****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Morning all!! Well.. afternoon actually!

Congrats to all the new mums! I think I congratulated Caezzybee yesterday, but also congrats to Zo and to Asher on their new bundles! It's all getting very exciting!

I feel rubbish today, just getting really fed up of EVERYTHING and am seriously contemplating paying someone to bump off DH's ex! He's on the phone to the court as we speak telling them in no uncertain terms that he is not going into court tomorrow for the same reasons he is not driving them back.


Sorry for ranting!

Becs, I think you do brilliantly with all your being out and about! Make me feel like a lazy moo!
Optical :hugs: what a horrible situation to be in at this point in time... I agree that you deserve an apology, although I would suggest you try to speak to her and sort it out sooner rather than later as these things can have a habit of blowing up if left too long, it makes things very difficult :hugs:

Erm.... can't remember anything else for now... sorry... will catch up again later.
Optical, you must be feeling so annoyed at the moment.... how you manage to clear things up before the baby arrives :hugs:

ThatGirl Congratulations on getting a date !!

Elmaxie - Are you getting excited? 24 hour coundown :happy dance:

Becs - I kept to my word and ent for a walk this morning, doesn't match your 3 milers but I am to walk slightly further tomorrow.

Well i'm off to sort out my cellar room so I can make space for a new tumble dryer. Baby has been very quiet the past day think they tired themselves out.

Hope everyone's having a good day xx
Optical :hugs: sorry you're having to deal with that hun.

Thatgirl OMG i'm so jealous i bet you get to meet your :baby: before i meet mine :dohh:

Elmaxie.. :cry: cant wait to get your texts tomorrow about your baby...but i might cry also that i want mine :lol:

Going to have some lunch with Tabbles and then take her out on her pony and then hoover the car...JOYS!!
:hi: ladies

Optical - I don't blame you for being angry. Sometimes being late is unavoidable but unfortunately there are a certain breed of people that just don't understand that being late is the height of rudeness. Personally, I perceive it as a form of arrogance because essentially that person is saying that their time and whatever they have to do is more important than you. I do agree with Louise though about talking to your Mum sooner rather than later before things blow up. Personally I think I would be inclined to call her and explain why you were so upset and then let it lie until after the baby is born. Perhaps then, you could sit down and explain that you feel you can't trust or rely on her and why you are finding it so upsetting. Easier said than done, believe me I know as I fell out with my Mum a few year's ago and didn't speak to her for the best part of a year. Eventually I decided the situation needed sorting so we went out for lunch and I was brutally honest with her, everything came out including things that happened in my childhood. Now we are closer than we have ever been, I still can't rely on her 100% but have no issue making it clear to her when I feel she has let me down. :hugs:

Louise - :hugs: not a lot I can say really, hope DH manages to get things sorted and you get the peace you deserve.

Elmaxie - good luck tomorrow - you must be so excited. Glad to hear the arnica has been working

Feeling a bit annoyed with antenatal today :hissy: I had some blood tests 3 weeks ago and despite the fact that I was with the Consultant on Tues I found out today via letter that I am anaemic. I know it isn't a big deal but why has it taken 3 weeks to tell me when I know damn well those results are done on site.

I collected my Tens Machine this morning, I'm tempted to have a little test run this evening. DH and I have been to Ikea, I'm in shock that he did it without complaining very much. I promised him an Ikea breakfast which probably helped to oil the wheels :rofl: We bought a shelf to go above the Crib which has little hooks and we also bought some printed Muslins. We should have bought a few more things to justify the trip really but hey-ho.

Off to check facebook as I'm surprised we haven't had any messages from Choc

Congrats to all the ladies with the new little ones!
Asher, I couldn't help but laugh last night when I saw your FB status. I told DH that I could only dream for that short of a labor and to be home so fast. LOL I am so happy you got your home/tub birth like you wanted. Samuel is gorgeous and what a terrific size too!
Labor dust to all you other ladies. I know we are all on the home stretch but these babies can't seem to come fast enough.
Optical, I totally sympathize as my parents are always running late and it takes them forever to get somewhere.
Louise, sorry you and DH have to deal with the nonsense. DH and I have to go through the same things and yes it makes you just want to hire a hit man and call it a day! Very frustrating and not worth the stress. Unfortunately, my DH's ex is completely nuts and there is no talking sensibly to her.
Louise and Nurse Kel - perhaps we could get a discount if the three of us hired the same hitman to do away with our step-children's Mum's? :rofl:
Excellent idea Jo! I love it. Like a buy 2 get one free deal....hehehe. It really annoys me to despise a person so much but with her I just can't help it. She is nonstop hassle, drama, crazy disruption and I just am not use to having that in my life. I guess we should look at the bright side though ladies.....we all must have some awesome DHs to be putting up with these situations. I know personally if it wasn't for the fact my DH is absolutely wonderful I would NOT be in this situation. Big hugs for both of you cause I know first hand what you both go through. Luv ya!
Thank you all so much ladies :hugs:

BTP.. Your mum sounds just like mine. Thankfully I used to walk to school and back, but when I was pregnant with DD, my mum used to 'do me a favour' and pick me up from work. I used to wait for her outside work, watching all of the buses drive past that I could have caught to get home about half an hour before she even showed up. And if I said i'd catch the bus, I was ungrateful for not accepting her 'help'.

