****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Thanks girls, fingers crossed the BHs will transform into real contractions, I am fed up of this rock hard bump! Poor kid!

hope everyone else is all good :)
Bekks, lovely pics xx

Limpets, not just me that gets late night munchies then! xx

Blob, omg 9 days!:happydance:

Rocky, another star on the way then! :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
Aww Drazic - got my fingers crossed for you hun! I bet the babies start arriving over the weekend as i don't tend to come online :dohh:

Not sure if my bump is starting to drop a little as i constantly feel pressure on my bladder with dull lower back ache now. Not expecting Tufty to come any time before my due date though - since i've accepted that i feel much better about things. Still need to wash all the moses basket sheets but it's predicted rain all weekend, will struggle to dry DH's work clothes let alone any baby items - how the hell will i manage one Tufty is here??? I can't bear to have the heating on yet - it's far too humid! :dohh:
That's great news Rocky! How are you feeling about it?

Drazic, hope the real thing kicks in soon for you. :hugs:

Bekklez those photos are lovely. x
Argh!!!!!! I'm so sorry, ignore this post, it's going to be more of the same regarding this horrible ex situation! You might want to read on past while I vent!!

Another email from her solicitor this afternoon. Very threatening. Says that DH is being irresponsible and putting the children's schooling in jeopardy (?!) and that his client has been more than flexible! Solicitor reckons that the arrangements were that we were taking the kids back on the 28th August - which has NEVER been mentioned, it has always been the 5th Sept! We had a text from bitch face on Tuesday saying could we possibly make it the 3rd rather than 5th so that proves it was never the 28th!!! He reckons we are lying through our teeth and that the 28th August was organised so that there would be no problems returning them!! Well... even if that were the date, he still would not be returning them then, she should be collecting them!

He went on to say that she could not collect them even if she wanted to, because DH has spoken to the child benefit and CSA and told them the amount of time he has had the children and therefore her income has lowered, so she can't afford it! WTF>..... so he would be supporting her in LYING about when the children are here?!

The outcome is that the children have to be back by the 23rd August now... Monday... and if not he is applying to the court for their immediate return.. and in his nasty little letter he says that this will result in him having to go to Kent for a hearing AS WELL AS returning them, so surely he should respond maturely by just returning them!!!! What an arsehole! They are NOT going back on Monday! This is doing my head in and it's becoming so impossible to ignore, what are we supposed to do? First thing's first, we're reporting him to the law society as he is so incredibly rude in all his correspondence.. this is the last thing Wayne needs at the moment.

If a judge does so happen to rule they must be returned, then they will be put in a taxi with HALF the fare paid. He is NOT returning them, it's turning almost
into a matter of principle.

If the outcome is in her favour, I will be contacting the SUn and the Mirror, and selling them the story! They will be very intersted to hear that a serving soldier who is about to deploy on a horrible tour as Counter IED Taskforce (bomb finder) in charge of a number of men, has been stopped seeing his children before he goes, cannot communicate with them at all once he's there, all because he would not drive a 5/6 hour trip on the day his daughter was due to be born..... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone know a decent hitman? That is the ONLY solution to this problem I think!!!

Sorry for rant, it's just really doing my head in :( DH is beside himself he just doesn't know what to do!
Hey ladies!!!

You may not know me but I’m bump buddies (in real life) with Mamabird / Brigite and I’m here to update you all!

Well Brig woke up early this morning around 5am to go pee, and she ended up feeling a little gush of fluid when she got up. She wasn’t sure what it was, so she basically just changed her undies and went back to bed.

She decided to go into the hospital this morning to get checked by her midwife… she had two swab tests done and they both showed that her amniotic fluid is in fact trickling!!! She’s a little worried, as she doesn’t know when she started leaking but I have re-assured her that I’m sure it hasn’t been too long! ;) She’s just a worrywart! :hugs: to you Brig! :D

Anyway, she isn’t having contractions yet and her midwife has sent her home to rest to see if things start happening on their own. She is to take her temperature every 4 hours (just to be sure there’s no infection) and basically wait it out. The midwife told her that MOST women with first babies will start labour on their own once their water breaks, but if her contractions don’t start on their own by tomorrow morning then she is to go into the hospital around 9am for an induction!

