****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Evening all!!!

Glad you got it Louise!!! I had that problem with our bank twice last year, bloody useless!! I tried to buy the weekely shopping in tesco once and it got rejected, I was devastated!!

Just been for a nice walk, had a shower and then stuffed my face with malt loaf!!! Had a lush stir fry for tea aswell!! Now watching a bit of Gok!!!

I am on the hunt for a new maxi dress for a dine out in a couple of weeks, found a black one in new look mat range, it has gold beading on it!! Bargain at £22!!!!!!
Just popping in for a quick hello tonight to spy and see how my girls are doing!!

I'm off to Manchester airport soon to pick up the in laws from their Cyprus hols. Joyful but ah well, may as well have the run out!

Hope you're all well tonight, will be back for a proper nosey tomorrow. Oh yeah I need to fill you all in on my physio appointment yesterday re the SPD. What a load of crap it was!!
Holy cow! I know i'm late joining but 47 pages..........i'm not even gonna try to catch up - sorry ladies lol.
Hope i've not missed anything crucial? I dare to think how busy this thread will get once we all start our maternity leave :haha:
Hopefully by then i'll have figured out how to use my new phone so i can access you ladies anywhere i go :thumbup:
Well i've had an uneventful half day off work. Decided to try & get my feet pedicured as they hurt sooooo much! 11 different places i tried, 1 wouldn't treat me in pregnancy :wacko: and the other 10 were fully booked! Does the world have nothing better to do but get their nails done? I ask you! I was fuming mad earlier, i'd walked for miles, making my feet hurt more.......only to find no relief :cry: So i came home & did the ironing instead! Had to take it out on something, scarily i find myself getting very angry very quickly lately - it can't be good for me or bubba!

Rant over!!! :hugs:

I went to see my midwife monday for my 28 week appt. I had my lecture about where bubba should sleep & my breast feeding booklet & dvd heehee. I need a whole section in the filing cabinet for everything she gives me!
Strangely she didn't give me a 'kick chart' should i have had one? Has anyone else got one yet & when did you get it? I don't see her now till i'm 31 weeks.

Finally can anyone help with suggestions for baby shower presents/maternity leave gifts for me? My work want to hold a baby shower for me & a few of the girls & departments are asking for ideas for presents. I have no idea what to tell them as i already have most things until it's born & we know what colour it is :winkwink:. I'm also quite sentimental so i'd like the collection present to be meaningful (if i get another bloody next gift card i'll cry!). The only thing i can think of is a wallaboo wrap whcih i like the look of & wouldn't normally buy myself due to it's cost. Any other ideas? I should have left key things shouldn't i? Like a moses basket or the rocker :dohh: All suggestions greatly appreciated :hugs:

Well i'm off to water my garden (cos it relaxes me) & get DH to figure out how to put phone numbers from my old phone to my new one, then wangle a promised foot massage out of him :winkwink:

Hope everyone is well, night night ladies xxx
I sent my HIP form of today so fingers crossed Ill hear back soon! Its nice to seesome of you getting yours in a week!
What about a photoshoot or a new Mum makeover thingy?!!!
Come on ladies, we are letting this page slip...I found it on the 2nd page!!!

I thought I would post about my very crappy afternoon yesterday...
I went to the hospital for my consultants appointment and as ever they were running late (after I purposely asked if they were on my arrival and they said no), so an hour later and my son to pick up I still hadn't been seen and 3 ladies were still in front of me in the queue...so didn't get to see the consultant and now I won't. :nope:
Then off to my mums where I then hit my Dads new car from behind :blush:
So, I am a bit grumpy but set off home to get dinner on with OH and little one....on the dual carriageway our car breaks down and we end up paying money to have it towed home after sitting by the side of the road for an hour and a half!!! :cry:
Put the dinner on finally, just about to serve it up when my brother turns up to have a look at the car....so an hour later and a little burnt I finally get the chance to serve dinner....but no, a guy from ebay texts to say he will be round shortly to pick up something he had bought.....I could have screamed!!!!!

Really ladies, this is just to say that perhaps however bad your day was going I think I had it pretty rough!!! :haha:

We now have to spend money we don't have on trying to fix the car. This may mean cancelling my 4d scan. :cry: But I am keeping FX'd that I don't.

