****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Happy Birthday Asher :dance:

Sarahkka - brilliant Simon story hun! Kids - you gotta love em (else we wouldn't all be here :wacko:) good luck with the vaseline removal - did you manage to get it off his skin without too much residue :haha: bless.

MummytoAsher - congratualtions :hugs:

yeah I was thinking about just using a ice cube tray because I keep forgetting to go to mothercare
Just an idea - might ice cube bags be better as it will keep them from getting any bits on them (i have a tendency of spilling my veg all over my ice cubes :dohh:)

I would never have noticed we had moved lol
No nore me - i always go from the update link in my emails.

IM FULL TERM TODAY WOOHOO bring on the sex and hot curry!!!
WOOHOO Carley - bring on the good times :thumbup:

Oooh Genies - i have a gooseberry bush.......never though to check under it :haha:

Choc - spend some time talking to your bump & just thinking about meeting your baby, it helps to release happy hormones which aid the start of labour :thumbup: A decent walk (not just a weeble around like i tend to favour lol) may help, nipple stimulation - although it's said you'd need 3 hours of this to have much of an effect :shrug:!!! Laughter & gentle touch (massage from a loved one.........i wouldn't hold your breath for that one with Ste though :haha:). Massage oils - Lavender, Ylang Ylang & Clary Sage can all induce & speed up labour :thumbup:.
Good luck sweetie & i hope to hear some happy noise soon......i take it you won't be at aquanatal this week :haha: pah - the things people do to get out of excersize!!!!!!
Limpet Ste has been really good to be fair to him lol I got bk and wanted to clean clean clean

No Hun won't be at aquanatal need to ring labour ward at 9 to c if they have a bed if they haven't got a bed then they can leave me a further 48 hours

Iv got period pain hopin it progresses as I really don't like the idea of induction heard it's painful lol
Choc, good luck and hope to hear of your LO's arrival soon xx

Carley, thats brilliant news!!

Emma, brilliant news about your induction!!!

F&C I feel exactly the same!!!!

Well just waiting on tea, I am starving then gonna go for a nice walk then a bounce on the ball!!
Ooh I got really confused when I couldn't find this thread! Sent me into a blind panic ha ha Can't get rid of me!!! Defo think we need a thread for after babies are here :flower:

I just caught up but now I can't remember anything...

Emma yay for the induction date! Woop!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Carley yay that baby is engaged! Hopefully won't be long for you now :flower:

Choc how exciting!! You'll have your baby in your arms before you know it :cloud9:

Aww Fishy hope little Fishy comes soon for you x

...and Louise hope you don't have to wait too much longer as well. As someone else said, things can change very quickly so don't give up hope that it will be sooner rather than later...

And Becs and everyone else who is sick of being pregnant for that matter!

It's REALLY weird, but I have really been missing being pregnant this last couple of days!! I LOVE having Holly but I really miss my bump in a strange way. It's like I always had company lol Very odd feeling. I saw a pregnant lady in town and I felt a bit jealous... Matt said I must be mad :haha:

We went and registered Holly's birth at the town hall today, which was lovely so now she officially exists! Then we had a nice walk around town and stopped for a coffee, was so nice to get out of the house for a few hours.

Holly is doing well, feeding well although she is still having to have formula as well as breastmilk at the mo. She gets hardly anything off the breast and I end up sitting there crying my eyes out and she is crying as she is starving. It's been really tough and I've been so worried about her getting poorly again so I took the decision to only bottle feed, expressed milk and formula combined. She gets it much easier from a bottle and as long as she is getting my milk, I don't mind. We are both a lot happier since and she is looking better day by day :thumbup: She is getting weighed again on Thursday, so I'm really hoping she has gained a good amount of weight.

For those of you who are interested and are not on facebook, here are a few piccies of her today :cloud9: (you're probably sick of me posting photos lol)

Hope things get moving for the term ladies soon :flower: :dust:



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Limpet Ste has been really good to be fair to him lol I got bk and wanted to clean clean clean

No Hun won't be at aquanatal need to ring labour ward at 9 to c if they have a bed if they haven't got a bed then they can leave me a further 48 hours

Iv got period pain hopin it progresses as I really don't like the idea of induction heard it's painful lol

Aaah bless - i'm glad he's behaving bless him!

Aww Emma - she is gorgeous! She looks less puffy now than she did when she was born chick, or is it the weight she has lost? I'm glad she's picking up nicely - i think you gotta go with what she's happy with in regards to feeding :thumbup:. Well done for sticking at it though, it can't be easy seeing your baby so distressed.