So no matter what, little miss Peyton will be here this weekend sometime!!! :yipee: and just under 2 weeks early too, lucky bum!!! :haha: I’m so excited for her!!!! And I will update as she updates me!!!

I'm sorry about that psycho hose beast Louise! What a pain in the ass. I'd definetly report that lawyer! I can't offer any advice other than stick to your guns.

F&C- I'm so emotional right now. It's been the longest journey and to know that I have a definite date now, it makes me teary. This is my last weekend before I become a mom. It's so surreal. I'm beside myself. I finally get to meet the little bugger that's made me so miserable and I couldn't be more happy.

WOOHOO Mamabird!
Good luck MamaB, hope Peyton makes an appearance this weekend xxx

Louise, I can't believe a solicitor could act so irresponsibly, you are right for reporting him. What a complete arse. I really feel for you all, why use kids as a weapon?? She really doesn't deserve to be a parent. People like her make me so angry, ggrr!

Woo Hooo Rocky on you getting induced Monday!:happydance:

Woo Hoo MamaBird on your waters trickling...hoping contractions start and you wont have to be induced tomorrow....:happydance:

So thats 2 more stars DEFINATELY on their way:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Gotta admit I am a teensy bit jealous :blush:

But I have woken from a nap and guess what its all stopped bar the period pains.:dohh:I have decided to just give in now and accept my little girl is gonna be a mighty pain in the bum :haha: and just do as she pleases...

Bekks your pics are gorgeous! As for your eyes shut I think its really gorgeous as it looks like your thinking of baby inside:thumbup:

Cant remember anymore:blush:

Better head off and get tea as its almost ready...nothing exciting at all just chicken, veg and potatos. Not even got a nice pudding like a yummy crumble cooking! I looove crumble but gotta have it with cold custard.

Rocky & Mamabird hope you both well pver the next couple of days and look forward to hearing both your stories and seeing pictures of the new arrivals.

Louise - Hope the woman sorts out her issues soon xxx

Bekks - I agree they are lovely photos

Apaton - Sounds like things are definatly getting sorted at your house which is brillant

Becs and Drazic wishing you lots of contractions as both of you sound as if its not long now !!

Babythinkpink - I feel better knowing my inlaws arent coming to the hospital also persuading my mum not to so on the positive my situation could be worse lol. Spoke to DH and now appreciates where I am coming from ummmmm wonder how long that will last

I was thinking the same thing about where do we go after this.... is there a sept baby group , which forum would most people use?

Ive just eaten a punnet of cherries which has cheeed me up yummy
Go Brigitte.. whoo hoo!!! So excited for you hun and also am a little jealous. All my bump buddies are having babies! xx

Louise, I think he's only being like this as he's dealing with your oh directly and not a solicitor. I definitely think you should report him and I think selling the story to a tabloid is a good idea. I would get some legal advice again and this all seems insane. You could go back with harassment, which is what my bosses wife did after receiving correspondence demanding answers on a particular issue. If he's any decent solicitor he would know to back off.. harassment, pregnancy, deployment etc etc. He sounds like a right idiot.. is he definitely qualified and not just a friend of hers?

Rocky, I'm not surprised you're feeling emotional. It's completely mental when you think about what is about to happen. :hugs: Enjoy your weekend and take things as easy as possible whilst you can. xx
Ooooh :wohoo: Brigitte thats fab news!!!!! :yipee:

Louise OMG what a cow :grr: :grr:
good luck mama bird and rocky for monday :thumbup:

i feel the same every1 around me is having babies, im just building my crib (well im watching):wohoo:

bekks gorgeous pics:thumbup:

more :dust: for ladies who are term :wohoo: xxx
Babythinkpink, well there are a few 'imposters' (he he) that are actually due in August then there are some of us due on the first like Angelztears, then there are those due on the 2nd like me! I think Blob and Teeny Weeny are due in August? It's really not long until my EDD but I got it in to my head ages ago that Little Fishy would be early so am constantly on alert now.

Becs... ummm... chocolate fudge cake... yum! Try and take it easy hun. I've given up trying to do anything now. I just can't manage physically.

Im due in August too :) but 31st so at the very end lol

Asher I can't believe your 37 weeks tomorrow, I think it's great as you have been early both times before... I agree get on the eviction process

Louise :hugs: I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Please dont apologise either, I think your being very strong for your husband and it cant be easy for either of you having such a bitter woman in your lives

Daisybell - I think your day yesterday deserves you to join the baby teasing club. Hope beby decides what its upto soon

Apaton glad you have finally got your broadband sorted !i assume you've moved into your new home now? or are you still at your mums until the boys finish there DIY?

