent! Poor Wayne has only 6 weeks before he deploys, he's faced with leaving a tiny baby at home and not being able to correspond with his kids as she has said she'll rip up any letters from him, and now he has this to deal with :( It's not fair :(
Morning all! What, no babies?! What's going on!! I blame Emzy, she's stopped everything!!

:hugs: to all the ladies being teased by bodies and babies at the moment! I'm not really having any cramping, occasionally in the night but it's so faint I feel I must be imagining it! We DTD last night (sorry for tmi) but I was flagging to be honest, we didn't go up to bed till 11.45pm so I was shattered and told DH that we might have to leave it and he looked crushed! SO in the end I agreed that he could go for it but the rules were no foreplay and he had to be quick, to which he agreed very quickly!!! Sorry, I think I may share too much!
Was really hoping that I would have some show during the night/this morning but nope, nothing!

We got an email from DH's ex's solicitor again yesterday afternoon, it's really starting to get on my nerves now! It stated that we still need to confirm that we're taking the kids back etc etc and it also added in that contact will be suspended during his deployment ... unsure if that means that once the kids are back with their mum he won't be allowed to see them again even though it should be 4 weeks before he flies out there... otherwise it means that they are suspending contact during the whole 6 months he's there, which means I don't get to see the kids, they don't get to see their sister, or their grandparents or any family on this side... which seems very wrong to me because it is going to be difficult enough for them in the first place! Her solicitor said in the email yesterday that if we did not respond by the end of the day yesterday (email was sent 3.00pm) he would be filing an application to the court. Sorry to keep going on about this girls but it's really getting to me and I need to vent! Poor Wayne has only 6 weeks before he deploys, he's faced with leaving a tiny baby at home and not being able to correspond with his kids as she has said she'll rip up any letters from him, and now he has this to deal with :( It's not fair :(

That sound's horrible :( ATM my OH as just started seeing his daughter after 2year's but his EX is being awkward and making it difficult for him to introduce rest of his family to his daughter (like her uncle, cousin, grandparent's, great grandparents, and her brother when he come's along) he was going to take his neice today, and take them both to a park near EX's (it's supervised by a friend of ex's) but EX is refusing to give permission to take her other then a wacky warehouse...so his daughter is going to have to play in a wacky warehouse 2hour's a week.
Louise how awful hon, its really all you guys need just now :( big :hug:.xxxxxxxxxxx
We got an email from DH's ex's solicitor again yesterday afternoon, it's really starting to get on my nerves now! It stated that we still need to confirm that we're taking the kids back etc etc and it also added in that contact will be suspended during his deployment ... unsure if that means that once the kids are back with their mum he won't be allowed to see them again even though it should be 4 weeks before he flies out there... otherwise it means that they are suspending contact during the whole 6 months he's there, which means I don't get to see the kids, they don't get to see their sister, or their grandparents or any family on this side... which seems very wrong to me because it is going to be difficult enough for them in the first place! Her solicitor said in the email yesterday that if we did not respond by the end of the day yesterday (email was sent 3.00pm) he would be filing an application to the court. Sorry to keep going on about this girls but it's really getting to me and I need to vent! Poor Wayne has only 6 weeks before he deploys, he's faced with leaving a tiny baby at home and not being able to correspond with his kids as she has said she'll rip up any letters from him, and now he has this to deal with :( It's not fair :(

Louise, I would inclined to let them file the application to the court (it will cost her £80 and cost you nothing). As soon as you get a hearing date you can call the court, explain the situation and follow it up with a letter. I honestly don't think that the court will find in her favour under the circumstances and will wonder why she insisted you had the children for the entire holiday's anyway. Just remember her solicitor is only acting on the lies she is telling. If there is one thing that solicitor's hate it's surprises and being lied to. They also don't like losing. It might actually work out better for you because I wouldn't be surprised if the Judge said that contact could continue while your DH is away so that they can see the rest of the family and you. Also, bizarrely if you don't have a solicitor it sometimes works in your favour as we found to our cost. My SD's Mum lost her legal aid so had to represent herself at the final hearing. The frustrating thing was our solicitor couldn't then go for the jugular which is what she deserved because the chances are the court would have felt sorry for her having to represent herself against our "big bad solicitor".
Well she is on legal aid, hence why she can manage to do this almost every time we have the children over a holiday! Wayne has always represented himself and has always stated that his is a father wanting the best for his children... We've replied to the email today stating that she should never have agreed to us picking the children up for the 7 weeks without having arrangements in place because it was in May that we first told her she would have to collect them. On the email we have put that even if the court put an order in for the immediate return (which would be stupid tbh) it still doesn't make it possible as he is still not willing to leave me for so long a matter of days before my due date, and I can't travel for so long due to my SPD! So the only alternative is that we return them when the baby has been born and is out of hospital, which could be any time up to the 19th + September if I go fully over! Unles... lo and behold... she just gets off her fat, lazy arse and gets them herself for the first time in 4 years!!!

Anyway, enough of that now! Sorry ladies I won't bore you with it any more I promise!
:wave: wow 11 baby's now! congratulations to Spelmanmommy :wohoo:

sorry for lack of personals, i have serious jelly fish brain :wacko:

sounds like we have alot of teasing babys here, :hugs: to everyone!

faced a trip to the hospital yestaday, woke up early thursday morning and felt wet n i leaked through my pantyliners onto my pants twice through out the day (sorry tmi, i know) so went to get checked out just incase waters were leaking.

well was put onto a monitor for 20mins at first but they wanted to monitor me for longer due to lack of movements :cry:
while i was been monitored i started having contractions in my back,
(i thought it was the way i was lying :haha:)
so i moved but the pain kept coming in waves taking my breath away at times, This went on for over 25mins.

MW told me to try laying on my side and after about 5mins they eased off!
:dohh: But she said they were deffo contractions i was having.

after over 1hr of monitoring they were happy with babys movments :thumbup:
MW examined me and my waters were still there :wacko:
had sum swobs done just incase i have an infection.

MW said babys head is right down
We mentioned how i went over due with DD
she said "well i definitely don't think you will be with this baby" :happydance:
(i should of asked her why she thought that :dohh:)

today i just feel sore and tired :wacko:

Can i please join the baby teasing club???? xxx
Louise she is such a weird woman :hugs: Seems like she is majorly jealous and is trying to ruin anything you two have :nope:
hi ladies im back to annoy you all , my virign is back on :wohoo:

Louise ure hubbys ex sounds like a horror :grr:

drea congrats on your last box :wohoo: did u get your c section booked ? ive not been in the land of the living and missed it :(

daisybell hope things start soon for u :)

:dust: to every1 who wants it and some for me 2 :haha:

Louise, I agree with Blob that it is jealousy. It's the same with my SD's Mum, we were talking the other day about how she didn't start causing access problems until we got married. It then settled down but started up again with gusto when she discovered I was pregnant. Coincidence? I don't think so..... I've actually started feeling sorry for her because she must spend a considerable amount of time and energy thinking about us and our relationship. We on the other hand don't think about her twice unless something has happened. You only get one life, why you would want to spend it feeling bitter and twisted and sorry for yourself I really don't know.

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