****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Louise, shouldn't the ex's solicitor be addressing all correspondence to your solicitors and via email (?!!), I'm sure it should be a formal letter (ahh just read that your oh is representing himself). Also, how can her solicitors decide about contact with the kids etc? Isn't that for the judge to decide and they would never agree with something so stupid. What a vile woman to say she'd ripe up his letters etc. What good is that going to do anyone?! It would just upset the kids, your oh and you. How selfish can one person be? Would you consider getting a solicitor especially as you are very heavily pregnant and don't need the stress?

Yey to going up a box drea!

Aww Daisybell, it does sound like things are about to happen for you!

Well I had lots of cramps last night and they were quite sizeable. We had some curry, I bounced on a ball and then we DTD. I really thought my waters would break! We were on high alert during the night but here I am.. still pregnant! Am getting a few cramps today but nothing like yesterday.

I went to my 38 week mw appointment this morning and she said it could be the start of things but who knows. Little Fishy is still not engaged but she isn't worried as this could just happen when I go in to labour, but he's definitely still head down! Whoo hoo!

I really hope he's not just teasing me like all these other naughty babies! x
Louise, she sounds like the ex from hell, I am just relieved my dh never had children with his long term ex, and the child he did have prior is nearly 16 and his ex has always been reasonable about it.
It is all jealousy, but the problem is she has the pull on him she needs with the children, it is so wrong the children being used the way she is, the fathers really do get the bum end of the deal, not sure what to suggest except she will always be like this so try and take it in your stride and not let it get you down, she is trying to spoil things and the worst would be to let her.
At the very end of the day when the boys grow up they will resent her behaviour, children are not daft, and she will regret it because they will see its all come from her.
Your antics with dh make me laugh, 'he quickly agreed' :haha: wouldn't they all!! :rofl:

F&C, putting in some good effort there! Baby not getting the hint yet, nice and comfy in there! :hugs:

Drea, YAY! last box, fabbbbbbby! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Apaton, Hi, glad your virgin is all back and running, my bloomin internet is a nightmare, but then we do have 3 laptops, 3 x boxes running off one little box, not usually at the same time but they all intefere with each other!:hugs:

Daisybell, Its all the start of things, naughty baby teasing Mummy, sounds like it wont be long now!:hugs:

Well wriggle bum is back on form, now, i was a bit worried how quiet bump was, i was not getting the BIG movements, but there back now, right from bladder to rib, owchy!

Counting down to September now, legs crossed til then, nothing to encourage labour!:haha:
11 days baby then its ok!
I was just saying to my mum i don't know why i am worried seeing as all my babies have been late, my last really surprised me being on time, i was shocked!

Back later all, :hugs: xx
F&C, just noticed your ticker 13 days to go, oh my, that does seem very soon!! Who is the first star due to reach the 40 weeks first?
Thought you may know that one without me looking through all the tickers!:hugs:
Elmaxie,Fish and chips, Danielle and daisybell it all sounds so close for you guys! I hope things get going properly soon x

Choc- have mcdonalds , i did :)

Louise- im so sorry you are being caused extra stress at what should be a exciting time, its what she wants of course she is obviously jelouse!

Drea- last box Yay !!

im having a quiet day today all i can do really with the every other day hospital trips.
I have had no signs of labour at all just the usual aches and pains, i know im not as far along as some of you but i was told from the beginning about twins coming early and expect them in august they may not hang on until sept but i think they are pretty comfy in there :)
Hello all xx

Louise what a complete jealous bitch, she needs a good kick in the lady garden!! Its just stress you don't need xxx

Apaton, welcome back to the land of the living!!!

Well just been and done the tesco shop, I hate it and I always forget something despite writing a list!! I am making a chocolate fudge cake for my nieces christening on Sunday! I slept quite well but I am sure babys head is further into my crotch! The pain is so sharp and she is moving around, which is not good when trying to shop! I just feel like chilling out with some choccie biscuits and film this afternoon, I feel a bit wiped out and not 100%. Still feeling emotional and anything is making my cry!! What a prat I am!!
Becs I know how you feel, I am crying at everything at the moment! I cried half an hour ago because DH told the boys he was going to put the tent up in the garden for them this afternoon and I had planned on going for a walk as I'm not in too much pain! He was most concerned, although I hadn't told him my ideas so it's not his fault! Also cried because I made ginger snaps and they completely stuck to the greaseproof paper, and seeing DH and the kids attempting to peel them off it and then just giving up and eating the paper made me feel a total failure!!! Bloody hormones!!

