****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Aw Emma that is just the best news! She is doing so well! And isn't it just heart melting stuff when they sleep on Daddy!? Gorgeous!! xx
Deidre, Asher, MummytoAsher :wohoo: :wohoo:
Havent heard from Elmaxie but she might not text :shrug: I really should put my phone in signal though :dohh:

Emma :hugs: :hugs: good girly thats fab news!!!
im thinking i might be in labour

oooo sending baby :dust: good luck hunni

Good luck mummytoasher! :dust:

yay Mamabird :wohoo: cant wait to hear the news that star no12 has arrived :happydance:

:hugs: danielle

kittykitty i know what you mean about not been in the mood for sex!

Emzy thats fantastic news about holly!!
choc, your OH is being a twat, you can tell him i said that too !!!!i get so angry when is see women being treated so bad by their OH... when your pregnant too !!!

So we have three ladies who could be giving birth in the next 48 hours... come on girls !!! make it 12 hours !!!!
Soo will bitchyness take you over the edge to labour??? just woundering cause im so bitchy and cranky and whiny i want to slap myslef!!! haha :) Maybe im just having an emotional day i dunno?? i want everything to be done but i dont want to do ANYTHING but sleep....and i am now drinking like a camel!!

someone tell me they have extra bitchy days too:blush:

I am having a really irritated day, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is irritating me and i just want to scream!
Managed to get most of the kids in bed, and will go to bed myself shortly to try and chill!!

Just popping back in to say that the midwife came and checked on Holly today and I'm so happy as she has gained 5oz in 2 days! She took some more blood to check her jaundice as well and her bilirubin levels have dropped, so she is on the mend! She's currently looking very cute asleep on her Daddy :cloud9:

That is great news, I love the on Daddy times, took lots of pics of dd newborn and cuddled up on Daddy's chest, we have one stuck up on the fridge, and i am looking forward to the same with this baby! :hugs:

Well labour :dust: to those in need, going to try and chill in bed now, like i say been a bear with a sore head this evening, I am never sure what it all means, i never notice any difference in my leading up to labour because i was induced, but with dd who was natural my waters just broke, i hadn't noticed nesting, or moods or anything, in fact i was really shocked!

Night night all, will be back in morning to see how many babies we have!:hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
choc, your OH is being a twat, you can tell him i said that too !!!!i get so angry when is see women being treated so bad by their OH... when your pregnant too !!!

Agree totally, what things to be saying to you, almost strange tbh, is he trying to make you feel insecure because he feels lacking somewhere?

Just don't understand men!

I found this whilst doing a google search and found it really informative!

