****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I was just wondering, what're you ladies wearing this summer? I'm really, really liking maxi dresses at the moment with a bit of a boho feel about them. I really loved the green dress Emzy posted the other day, I think it was Emzy anyway.
Over the last few weeks I've noticed all of my clothes have gotten really tight on me and I feel like I look awful! I don't actually have any maxi dresses, because I can't find any that look right on me.

Every maxi dress that I've tried on so far doesn't look right, I'm begining to wonder if I can pull one off at all with my body shape. For a start my boobs won't fit in most of them because they're now too big and they look REALLY baggy and huge around my wasit, so I can't buy a smaller size because my boobs are too big but I can't wear a bigger size because that'd drown me and look tentish. :haha:

This one's really nice

ive got some summer dresses not maxi ones though, i also got linen trousers from asda maternity :thumbup: sometimes i just wear jeans with a bumpband and a long vest top lol although jeans hardley go over my bum now :blush::haha: xx
I have a few maxi dresses that I put with different belts etc!! They are sooooo comfy!!
I like that one, where is it from??

I am so pissed off with one of my mates here, I used to go to Mums and tots with her on a Tuesday and Thursday, but the past couple of weeks I haven't been as I have been busy, well she goes running with another wife on camp, anyways I was just out putting some rubbish in the bin and she walked past and didn't even speak! I am so sick of making an effort with people. I went out of my way to welcome her here when they moved as our husbands work together. I think I must have 'use me' written over my face. Well thats it for me, I am looking out for number 1. Not once has she made the effort to pop round mine etc.
bekkels where is that from its gorgeous?,
becs just put your self first and ignore ignorant people ! xx
Becs + Apaton - I haven't got a clue, wish I knew. I just ninja'd it from google images as an example. :haha:
Forgotten who posted this originally already...but I had my money in my bank from the HIP grant before I received my letter. It took about a week. xx
I have officially reached 3rd Tri so excited to be here
hey all!!

Was at the midwife today and she said baby is measuring big for dates!! So im back in 2 weeks to check growth again!

Im hoping Lego just had a grow spurt and will have evened out by then
Ooo, thanks girls. I'll go and check my bank. I want the money to be there, but I am poorer than I thought if it is! :dohh:

I need to stop buying fluffy bums and actually things she will need, like clothes, and somewhere to sleep :rofl:
That maxi dress is so pretty. I love the look of them although I have the similar 'big boobs' problem. Also I'm quite short so think most of them would be far too long on me (unless anywhere has a petite range).

I've not got my HIP grant yet either. Sent the form of two weeks ago but it hadn't gone in when I checked my account yesterday. Not that I'm desperate for it yet as the inlaws are giving us money for the cot which was what I originally intended to use the HIP grant for. There's plenty of other things for it to go towards though!!
Hey Ladies!

Optical I hope this person turns up for you...it would really annoy me if people were time wasting! I had it a few times with stuff I have sold on gumtree (not exactly the same lol) and you have to wonder about them being so ignorant!

Well, the woman did turn up to view May, and she was a right buggerlugs! I was there saying how good she can be, and she dragged the poor lady all over the place because she wanted to eat the grass! She said she'd call again today, but i'm not holding my breath. OH says that my horsey 'knows' and was being a pain on purpose! I must say, part of me was a little bit pleased :blush:

Hope your scan goes well today Emma! I know what you mean about kid's injections too - I couldn't take DD for hers. I had to take her to the dentist last week too, and could have screamed 'get off my little girl!!!!'. DD was fine, but I didn't like it one bit!

:hi: Congrats to everyone moving over from 2nd tri!!!! :hi:

Aw Teeny, your day sounded awful! Fx today is better for you, and that you can still see ur baby in 4d :hugs:

Drazic - I've checked the bank today and got my HIP money. Not sure when it went in, but I got the letter a few days ago. It's taken a couple of weeks for me I think (but I haven't checked bank for a while).

I too am looking for a dress for 2 wedding night-do's which I have to go to this summer - One of which is a week on saturday. I love that green next maxi dress, but i'm worried that it'll be too daytime-ish for the night do - what do you think?

I've just been for my consultant appointment, and i've got myself all worried. I thought everything was fine - bubs is moving, and we heard the heartbeat etc. Then she measured me and my fundal height is just shy of 26cms - I'm meant to be 27+3 (every time I go to the consultant I get moved forward a day for some reason!). I know it's only a cm (give or take), and I know it's not really accurate, but i'm still worrying! she said everything was normal, but then asked how big DD was (6lb 9, born nearly 3 weeks early), and if i was eating properly! I must admit, last week I didn't eat as much as usual because I didn't 'fancy' anything, but even on my worst day I had 3 meals.

In a panic, I left the hospital and went straight to the fish-shop for a tray of chips and peas. :haha:

I'm having my 4D scan on Sunday, do they measure your baby for you? Or can you ask them to check your dates etc? I know I have to take my notes with me, so Fx they'll see that it's slightly low and check. I've got midwife on 30th June, then consultant again on 20th July.

