****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Rocky - great news about your induction

Mamabird - :wohoo: good luck

I predict 4 baby's this weekend

Louise - what can I say? The solicitor sounds like a complete cowboy - have you had any telephone contact from him? Often solicitor's who are paid via legal aid are quite adversarial in their approach. Their aim is to make as much money out of the situation as possible and can charge per letter written. The tone of his email and approach is extremely un-professional and I think the court would be very interested in seeing copy's of the correspondence. Even if he goes ahead and get's a hearing scheduled you can contact the court explain that you can't make that day due to your impending childbirth and the distance involved. (My DH refused to attend on one of the dates he was scheduled to) When are the boy's due to go back to school? This could be a potential issue which would go against you, but the only one I could anticipate. Worse case scenario is this - she get's the order made against you and your DH doesn't return the children on the date specified. There isn't a lot that can be done because he has parental responsibility. Worse ways the police turn up and take the kids back to their Mum for you. Ok so your DH could be held in contempt of court (very unlikely) but he would only get a telling off, more than likely nothing would happen. If we were in your situation we would call her and her unprofessional solicitors bluff and ride it out. Hope this helps :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Sorry haven't had the chance to catch up properly. Just wanted to let you know that I am now home, waiting it out for the next 18ish hours. Either way by tomorrow 9am I will be at the hospital, either because labour started naturally or to be induced.

I was quite shocked when my MW said that I was trickling...I pretty much just went in for peace of mind. And now I am being induced in less than 24 hours. Have to admit that I am now scared. It seems like it all happened so fast! lol

I will try to keep you all posted as best as I can.

So much chatting today!

Louise, I can't believe that yet again you're going through this! Your OH's ex is a complete and utter nutter!! You have all my hugs!

Bekklez fab piccies, you are really very photogenic, lovely lovely pics.

Argh Mamabird and RockyRacoon! Two more babes to be born very soon!!

I am twingeing and niggling away tonight. Going to bed soon as all the cramping is doing my head in!
Seems weekends are good for the stars!!!! Its all very exciting!!!!

Asher, full term tomorrow!!!!!!

MamaB good look for the next 24 hours!!!

I just know that I will be late, she is just teasing!!
sorry to bother you with a question but anyone suffering with bad stretch marks? i have some very low down that are puffy feeling, i cant see them but dh says there ok but he wouldnt know :)
Ive had quite a few stretch marks appear the the past 3 weeks even though ive been applying loads of oil. Mine are all red at the moment though and not puffy.

I had some before pregnancy
Thanks Ladies,

Just wanted to let you all know that I started a thread in 3rd Tri titled "My water broke" so MommyKC or whoever will update that thread instead of updating 3-4 different threads. :hugs:

Asher just hold on a few more hours and then they have to come out to you :hugs:
Louise :hugs: it must be a real strain on things with all of you at the moment. Don't you dare apologise for ranting - it's what were all on a forum for isn't it? (bit of mutual support). Tell your DH to get me a snipers rifle & i'll do it :thumbup: always fancied myself as a sniper for some reason :wacko:.
Are you saving your texts? Can you upload them to your pc to use as evidence? I know some phones come with the computor software to save such data :shrug:.
If he's any decent solicitor he would know to back off.. harassment, pregnancy, deployment etc etc. He sounds like a right idiot.. is he definitely qualified and not just a friend of hers?
He will be claiming for each little ounce of correspondance sent hence the harrasment - definately report him to whoever is the governing body for solicitors :thumbup: (haha just seen your response to this too MrsJ08 :winkwink:)

MommyKC - thank you sooo much for updating us, give brigette :hugs: won't you :happydance:

Just a few little spot's of fresh blood, but had no more since yest
The only reason i asked is because i thought it wasn't the norm to have just plain bleeding (a bloody show yes) it's in maternity notes to let the midwives know if you get bleeding sweetie - just checking all is ok is all :hugs:
If you go into labour you can always call an ambulance to get to the hospital, please don't risk running out of fuel mid way :wacko:

Genies - they might feel puffy to you where the skin is stretched - can you not see with a mirror? :hugs:
Louise :hugs: it must be a real strain on things with all of you at the moment. Don't you dare apologise for ranting - it's what were all on a forum for isn't it? (bit of mutual support). Tell your DH to get me a snipers rifle & i'll do it :thumbup: always fancied myself as a sniper for some reason :wacko:.
Are you saving your texts? Can you upload them to your pc to use as evidence? I know some phones come with the computor software to save such data :shrug:.
If he's any decent solicitor he would know to back off.. harassment, pregnancy, deployment etc etc. He sounds like a right idiot.. is he definitely qualified and not just a friend of hers?
He will be claiming for each little ounce of correspondance sent hence the harrasment - definately report him to whoever is the governing body for solicitors :thumbup: (haha just seen your response to this too MrsJ08 :winkwink:)