Thanks for words of support/encouragement regarding the ex, I know it's jealousy and all stems around the fact that she doesn't want the kids to meet the baby, however they are desperate to and they will know the truth,, especially if they don't get to meet her till Wayne gets back!

I'm so bored today, I really don't know what to do with myself! DH is clearing out the shed and doing skip runs and doing all sorts in the garden with the kids, I feel like a total spare part just watching! Grrr!

Fishy, hang in there he will be here soon! He's obviously showing you that he does know what to do, but is still waiting a little longer before doing it! I'm with you on the dates too, I originally really really wanted her to be a September baby not August but now... now I just want her here TODAY!!

BabyTP I think Blob and Apaton are going to reach 40 weeks firstest? I'm pretty sure Blob is first in line!

Was going to write more but not now because laptop just went back to last page and I thought I'd lost all this so going to post before I lose it and cry again!!
Hello all xx

Louise what a complete jealous bitch, she needs a good kick in the lady garden!! Its just stress you don't need xxx

Apaton, welcome back to the land of the living!!!

Well just been and done the tesco shop, I hate it and I always forget something despite writing a list!! I am making a chocolate fudge cake for my nieces christening on Sunday! I slept quite well but I am sure babys head is further into my crotch! The pain is so sharp and she is moving around, which is not good when trying to shop! I just feel like chilling out with some choccie biscuits and film this afternoon, I feel a bit wiped out and not 100%. Still feeling emotional and anything is making my cry!! What a prat I am!!

oooh fancy sending some cake this way :)
I feel really hot and just bleurgh!!! Been for a walk with Murphy and now watching a film, put some spuds in the oven for tea and now I can't be bothered to do anything else!! Hormones just suck!!
Babythinkpink, well there are a few 'imposters' (he he) that are actually due in August then there are some of us due on the first like Angelztears, then there are those due on the 2nd like me! I think Blob and Teeny Weeny are due in August? It's really not long until my EDD but I got it in to my head ages ago that Little Fishy would be early so am constantly on alert now.

Becs... ummm... chocolate fudge cake... yum! Try and take it easy hun. I've given up trying to do anything now. I just can't manage physically.

Louise what a horrible woman she is! Hope karma really hits her hard. And as said kids aren't stupid and she will end up a lonely person who's kids don't trust her!!
Bless your hormones. But how sweet they ate the paper lol either they are great biscuits or they love you alot, or both!!

I would have gone macdonalds but since that was hours ago choc will have chosen lol

cannot for the life of me remember anything else and I am on my pod so can't scroll down etc...so sorry if I have missed anyone!

Well I officially hate my body!
Day 4 of on off contractions, really painful constant period pain which every time I go to loo I think I will "find" something in my knickers but no, on off backache and for the last few weeks I have had bad bad wind (bad dead cattle type smell too...so sorry for tmi!!) and today I visited my mum and had to run to loo where the world fell out my bottom!!
Considering I am on a high dose of iron tablets 3 times a day, being sick every morning unable to eat/drink some times surely I should have the oppsite??
So now am in my bed feeling mega tired and sicky and just not right.
My mum predicted I would have baby tomorrow and I have told her after the last 4 days if she is wrong I might sue and divorce her lol

right am going to try and nap...just so glad OH is on his days off!!

Hugs and labour dust to everyone!xx
Asher I can't believe your 37 weeks tomorrow, I think it's great as you have been early both times before... I agree get on the eviction process

Louise :hugs: I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Please dont apologise either, I think your being very strong for your husband and it cant be easy for either of you having such a bitter woman in your lives

Daisybell - I think your day yesterday deserves you to join the baby teasing club. Hope beby decides what its upto soon

Apaton glad you have finally got your broadband sorted !i assume you've moved into your new home now? or are you still at your mums until the boys finish there DIY?

Babythonkpink - Ive been thinking the same about my baby movements the past 2 days, they are still moving but quiter movements than normal. Im hoping my comes back like yours have. I think it might the less space in there

Drea congrats on being on the last box !!

1st day off and so far today I have:
Done Washing up, sorted Clothes washing, Changed the bed, went into tpwn and bought a body shop massager for labour as DH complains his hands hurt after 2 mins lol, M&S fancy food for weekend. The best thing went to Lush and bought loads of smellys for bath and shower to then be given £10 worth of full size samples, I'm so happy :)
Off to clean the kitchen now !!

Need to ask.... what are people doing regarding visitors once baby is born? The reason im asking is SIL and family has invited themselves over on 16th Oct and asked our in laws to come over too. The thing is I dont want them to travel 4 hours to see us and book hotel etc if the baby is 14 days late as this would be our first weekend together and dont want the added pressure of 6 people visting at the same time in very small terrace house when im trying to get into routine and try and BFand settle into being a first time mum.... am I worrying about this too much ??? Is it because I dont actually get on with my SIL compared to the rest of DH's family???? I just dont want to be put on added stress??