Early Warning Signs For Labour
It’s not like it is in the movies. When a woman goes into labour, there is rarely a gush of fluid and then a mind-blowing cramp that doubles her over in screaming agony that must be answered with a panicked rush to the hospital. No, the onset of labour is a surprisingly gradual thing and a woman in tune with her body will see the warning signs long before contractions make her growl.
When any of the following happen, a woman can be sure that labour is on it’s way. It may take a few hours or a few days, but it’s happening. All she should do is make sure her hospital bag is packed, have a bite to eat and get some sleep - things are about to get very busy!
Before contractions start, many women will develop a backache. This isn’t the same soreness many women get from carrying their baby around up front. No, this is a deep ache that will happen in the lower back from the hips to the top of the pelvic bones. It won’t feel like pain, but it will feel annoying and inescapable: position changes will not remedy this type of back ache.
When a baby has “dropped”, usually a few weeks before birth for first-time mums and a few days or hours before birth for more experienced mums, it puts pressure on the pelvis. This is one reason for some of the backache, but mainly the backache is due to actual contractions. Of course, the contractions are so mild that most women would never feel them. But, they do show up as a persistent dull lower back ache. Non-pregnant women will also feel this at the onset of menstrution and throughout their period.
Menstruation is a good analogy for the feelings a women gets before labour begins. Just as with menstruation, the cervix needs to open (though just a tiny bit) and the uterus must provide gentle crontractions to move the menstrual blood out of the body. If a woman feels “period cramps” near the end of her pergnancy, it’s a very good sign that her body is about to go into labour.
This is one of the least pleasant sign that labour is approaching. In order to ensure that there is maximum room for a baby to pass out of the uterus and through the birth canal, a woman’s body evacuates her bowels before labour happens.
If a pregnant woman finds that she is suddenly experiencing loose stools and multiple trips to the bathroom, that is her body’s way of saying, “you’re baby will be arriving soon.” Mums should keep well hydrated and continue eating to sate their hunger. Women with constipation problems may find that their body goes through a couples days worth of diarrhea, often spaced a few days or weeks apart, to help ensure the body voids as much stool as possible. Sometimes the contractions of the bowels required to move the stool out of the body can be mistaken for labour. Women should always keep calm when they experience this and call their healthcare provider or their doula for assurance.
It sound almost comical: a woman approaching labour gets a sudden insatiable urge to tackle a big homemaking project. It is true, though. Women nearing labour often get an urge to clean, decorate or organize. I, myself, wound up on the bathroom floor scrubbing a dirty shower stall at 2am while my husband pleaded with me to go to bed and rest. I gave birth two days later.
The important thing to remember is to keep it simple and light. Women shouldn’t be doing hard labour, hauling heavy objects or climbing ladders in their last trimester. The urge to nest is a primal urge to make sure there is a safe place for baby to be after birth, so don’t ignore it, but don’t overdo it either. Partners will usually be happy to do the harder jobs for their pregnant wives and girlfriends.
Shivering or Trembling
Some women, without being cold or physically exhausted, may experience shivering or trembling before labour begins. Changes in the hormones responsible for helping to trigger labour may cause shaking. If the shaking is disconcerting, a woman can call her healthcare provider or her doula for guidance.
If a woman recognizes any of these very early labour symptoms, she should first make sure she is ready for labour to begin. Is she rested? Has she made arrangements for pets or other children? Is the hospital bag packed or are all the supplies for a homebirth ready? Is she hydrated and has she eaten? Are the baby supplies available for when baby arrives? Is the carseat installed in the car?
This is the time to make sure all the last minute preparations are made. This is not the time to panic. Some women will want to talk with their healthcare providers, but they don’t need to unless they want assurance on specific issues. Women should definitely call or email their doulas to let them know that things are slowly beginning to happen. This is not a sign that labour has officially begun, but it is a sign that labour will begin very soon.
i pasted this as i also found this informative as there isnt much on early signs is there!!! fingers crossed any day now.
Come on Sept babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to all feeling they are going pop.xxx

Choc, he's an arse. How does he expect you to react, you are carrying his child while he's 'getting close' to his ex....wtf????!!!!!!! You deserve better, he really doesn't deserve a lovely little family.xxxx Sending you some massive hugs.xxx

How exciting about all the possible new arrivals!!!

Just caught up with about 10 pages!!! Sorry no personals but I have had quite a long day!! My nieces christening was lovely and as lovely as it was seeing friends and family I am bloody shattered!! Been on my feet for nearly 3 hours I guess hasn't helped, but I was making tea, coffee and tidying up etc!! Then we got home about 9ish, took Muprhy for a walk, had a shower and now I am relaxing! Just had to take some paracetamols as my back is pulsating! Its been such a manic day, if this doesn't help her out I don't know what else will!! She is curently wriggling around in there!! Everyone kept telling me how well I look and that I am glowing, depsite me feeling like a beached whale!!!!
Ooooooo Ive just realised I havent got a text buddy for this thread :blush:

Does anyone want to swap numbers with me ? :flower:
Hey ladies! For any of you using the birthing balls I have a question as this is my first experience with one. I started using mine today and while it's comfortable to a point to sit on if I do the bouncing and swaying I get really bad pains low in my abdomen to both sides. Is this normal? Does using the ball make you ladies have pain?
Fishy, I love that! It's really clear.. will be looking at that for every niggle and twinge I have!!!

Can't wait for the update on mamabird!

Choc.. I have to agree with the girls, I think your OH is completely out of order, he sounds immature and I would be seriously thinking about putting him back in his place!
wow i miss an afternoon and its all going on, to those who are startin g good luck little stars hope for news of you in the morning!

I have hospital (again) in the morning for my repeated gtt test and ctg ect x

Sorry I have been quiet but am still here.
Just been busy doing too much housework today(possible nesting?) and in constant pain like I have the worst period ever. So really have nothing to do bit whinge lol

blob I would text you or use OH mobile to update if I was in hospital if there is signal and some time...but believe me if I had anything remotely regular and full on labour I would be on here!

Just off to bed, OH has tried to massage my bum/hips so hoping to get some relief from that. Have taken my ranitidine so no heartburn BUT I really have over done today and have had the odd chest pain so if itcontinues tomorrow I think I might call triage/pregnancy unit and see what they say also ask about my constant pain for the last 6 days too! I am so worried that something is going on like I am dilating and next thing I will be waking up wanting to push lol ok so wishful thinking but I am starting to worry a bit deep down.

Wooo mamabird hope your little girl is here by now and your doing well!