Hop you're all well today folks :)

Hi Ladies!

Just a quick post to let you know that I have created a September Stars 2010 group on facebook. So for those of you who like to interact on facebook...there is now a place just for us! :-)
I created the group as "closed" so you must request to join. That way we can keep it private. Just search for September Stars 2010!! :-)


I am just back from my scan and clinics.

I wish I could wear those dresses...I need too much strapping and support for my boobs. just glad I| live in Scotland and its a bit cooler.

Optical it must be quite gutting to have to sell your horse...I would be secretly hoping too.:blush:

Becs I would ignore her. Seriously some people just have such crap attitudes and pick you up and put you down when they feel like it...they arent worth the hassle!:hugs:

Scan was great. Still a little girly. She is measuring at 31 weeks:wacko:but then they had Nathan pegged as being well over 10lbs and he was 8lb 11.5oz:shrug:
I am booked in for my next scan in 4 weeks too.

But all is well and am just so chuffed.

Spoke to doctor, dietician, diabetic doctor, midwife and 2 research students. So had a very busy afternoon!
I have lost 0.5lb so have gained 3lbs so far this pregnancy:happydance:

The diabetic doc said my glucose readings were actually ok with a little blip ever so often. So I go every 2 weeks so they can see my readings and she expects me to be on metaformin tablets by my due date....so its not too bad news.
So obviously it wasnt my waters on Saturday I am just a pee the bed...but must admit I dont mind so long as baby is ok...was a bit mortified when I was telling the doc this as I work with her, so now she knows I weed myself:haha:

Finally got the car seat last night and its great!!:happydance:

So hopefully by the end of this week we will have the room painted and we can get the carpet next week on payday.

Better go get all my washing in now and get sorted.

Hi Mamabird, I just requested to join. My name is Catherine Slater if you don't recognise it. Thanks x
Evening ladies, after a big mix up at the hospital I had to have another anti-d injection after I had quite a big bleed last Thursday. I called them friday and they said I didn't need it, then they called yesterday and said I did....so I call them, the MW is not sure, then in the end I had to go in. She put it in my bum and it stung like hell!!! It went in my arm last week and did not hurt one little bit!!!

The MW is concerned that I haven't had my cervix checked as I had this bleed and I am meant to have a risk assesment to detremine whether it needs doing as there may be an increased risk of premature labour. All one big mess on that front. :-(

Bubba is lying awkwardly and my bump hurts, he is quiet today too so I think he has got real comfortable in the worst position ever!

Anyway, off to watch eastenders now!

Hope you are all well. xx
Hi everyone!!
Laura, it hasn't arrived!! Paypal me!
Becs I got yours!
Drazic, my HIP grant just turned up in my bank, I also had one of those "Doh!" moments when I found out I was skinter than I thought!!
Whoever said about the green maxi dress being too daytime for evening do... I wouldn't worry! Just dress it up with pretty shoes and jewellry, you're pregnant, it's difficult finding stuff!

Erm... had more things on my list to say... I typed really fast just so I wouldn't forget too!!

My debit card has stopped working randomly today, which was pants because I NEEDED chips on the way home from work for tea :( Rang the bank and apparently a new card was sent out in April - to my old address!!!!! I wouldn't mind but I bloody changed my address IN BRANCH when I moved a year ago!!!! Argh!! Lucky the people who live there now are honest eh!
Drazic - I checked my bank today, no sign of the grant gone in yet :shrug:

Teeny - I hope you get everything sorted out

Mamabird - Great idea, I've just requested to join :thumbup:

Louise - :dohh: very lucky indeed. Did you manage to get chips?

Just sat down today, I've been out sorting things out at the bank too. My dad's been lovely and given me a cheque to put in. It's quite a lot of money, I've never seen my bank look so full :haha:

Also tried on more maxi dresses and it's safe to say - I can't do maxi dresses! they look AWFUL on me. I think I'm too short and apple shaped for maxi dresses they make me look twice as big around the waist and don't cover my boobs. I just ended up buying a nice new floral top I can wear with leggings and a blue cardigan :thumbup: nice and comfy.

I also found out why my boobs won't fit in dresses. I decided to buy some new bras, ones without the plunges so I'd be more comfortable and I bought them in a D, usually a C and they don't fit me. DD's for me! :shock:! you'd think I'd be happy about it - but I'm not! now I can't fit in to anything and they don't even look that much bigger, all my old C bras still fit ok, just a bit tight :shrug:

ALSO, my OH was tickling my stomache earlier and Ellie was going mad! she was wiggling around everywhere and kicking. He looked so happy with himself and kept saying "Awwwwww! cutie!" it was really nice.

Just had a lovely chicken salad with honey & mustard dressing, it was delish! now i'm gonna go and ruin it by having a huge piece of chocolate fudge cake with cream and watch 2012 with my OH :rofl: yum!
HI LADIES how is everyone?
it took my hip grant just over a week to turn up in my bank account and then i got my letter a couple of days later

i was just wondering how u get the september logo on your signiture as i can't seem to do it thanks

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