MommyKC - thank you sooo much for updating us, give brigette :hugs: won't you :happydance:

Just a few little spot's of fresh blood, but had no more since yest
The only reason i asked is because i thought it wasn't the norm to have just plain bleeding (a bloody show yes) it's in maternity notes to let the midwives know if you get bleeding sweetie - just checking all is ok is all :hugs:
If you go into labour you can always call an ambulance to get to the hospital, please don't risk running out of fuel mid way :wacko:

Genies - they might feel puffy to you where the skin is stretched - can you not see with a mirror? :hugs:

it was really tiny spot's so im not worrying over it :)
Nah im not going to run out of fuel...that's why Im not going because i don't want to be too low on fuel :)
Soak in the bath was way better:)
spent thursday night in hospital as i was having contractions and dialated to 2.5 cm and they wanted to get the steroids into me for baby's lungs. Doctor has said now if the baby comes they wont try and stop it again with the uterus relaxant pills. So i just went for a massive walk coz i want this baby out! Ive started getting some more tightenings and period sort of pains in my back and belly so hopefully it all progresses and my lil boy will be here this weekend.

congrats to all the new mummies!!!
Rockyraccoon, mamabird and Deirdre ..Im sooooooooo excited for you all... ill be glued to the lap top waiting for updates

Bekks- amazing photos !!

Geniesgirl- I got major stretch marks when i had my son, if they are below your belly button they will be small and easy to hide, you have been really lucky having twins and only have small ones...If it gets you down let me know and ill send you photo of mine which are 12 years old and i promise you, you will feel better about yours....lol

I have been getting BH for the first time (which i know was BH) all evening and decided im not a fan of them at all !!!!, I had a hot bath, I got out and was sick, i leaked watery discharge every time i coughed up.. so attractive !!!
Thank you all kind ladies for words of advice! I have just finished writing it all down and the information has gone to the law society, our local MP, The Sun, THe Mirror and the local papers where the solicitor is! Feel a bit better now, we have to just forget about it until Monday and see what happens from there on in!

I can't believe we have a promise of 2 new babies this weekend! GOod luck to Brig and raccoon, hope it all goes smoothly for you and can't wait to see pictures! So jealous! Also diedre, hope things get moving for you again soon!

Genies :hugs: I'm sure they are fine, I'm sure your DH would tell you otherwise!

Limpets :hugs: if he had access to a sniper rifle I think he'd have done the job himself a long time ago!

Can't remember anything else, sorry, brain is mush after tonight!
Hi girls

Sorry for the really selfish post, but I've had a horrible day :cry: I posted yesterday to say about Holly's jaundice and they took bloods and decided that she didn't need phototherapy at hospital but to put her in the window and to ring the midwife today if she got any worse. She had a really good day and fed really well and started looking a bit more alert and less jaundiced by the evening. Then overnight, suddenly she decided she didn't want to feed at all and became really limp and sleepy.

I rang the midwife and we ended up going to hospital, where they ran a few tests. It broke my heart as they took a load of blood and put a little canula in her hand and she bled everywhere and was screaming. Basically I spent the entire day in tears as she couldn't feed as she was so sleepy and this was just making her worse and in the end the paediatrician said that I need to top up her feeds with formula at least until she is better. I was totally gutted as I've been working really hard to breastfeed but as she's so sleepy because of the jaundice she's not been feeding very well on the breast and so my milk supply has gone down a bit. So now I'm offering the breast, then expressed breast milk in a bottle (I can't get very much off though), then topping up with formula. As gutted as I am, I'm relieved that she is now getting enough food and already seems more content. The midwife is coming out tomorrow to check her and she will be re-weighed on Sunday (she has lost more than 11% of her birth weight, which is nearly considered underweight) and they are hopeful that the top up feeds will improve the jaundice.

Anyway, sorry for the big old rant there, just needed to get it off my chest.

Hope you girls are all ok xx
Emzy what a horrid day you had glad your home now, dont beat yourself up if you end up formula feeding as long as she is eating thats the main thing.
Hopefully you will all have a better day tommorow.