Babythonkpink - Ive been thinking the same about my baby movements the past 2 days, they are still moving but quiter movements than normal. Im hoping my comes back like yours have. I think it might the less space in there

Drea congrats on being on the last box !!

1st day off and so far today I have:
Done Washing up, sorted Clothes washing, Changed the bed, went into tpwn and bought a body shop massager for labour as DH complains his hands hurt after 2 mins lol, M&S fancy food for weekend. The best thing went to Lush and bought loads of smellys for bath and shower to then be given £10 worth of full size samples, I'm so happy :)
Off to clean the kitchen now !!

Need to ask.... what are people doing regarding visitors once baby is born? The reason im asking is SIL and family has invited themselves over on 16th Oct and asked our in laws to come over too. The thing is I dont want them to travel 4 hours to see us and book hotel etc if the baby is 14 days late as this would be our first weekend together and dont want the added pressure of 6 people visting at the same time in very small terrace house when im trying to get into routine and try and BFand settle into being a first time mum.... am I worrying about this too much ??? Is it because I dont actually get on with my SIL compared to the rest of DH's family???? I just dont want to be put on added stress??

Just had a call from DH who basically says i'm being irrational and how dare I stop his family from visiting.... im not I just would of preferred the following weekend incase baby is late... now crying and fed up

I band visitor's for the first week, but I know my mum will just let her self in with who ever she want's :(

Hi ladies,
Hope your all well & coping in this humidity!

Thanks for all the hugs yesterday, it was a difficult day with tears on & off. I bought my brother a minature rose bush which is under his phot in the kitchen now & i'm going to buy him a rose tree from Tufty once the little one is here :thumbup:.

I re-packed Tufty's bag today but it still isn't big enough (although i am trying to squeeze everything into the changing bag :haha:) might have to get the small case down & combine our bags - at least it has wheels too which will help when we go in & come back out!

Carley - i've felt increasingly sweaty for a while now - an hour in a top & i have wet patches :blush:

Choc :hugs: must be our area! :growlmad: It explains you not being at aqua natal - i thought you'd just fallen asleep again :haha: Hope all goes well today hun :hugs:

Does anyone know if it safe for someone to have a CT scan and then be in contact with pregnant ladies...im sure it will be fine but someone at work is expecting twins and is 15 weeks and she has asked if someone who is going for a ct scan on Monday will be ok to come back to work because of the radiation?!?!?! I never even gave it a thought!
Yes CT scans are safe as long as they don't inject a radiation dye hun, i had a CT myself at the beginning of my 3rd trimester :thumbup:

Cramp's...lot's of cramp's...lot's of back ache....had cramp's for 3 consecutive day's with back ache, woke up this morning to just have constant back ache and nothing else! Had a tiny bit of bleeding yesturday, which has vanished completly.
Anybody else hate their bodies for playing game's :/
When you say bleeding what do you mean? Bloody loss (i.e plug) or actual fresh bleeding?

Louise :hugs: she sounds like such a cow hun! Hang in there & i hope Karma comes & bites her in the ass very quickly for you :thumbup:

mmmmmm i want cake too! with icing on it please :winkwink:

Aww elmaxie - your not having the best of times are you hun, lets hope it's all signs of something happening eh! Iron tablets can push you either way hun - i'm more regular now than i've ever been :wacko: & i must admit i'm with you on the wind front too :blush: DH not at all impressed :haha:

Last but not least I WANT :sex: aarrggghhhhhhh! Damn thrush!!! Bloody hormones:growlmad: Stoopid body!!! gggrrrrrrr

Just a few little spot's of fresh blood, but had no more since yest :)

AFM - more back ache and cramping today :/ been at my MIL's since 1ish...she's decided i'm in slow labour but I refuse to believe that..
Wanted to go out with my mum and some other's tonight, but OH as used all my diesel and not got any money to put some more in...he's told me to go still, but i'v told him no because what if I go, use the last bit of disel then go into labour tonight and we haven't got the diesal in to get to the hospital.

I fancy choc cake but got non :(
yay for mamabird good luck love!

Yay for You to Rocky you must be thrilled ? x

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