I feel a little nauseaus at the moment so i'm gonna grab some chocolate incase it's a low sugar level (any excuse eh) & have a little lie down xxx
IM FULL TERM TODAY WOOHOO bring on the sex and hot curry!!!
Happy Full Term xx

BTP, good luck on the shoe shopping!!!

Thanks, it was mad in Clarks Village shoe shop, didn't take me long to say, nothing here! I took ds to sports shop and he found some with Liverpool football club on and wanted them so they will last all of 2 mins but i said he could!
Then dd found some she REALLY HAD TO HAVE (girls!) they are shiny but the real clincher was they have toys in the heels, again i gave in, but told her they had to last, she doesn't realise i mean til she at least grows out of them!:haha:

hi all just to let u all no my waters broke this morning been to labour ward and been sent home till tomorro havin period pains now but nothing major
Great news Choc, When my waters broke last time and it took 32 hours for labour to start naturally, after 18 hours i had a drip to prevent infection during labour, (so when labour started the drip went in) and that needs to be in for 4 hours min in labour, i was just being taken to be induced and labour picked up and i managed not to be induced.
If you can hang on, do, if not induced labour can be quicker, and the birth process faster, at the time it is intense and natural you get to catch your breath.
Try walking and keeping baby as down on your pelvis as poss, gym ball, edge of sofa rocking etc, but don't wear yourself out as you will need energy for labour.
If nothing much happens tonight then get a really good rest in tonight, if labour is going to kick off you need that energy xx

BUT I am going in on Friday 27th at 07:30 to be induced!!!!

Woooo hooo an end is in sight!!!


Great news! xx:hugs:

Not sure I like our new home here, i usually can see if anyone has started labour in the 3rd tri threads, but now i need to check 2 places!
It is also harder to find, much further down!
That's just me being a moaner though, not one for change at my age:rofl:

Owch a black eye, toddlers are pretty tough nuts, i was changing my ds and he sat up and cracked me right on the nose, I went down like a ton of bricks, I thought my face would explode...he was fine, i actually thought i heard my nose crack when he did it!

F&C, hope your not away too long! I think it was you that had the back pain in low base of spine area, I had that today, and thought of you! How sweet we are getting sympathy pains now! We could do with a few sympathy labours now! :hugs:

This week will drag, school back next week, i am just about ready for it, uniforms, book bags, pe kits, swimming kits, water bottles, rucksack, shoes, all done, can't be anything else left but to get them there!
I will sigh a huge sigh of relief when next Thurs comes, and hopefully my waters will break and labour will kick off and by the time i pick them up i will be back home with a baby:haha: I make myself laugh!!!!!!!

Baby been really twisty in my pelvis today, real owchy breath time!!

Hope everyone ok, sorry i know i have missed things, i don't know how you guys remember everything!!


:baby:tp xx
she is so beautiful, I could never get bored of baby pics! She changes with each one!
I know what you mean anout missing being pregnant, i usually am ready for baby and think how mad to miss it, but this pregnancy has been kind to me and i will miss my bump, but well worth the exchange for the baby!!!:hugs:

If nothing much happens tonight then get a really good rest in tonight, if labour is going to kick off you need that energy xx
I agree - also eat plenty of carbs as they are slow releasing energy which apparently can help keep your strength up throughout labour. When i went to visit the unit i'll be going to they provide a fridge for each patient to bring drinks & food in & recommended sandwiches, pasta & rice dishes etc. Almost sounds like a hotel lol
Aww Emma - she is gorgeous! She looks less puffy now than she did when she was born chick, or is it the weight she has lost? I'm glad she's picking up nicely - i think you gotta go with what she's happy with in regards to feeding :thumbup:. Well done for sticking at it though, it can't be easy seeing your baby so distressed.

I think it is mostly the weight she lost that's made her look less puffy, although when she was first born she was a bit swollen and purple lol She seems to be filling out a bit more in her face again now though, she was looking a bit gaunt before which was horrible :cry: I'm just glad she is doing a bit better now :flower:
Well i think she's looking absolutely gorgeous!!! Well done on getting out too :thumbup: I bet that 1st outing is such a proud moment! I know DH & i will fight over who pushes the pram :haha:
It was actually our 2nd outing out today, we popped into town a couple of days ago as I was getting cabin fever. I've never been so scared in my life!! ha ha Also we did fight over who pushed the pram, so we decided to share and swap every now and then lol x
Oh emzy she is sooo gorgeous!! She is probably less puffy too...well at least Nathan depuffed a bit after being pushed out! I still cant get over her hair!! :happydance:

I think we can still make a thread up in baby club maybe or maybe in the journals to keep chatting afterwards??:shrug:

Choc I would totally get some rest in love....how exciting for you though! What happened and how and when I want to know everything lol:haha:
But get bouncing and maybe a hot bath without anything in it ie bubble bath etc to try and relax and get baby out??:shrug:

I am so knackered now its untrue! I think I could actually go to my bed right now and sleep...well maybe not for long before my first loo trip but hey!