Jellycat, Lady Kara, Louise thankyou for your replys about stretch marks, im not too concerned my bikini days are long gorn its just these ones i can feel and cant see, but the bottom of my bump is so low i can rest it on the sofa when sitting so they probably being rubbed.

Its 2.23 in the morning and laying down on either side cuts off so much circulation i can move so after two hours sleep im uo again nearly cried when i discovered we had no ribena left , my staple early morning drink.

Im basically just rambling away the cats with me for company x
Hello everyone!
I tried to catch up with the 8-9 pages today and I just don't have the energy.
I am seriously getting my ass kicked by this pregnancy this week. I am just so tired.
I had kind of a weird week at work. It was just so hard to be there. It took every ounce of energy I had to get myself to concentrate. I still got heaps of things done, but I would leave everyday feeling absolutely drained.
It's now Friday evening and I have a few hours to myself before I collapse.
If one of the cats disturbs me, let alone my naughty little toddler, so help me god, I am shutting myself in my room and I am not coming out.
I have had it.
I am done.
I have exactly enough energy to recharge myself with some mindless TV or a book, then I am crawling into bed for an uninterrupted sleep. :growlmad:
All pets and children (born and un-) had better not push it!

Okay, with what I did manage to read:

Louise, I have no patience or tolerance for people who use their children as a means for vicious and vindictive behaviour against an ex. It is despicable. I hope she gets her hand smartly slapped by a court soon. That is really just disgusting, threatening to rip up letters from her children's father. What a piece of shit.
That got me all riled up, but then I read your description of crying because they were all eating the cookies stuck with paper and I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why but it's just so funny to picture that. :rofl: Thank you! I needed to stop feeling so grumpy and mad and that did the trick. :)
Good luck 123Deirdre!

Ladykara keep an eye on that watery discharge. If it carries on like that I would call your mw.

Aww Emzy, didn't Little A have the same problem with her LO? I hear it's quite common. I would speak to a BF counsellor but I understand that a lot of people have to top up with formula in the beginning but if you keep expressing, even if it's just a small amount, then you should be able to just switch back shortly. Lots of :hugs:. It must be so hard to see your LO crying.

Oh Sara don't worry I felt like that and still do on days. Just try and take it as easy as possible. I can't remember if you are working or not?

I keep having weird dreams about the floor moving or something being inside me and I've just realised it's probably the baby moving in my sleep causing them!
Louise..massive :hugs:...I nearly cried when I read your post. Some people don't deserve children and she is one of them. I can't even imagine how difficult it is for you knowing DH is being deployed let alone dealing with her crap. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Good luck MamaBird and Rocky on the impending arrival of your little ones, may you have quick and easy deliveries!

I have 10 days and counting and have decided that my little man will not be early and I will just have to accept that and the induction. :cry: With every day that passes it is becoming increasingly more unlikely. :nope:

The only thing that stops me being so fed up is that I waited so long for this and my miracle baby that a few days is not a lifetime and he will be so worth it when he makes his appearance. I should shut up and just enjoy being pregnant as it is a blessing to have him in my tummy.
One of our friends is half way through her 2 week wait after IVF and desperate to be pregnant so when I think of her I realise just how lucky we are anyways. xx

I think I am going to take the dog out for her walk, then bath her and do the housework. I want to be in bed but OH could not find his car key and did 'man' looking...needless to say I found it without problem! lol

I'll be checking by for updates on any new september stars...come on ladies! xx
Go Louise!!!!! I don't blame you, karma is a wonderful thing x

Genies, I know how you feel about circulation. I can sleep a few hours on my side but when I wake my hips and pelvis hurt so much and I can hardly get up!! I am fine during the day no pains in my hips! Have tried all the methods with pillows etc and nothing works so I guess this is just me till baby arrives! I can't imagine how painful things are for you with 2 LO's xxx

Emzy, hope baby Holly is ok xxx What a horrible day for you xx

Sarah, nice to hear from you xx

I slept ok last night, just my damn bloody hips, pelvis and back!! I keep trying all the methods that the physio gave us at our antenatal class to get comfy and be supportive but nothing works!!!! I am ok in the day its just when I get into bed!! Its like she doesn't want me to sleep, I feel so sorry for Ian as I make so much huffing and puffing trying to get up lol! Just had some bagels for breakfast and just gonna relax for a bit on the sofa while Ian is still in bed!!

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