I am hoping today is better. Love to you all. xx

Oh you poor thing...thought my day was bad...consultant appointment 1hr 30 late, got home to find that my beloved pooch had shredded the newly layed carpet in the lounge...been down since Sunday! Little swine!
GOod idea Becs, I was going to suggest newborn photoshoot with you hubby and baby? If you have everything, there isn't really much you can do apart from treat yourself with it or put the money aside until you need it!!
^^^ I read that in another post hun, I would be so cross if my dog had done that, sounds like you have a cheeky pooch! Saying that my dog can be a cow and just lucky we have laminate in the flat really!! xx
^^^ I read that in another post hun, I would be so cross if my dog had done that, sounds like you have a cheeky pooch! Saying that my dog can be a cow and just lucky we have laminate in the flat really!! xx

We had real wood flooring down which just got scratched to bits from him walking on it and people dropping things ect...so we pulled it up and had the carpet! why did we bother :shrug:

Thanks for the replies, you lucky ladies getting them in a week. I am sure I sent mine off about three weeks ago but nothing yet, checked my bank. On the bright side, it means I have the money to do the hypnobirthing course (which I have now booked :happydance:) but on the down side...where is my money?! :rofl:

Might ring them tomorrow, I had a feeling I shouldn't use my building society account because I would bugger up the number needed :dohh:
:wave: hey everyone who has moved over :hi:

Optical someone came out to view one of our horses today, think it went quite well. But its kinda different, we're selling him cos he wont move on fast enough its not a heart breaking sell :hugs:

:rofl: glad you got your seat Emma and everythings going well :)

I still havent even sent off for my HIP stuff :dohh: REALLY need to get one that :nope:
Hey Ladies!!!

optical the woman measures mine and estimated the weight :) xx

I really hope that they measure bubs on Sunday - I'm so worried now! I've been looking at both of these sept stars threads, and most people are measuring bigger - and becs and louise I saw on the other thread that you think your babies might be small cos you're measuring weeks as equal to fundal height? Oh dear... I'm below that... :nope: BUT if I think about it rationally, then there's NO WAY at all that I can ACTUALLY be over 27 weeks because of my dates and when me and OH BD'ed.

Scan was great. Still a little girly. She is measuring at 31 weeks:wacko:but then they had Nathan pegged as being well over 10lbs and he was 8lb 11.5oz:shrug:

So glad your scan went well hun... Although I can understand how it might be embarrassing for you to have to tell someone you work with about your accident! I must say I had a VERY close call walking to the post office yesterday when LO kicked me right in the bladder!

The MW is concerned that I haven't had my cervix checked as I had this bleed and I am meant to have a risk assesment to detremine whether it needs doing as there may be an increased risk of premature labour. All one big mess on that front. :-(

Aw hun... :hugs: Fx all goes well for you and bubs :hugs:

Whoever said about the green maxi dress being too daytime for evening do... I wouldn't worry! Just dress it up with pretty shoes and jewellry, you're pregnant, it's difficult finding stuff!

Erm... had more things on my list to say... I typed really fast just so I wouldn't forget too!!

Oooo I have some GORGEOUS shoes that would go really well with that dress! Good thinking :)

As for the baby brain & thread updates - that's why i've started replying with all these quotes! As i'm reading through, i click on the "+ sign next to the quote button so it changes to "- (on every one I want to comment on. When I get to the last one I want to comment on, I then click 'Quote' and it puts them all on the reply screen for me. That way, I can then delete stuff to make the quotes shorter, or delete them altogether, but it reminds me to comment on stuff! Sorry if you already know this, but I didn't and it really helped!

now i'm gonna go and ruin it by having a huge piece of chocolate fudge cake with cream and watch 2012 with my OH :rofl: yum!

Bekklez - I feel for you having to watch that film :hugs: lol... I went to the cinema to see it and I can quite honestly say that it was 3 hours I'll NEVER get back. :dohh:

I went to see my midwife monday for my 28 week appt. I had my lecture about where bubba should sleep & my breast feeding booklet & dvd heehee. I need a whole section in the filing cabinet for everything she gives me!
Strangely she didn't give me a 'kick chart' should i have had one? Has anyone else got one yet & when did you get it? I don't see her now till i'm 31 weeks.

Breast feeding booklet and dvd??? Kick chart??? I don't get anything like that... Although I do have quite a lot of appointments with the midwife and consultant because of my depression. Also, why don't you ask for some more fluffy bums as a present? I know they're nappies, and not very thoughtful, but you can never have too many! And then, every time you DON'T have to put a washload in, you can think of your workmates :)

Optical someone came out to view one of our horses today, think it went quite well. But its kinda different, we're selling him cos he wont move on fast enough its not a heart breaking sell :hugs:

Glad it went well for you hun. I didn't get a call back from that lady, and I was doing a little :happydance: inside when it got to around 10pm and I still hadn't had a call!