Just had a call from DH who basically says i'm being irrational and how dare I stop his family from visiting.... im not I just would of preferred the following weekend incase baby is late... now crying and fed up
Hi ladies,
Hope your all well & coping in this humidity!

Thanks for all the hugs yesterday, it was a difficult day with tears on & off. I bought my brother a minature rose bush which is under his phot in the kitchen now & i'm going to buy him a rose tree from Tufty once the little one is here :thumbup:.

I re-packed Tufty's bag today but it still isn't big enough (although i am trying to squeeze everything into the changing bag :haha:) might have to get the small case down & combine our bags - at least it has wheels too which will help when we go in & come back out!

Carley - i've felt increasingly sweaty for a while now - an hour in a top & i have wet patches :blush:

Choc :hugs: must be our area! :growlmad: It explains you not being at aqua natal - i thought you'd just fallen asleep again :haha: Hope all goes well today hun :hugs:

Does anyone know if it safe for someone to have a CT scan and then be in contact with pregnant ladies...im sure it will be fine but someone at work is expecting twins and is 15 weeks and she has asked if someone who is going for a ct scan on Monday will be ok to come back to work because of the radiation?!?!?! I never even gave it a thought!
Yes CT scans are safe as long as they don't inject a radiation dye hun, i had a CT myself at the beginning of my 3rd trimester :thumbup:

Cramp's...lot's of cramp's...lot's of back ache....had cramp's for 3 consecutive day's with back ache, woke up this morning to just have constant back ache and nothing else! Had a tiny bit of bleeding yesturday, which has vanished completly.
Anybody else hate their bodies for playing game's :/
When you say bleeding what do you mean? Bloody loss (i.e plug) or actual fresh bleeding?

Louise :hugs: she sounds like such a cow hun! Hang in there & i hope Karma comes & bites her in the ass very quickly for you :thumbup:

mmmmmm i want cake too! with icing on it please :winkwink:

Aww elmaxie - your not having the best of times are you hun, lets hope it's all signs of something happening eh! Iron tablets can push you either way hun - i'm more regular now than i've ever been :wacko: & i must admit i'm with you on the wind front too :blush: DH not at all impressed :haha:

Last but not least I WANT :sex: aarrggghhhhhhh! Damn thrush!!! Bloody hormones:growlmad: Stoopid body!!! gggrrrrrrr
Emma, poor you. I know what you mean about wind tho and going to the loo!!

Fishy, I am relaxing. Ian has cooked tea so I have been sat on my fat bum!!

Just ccried my eyes out at Marley and Me for the umptenth time!! That film does it to me everytime, doesn't help that I am feeling sooooooo hormonal and fed up! I would quite like my body back now!!!
afternoon girls.
been a very productive day today! well, for dh that is - he's been hanging curtain rails, drilling things into walls etc etc. As for me it took me over an hour to strip the bed and remake it, as I had to do one corner, then rest lol! Think I overdid it yesterday and so struggling today. Still, I slept really well so that's got to be good!

lots of labour dust to all those on high alert! :dust:
Jellycat - i've told my parents they can visit the day we come home (DH parents are in Ireland so they won't be around) then NO visitors until a week later. Hoping this will give us time to adjust to being a family & get into some sort of routine & enjoy each other before DH goes back to work. Then my parents are coming back after that week & Mom is hanging around until i'm happy & confident being on my own whilst DH is at work. Told everyone else they can visit all they like once DH is back at work & i'm sure i'll appreciate their company more by then.
Hope this helps sweetie

Right - i'm off to make an apple crumble mmmmmmm
I am so hot hot hot!!! I feel so clamy and sweaty and its not nice!!!
Jellycat I wouldn't want anyone staying over until weeks after labour. My in-laws have said they will stay in a hotel. Also they have agreed not to make any arrangements until after the LO has arrived as we have no idea when that will be. x
Limpets - Thanks Ive calmed down now , we had agreed the same thing a couple of days ago ie yes to parents but others would need to wait a week or two. Just annoys me SIL invites herself and others and DH says its fine.... Im sure my husband is selectively deaf at times....... I love apple crumble

F&C Thanks, its good to know im not over reacting and being hormonal... I think its being practical
I haven't even thought about visitors tbh!! As we live on camp and we have to phone the guradroom to let visitors on I think we will visit people, just easier then we can stay as little or as long as we want lol!!!

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