Hey Ladies!
Aw apaton - that's awful about your locks etc! You aughta booby-trap the house home-alone stylie lol. Looking great in your bump pic btw
Sorry I didn't get chance to warn you sooner Bekklez... I love action films, but 2012 was SO cliched that it made me cringe!
Optical: Not sure if this will make you feel better....but I think a lot of us girls that are measuring ahead have been told that's it's due to a few extra pounds before pregnancy. That what my MW told me when I measured 3 weeks ahead the last few times. and then I read a post from another Sept. Star that said the same thing. So because we have a few extra layers of "fluff" lol it skews the measurement.
Thanks honey... I'm still worrying... my weight gain seems to have slowed, but maybe that's because i'm not eating so much cake at the mo? Lol.. I was quite a fiend for it a few weeks back. Cake fiend...

My bump seems to be round and hard a lot of the time, and it feels like my bellybutton is going to pop. I was a lot slimmer when I conceived this time than when I had DD - so maybe it's that. I'll have a better idea on Sunday I guess
Mummy2asher.. I'm looking to get DD a pony after the baby is born if I manage to sell my mare, she'll be 5 then. i started riding at a school when I was 6... I think most places won't take children much younger than that on lessons because of their insurance and the risk. But if you're getting them one yourself, then i'd say as soon as they can hold on - if you find a quiet enough pony of course!
Congrats on third tri Mrs J!!
Blob - I've bought a totsbots birth to potty set from the babyshow, but I can't properly remember what was in it!

That's why i'm kinda excited about it coming - so I can see what I have and what extra things i'd
like to have
Well, today OH is off work and we're decorating. I say 'we' but I mean 'he'. There's not much I can do really, and it's bugging me - I just wanna get the house painted! Grr...

Worse thing is, he's pants at decorating, and i'm really good.
I guess i'll have to go sit in the sun. My god - I never thought i'd complain about
having to go sit in the sun. I just wanna get stuff done, but he's nipped out, and if he came back to me half way up a ladder he'd go mad (and quite rightly too I guess). It's so frustrating!
Hope you can all enjoy the sun too