Hope everyone else is doing well today. I'm so glad the sun is back, even though I am sat in all day today waiting for my cot to be delivered. Fx my fluffy bums come today too... I think i've waited long enough!
OH is off work tomorrow, and we're starting to decorate the house. We have so much to do, and I can't do much of it! I feel so sorry for him, because he hasn't had a day off where I haven't nagged him for ages. So many things need doing, and I can't do them... it's so annoying!

The only thing with doing that quote thing is that you end up with a MONSTER quote which eats the page. Sorry ladies!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies!

Just a quick post to let you know that I have created a September Stars 2010 group on facebook. So for those of you who like to interact on facebook...there is now a place just for us! :-)
I created the group as "closed" so you must request to join. That way we can keep it private. Just search for September Stars 2010!! :-)


I have just requested to join the group, MamaBird. My real name is Kerry Morgan, just so you know who I am :flower:
oohh im ging to join :)

blob post it soon, you only get 31 days from getting it signed :flower:

welcome to new third tri people :wohoo:

im just waiting on someone comming to change the locks , as someone broke in to seans van and stole everything including house keys and letters with the adress :grr: smashed the window in broad daylight in a busy street and no1 seen anything :dohh: xx
opticalillus - Why oh why did I not read that sooner? you're right, that film was an indredible waste of three hours. :dohh:
Oh apaton sorry to hear that, some people will steal anything just for the sake of it with no thought for the people who have to deal with the aftermath! Hope you get it sorted swiftly and without too much hassle :hugs:

I woke up with a banging headache this morning, feel a lot better now, but I'm glad I called in sick into work because there's not way I could have taught with a head like that!!
Just spoke to DH who has been having contact with his ex, she basically told him that we can't have my step sons this weekend... it's the youngest one's birthday, we have forked out a fortune for his party, relatives and guests coming etc and presents all ready, AND fathers day the next day! He tried to reason with her with a response of 'if you don't like that then how about you don't see them again ever!' Stupid cow!!

He rang her and eventually she changed her mind and has now gone back to us having them every weekend until summer hols and the whole summer holiday... so I don't know what it was all in aid of really..... she did tell him that he needs to pay her more and that she wants a letter from him stating how much he would be happy to pay, and if it is enough she is 'willing' to cancel CSA?! How stupid is that?! Expecting him to pay more when he already pays an absolute fortune, plus 440 mile trip every weekend we see them!! She has never ever so much as met us halfway or put any money towards petrol! I can't believe her sometimes. She also told DH that she can't wait for him to go to Afghanistan and the boys are excited about it too because they don't like visiting us, and that they won't miss him :( This is rubbish because a few weeks ago the eldest, who is 7, turned around and said 'mum said she can't wait for you to go to Afghanistan, but I don't understand why because people die there, why does mum want you to die? I don't want you to die.' Bless him. He needs her to be able to explain things to him while DH is gone, rather than go on about how happy she is that he's gone. SS's aren't allowed to mention me or DH when they are there, and she is not allowing them to come to me while he is in Afghan, so goodness knows what lies they will be told... no doubt DH won't be mentioned so their little minds will be working overtime. Plus that's 6 months of not seeing their baby sister. Sorry for the long old rant but sometimes I just really wish she would do the decent thing and get out of their lives for good, I don't know how people like that can be allowed to keep their children, especially when we want what is best for them and have paid hundreds of pounds trying to give them a better life with us.

ANyway! Sorry about that! Don't strike me down but maybe she won't look next time she steps off the pavement.... one can only hope!! (Ooohhh that was bitchy Louise!)

Hope everyone is having a lovely day :)
Agreed.... 2012 is such a boys film! SO is avatar... I fell asleep twice in the cinema watching that!!! AND Da Vinci code!! Hee hee
Mamabird i have requested to join fb group too, my name kirsty vickers :flower:

omg apaton in broad daylight too! someone must of seen summit? :shrug: i hope they catch the d**** who dunnit :hugs:

Hi to everyone who has moved over :wave:

DD has just pucked, juice went down the wrong way :wacko:
guuna dash hope everyone is ok xxxxx
Hi everyone!!

So happy that so many of you have joined our facebook group!

Optical: Not sure if this will make you feel better....but I think a lot of us girls that are measuring ahead have been told that's it's due to a few extra pounds before pregnancy. That what my MW told me when I measured 3 weeks ahead the last few times. and then I read a post from another Sept. Star that said the same thing. So because we have a few extra layers of "fluff" lol it skews the measurement.

Ashley: I can't believe that happened during the day...on a busy street!!! Some people's nerve! It must be so scary! Well I hope that everything is resolved soon!!:hugs:

Louise: Hope you feel better soon hun and that bitch stops making you miserable!! :gun:


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