I was also given pain killers by the doc for the SPD/Pain side of things and she said to try them tonight as they may knock me out slightly or send me a bit mad....hoping for the first lol maybe I will get a good night sleep but better put a towel under me incase I wet the bed!!:dohh:

Argh tired but need to eat and OH wont be home for 1/2 hour...not that its anything exciting its my left over curry from last night so just reheating it up and blowing my face off but god I am starving!!!!:wacko:

Will probably be on later when I hit my bed on the pod.

So strange question but who is all in labour??

I know Rocky was being induced yesterday.
Asher you seemed to have stopped for your birthday.
Choc your waters have gone and are waiting for contractions/induction(but want contractions)
Anyone else???
Oh am sure I read cazzeybe waters broke...but I might be wrong? Am sure she was a spet star too??

Emzy, Holly is gorgoeus xxx Well done to you on the feeding xx

Just had a lush tea followed by steam pud and custard, all homemade!!!! Was soooo yummy!!! Just waiting on it going down before we take Muprhy out for a walk!! My back is achey so gonna take some paracetamol, feel like I have done loads today!!
Beautiful pictures Emzy x

Good luck Choc - how exciting!

SamCam was due about the same day as me, I'm glad she's had it early. I'm not a big fan of David Cameron, so didn't want a Tory baby stealing my thunder. My Grandfather would have be turning in his grave :rofl:

I did go to the retail park in the end. I needed some pillows and M&S have two for £5 at the moment - bargain. I also managed to get some pj's (bottoms and 2 nursing tops) in a pack in Mothercare. They were in the sale £13 reduced from £26. I'm very happy with my purchases although I think it was probably the last time I will drive the car before the baby comes. Even though it's only a few minutes away I was so uncomfortable and achey when I got back I had to sit down for 30 mins.

sorry not so quick question, What due date is everyone going by? I was given 4 different due dates and i'm starting to second guess which one i should be going by? The first is the one they gave me judging on my last period, the second they gave me from my first ultrasound at 11 weeks, then i had a new one at my second ultrasound at 18 weeks, and then yet another one at my third ultrasound. So it went from 17th to the 16th to the 14th to the 9th? we were going with the the 14th, but now i'm thinking we should have been going with the 17th or 16th. i know its only a few days difference, but it changes when one would start the eviction process by a little bit
teeny- congrats on nine months

Mrs Jo8- fantastic news about your consultant ap

Louise- sorry your labour couldnt be sooner for you both

Choc- good luck love

Carley- sorry about your blood pressure hope its a one off

Elmaxie- a date , yay, nogt long now love bring on friday

Fishy- i hope it hurrys up for you so you can feel like yourself again

Ok so i went to the hospital i didnt get the consultant but i did get the head registrar so i didnt complain, my gtt is fine was within normal limits so i can forget about that now.
And after discussions she has booked me in for a c section on 15th sept bang on 38 weeks !!!!!!!
Im so glad to get a date to aim for she said they wont let twins go over 38 so it could well happen naturally before then but if not thats my date im very pleased !! xxxx
Iv done a separate thread on 3rd tri to update here's the link

Thanks ladies. Maybe I'll just bite the bullet and get out tomorrow even if it means having to walk the hill back to our house. Think I've got cabin fever! I did something naughty today and checked my cervix, well I tried. It's still way too high to feel so I must be ages away. x
Things will be moving soon for you Choc I'm sure! Baby will be here very soon!

Genies, am so chuffed for you getting your date. At least you know now that's the latest day you'll be meeting your girls! Fab news.

MrsJ you made me laugh about the SamCam thing. My Dad said something similar to me. :haha:

Elmaxie, yep, things have stopped for my birthday. Completely. Nothing going on at all now. Little one appears happy, has been pretty wriggly all day today. I am trying to embrace reaching a stage of pregnancy which I never have before, but there is a part of me that is so ready now!!

Emzy I love your new pics of Holly, she is soooo gorgeous! Well done for getting her all registered, and for deciding about the feeding. As long as she and you are doing well, that's all that matters!

F&C I have had a go at feeling mine too, but mine's high. Won't be bothering again!!

Mmmmm Becs steam pud and custard!! I had a vanilla slice when I was out with mum today!

Me and DH have only just made a decision what to have for tea. Cos we are big foodies we've normally decided what to eat from early on in the day, but not today! So we're having spicy bean soup followed by tuna, cheese and red onion enchilladas with herby rice and salad. Yumski!!!!

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