Deirdre good luck and hope we hear good news soon!

Mummytoasher hoping your baby is here soon too!

Asher I am wishing you increasing pains and full on home birthing labour!! Don't think it will be often that I get to say that and hopefully get away with it lol

so maybe by tomorrow we will be up to 15 stars born!!!

Sorry for my selfish post hope your all good and I can get a decent catch up tomorrow with Nathan at the childminder and OH working!!

That's of course if my waters don't break all over my nice clean sheets!!

Night ladies!

Fishy wish that post applied to me but it doesnt :cry:
First baby...didnt drop...no back ache ever...no cleaning :lol:
This time all of them weeks ago and no baby :shrug:
Sorry for selfish post but... naughty me and DH managed to look on bitch face's facebook profile... we have done it a few times just to keep an eye on what has been happening with the kids etc...
It appears she has gotten rid of the dog (German Shepherd puppy... coincidence that we have a German Shepherd??) Bad thing is, this is the 3rd dog she'll have gotten rid of in 18 months... and each time she does it in secret while the boys are with us :( Poor kids, they love that dog too!

Another thing... it seems that she has split up with boyfriend!! (Again not a new thing, she has had so so many partners, she meets them off the internet - which is fine, but the first time she meets them in person she does it at home when the kids are there.. they are always introduced to them straight away. They have even met her one night stands before (imagine a 3 yr old saying to you 'mummy has lots of man friends, some of them are only for one night')... this was the 3rd boyfriend this year, as they get older they get to know them much better (they usually move in quickly... or she gets engaged).... and even though she's only been with this one for about 3 months, the boys really liked him and mention him a lot so they will be gutted to go home to no dog and no fella!!!!! Stupid cow!!!!

Sorry to go on again! Since we started with the court case 2 and a bit years ago, she has had about 16 boyfriends that we have known of, at least 4 that have moved in and one that she was engaged to, two that she told the boys they were moving to wales with and one that she told the boys they were moving to australia with! Does she learn? Nope!!
Ok so whats the thoughts...bump dropped??

compared to the pic you posted of last week, you def seem to have dropped!
YAY!! how exciting :happydance:
i love your bump too BTW! mine's much smaller (no one believes me when i say im due in 3wks!) so i'm a little envious :wacko:
Danielle - DH and I have agreed that we are not going to tell anyone when I'm in labour. Luckily my parents live a couple of hours away so they can't just turn up. I don't see why you need someone else to bring the baby home? We have also decided that we want the baby to ourselves with no visitors the day we come home and that only my Mum and Dad can come the next day. (DH's parents live in Crete) I think our biggest problem is going to be our neighbours as I know particularly our Polish neighbours will think nothing of knocking the door as it's just their way. They can be a little pushy but not in a nasty way, they are just enthusiastic.

I've been trying to think of ways to deal with the neighbour issue, as we have some good friends on our street and I don't want to offend them. They will definitely be on the look out and know when we arrive home from hospital. Do you think it would be rude if we put up a notice in our window with the baby's name, D.O.B and weight and asking that we are not disturbed for a couple of days but we will give them a knock when we are up for visitors? I can't decide whether it is better to do that or just ignore the door?!

Can I ask another question? Am I the only first time Mum who is going to find it hard to let their baby be passed around when it's first born? Obviously, I won't mind my DH and close family but I can just imagine myself not wanting to allow friends and neighbours to. I feel really mean typing this, obviously it's something I'm just going to have to get over :rofl:

Blob & F&C definitely think your bumps have dropped x

i'm/me & OH are def on the same page as you!! we're putting up a little note on the door (not that i'm expecting ppl by but you just never know!) and changing the message on the phone giving details but asking that we've no visitors for a least a cpl wks so we have a chance to settle in and get to know each other again! it's like having a honeymoon for your baby, a baby moon :)
i've even read in books that for the first cpl wks, if poss, the only way ppl/visitors should be allowed over is if they are there to clean, bring or cook food, or do laundry haha i love that! and mark my words, i'm gonna follow that as best i can! i'm sure my brother&sister will be kind of peeved but too bad for them - it's my baby and my fam and i'm the mama.bear :happydance:
Louise - more proof that her behaviour towards you is motivated by jealousy. Clearly she is a very needy person who can't hold down a relationship. After numerous boyfriends my SD's Mum got married in June to a much older man. As soon as we got married she became fixated on doing the same. Now she's trying to get her sterilisation reversed so she can try and have a baby. I think it's so sad how these women become obsesssed, posesss no emotional intelligence & keep making the same mistakes!

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