Unfortunately, talking to her isn't really an option. I spent most of my teenage years arguing with her, and moved out at 17 as soon as I could. She doesn't listen, and won't see my point of view at all. And she never apologises, ever. I don't think i've ever heard her say sorry in my life. I really didn't want this so close to the baby being born, so I understand all of your kind suggestions to get it sorted beforehand.

That said, I still haven't had a text from her, which surprises me. Usually she'd have argued back.. maybe her phone is off. I feel much better from getting out of the house for an hour and seeing my horse, even though i've only been able to give her a good brush and a fuss. She seemed appreciative, especially as she's bored in the stable cos of this rubbish weather.

Louise.. I so understand your anger... This entire situation is ridiculous. What part of 'you're about to have a baby' do they not understand?!?!?!?!?! And his ex has no money because of not getting CSA... well, I have had a grand total of £32 from my ex in 5 years, and I still manage to take her through to his if he can't pick her up (although it pisses me off). How the hell can her solicitor and her lie so much?! Do they not even see how unreasonable they are being? :growlmad: BITCH. :growlmad: I'm cross at everything today. I hope she gets hurt. A lot. Not dead, but just in a lot of pain, so that the kids can stay with you. Or put in jail... yeah, jail would be good. Especially as no-one would visit her as she probably has no friends. :growlmad:
Anyway, my main point is :hugs: to you louise :hugs:

Mrs j... I want an Ikea hotdog now. They're lush, and cos they're so cheap I don't feel guilty for eating 3 :blush: Unfortunately Ikea is over an hour away, and there's nothing I need.

Emma... Ooooo yeah your countdown! Sorry for being so self-obsessed :blush: I bet you're so excited. Good Luck!!!! :happydance:

Congrats on your date Thatgirl!!!! :thumbup:
hehe theres a lot of hormonal rants going on today :hugs: to all of you crazy women!!

hope it all gets sorted - LOVING the hit man buy 2 get one free deal...... does it have to be OH's ex? i have a couple of ppl to put on the list but not ex's.....
DH has gone to get me a McFlurry even though he's only just got back from getting my iron tablets. Love him xx
optical im sorry your having stress from your mum at such an important time , you definatly deserve an apology, is she the type to apologise though?
i hope it works out before your star arrives x
The most i can remember so far is, Congrats to the new mommies of course! i think its been THREE since i've been on last?!

And thats so exciting elmaxie, but i'm very jealous of your mcdonalds :haha:

Optical so sorry for your troubles with your mother :hugs: i hope you two get it sorted out before the baby comes

Louise you too, i hope it all blows over with your OH's ex, sounds like the stress isn't worth it :(

and so i'm pretty sure i now want mcdonalds, a hotdog and pizza, even though its only 8am in the morning :haha:

Since were not starting eviction until AFTER i get my nursing bra's on monday, my OH is starting to get a little bit excited for the :sex: :haha:

:dust: to Blob and those who need it!!!
Hee hee I'm loving that we're all so hormonal we all get worked up over everyone else's problems! Also loving the buy two get one free hitman idea! Optical, the jail idea would also work quite well as no-one would visit her, you're right!!
We must be very lucky ladies, as to put up with this much hassle we must have very special men in our lives!! I know that every time I think I can't handle any more of her SHIT he does something to make it so unimportant! Plus.. I love my step sons to bits so it's something we're going to have to keep on dealing with! You'd think that 4 years on she'd have found another hobby though!!

I hope things get sorted for everyone!
Emma, so excited for you for tomorrow! I hope things go well and enjoy your maccy d's! (So jealous! although hubby just said he was going to cook me a romantic meal tonight, and when I asked why he said : "DO I need a reason other than I love you?" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!)

DH is doing some serious nesting today.. he's always been one for rearranging furniture, something that reeeeeeeeeeeeally gets to me because I've always been a 'once it's there, it's there' kind of person... he gets really itchy feet if things are the same for too long, so I had a lie in today and came down to our whole living room inside out and back to front! But... it's completely immaculate, he's even sorting out all our paperwork and drawers and things, and he's about to start the kitchen cupboards! The nesting instinct must have bypassed me!!

BTW I got a call earlier and I am booked in to the clinic to see the obstetrician next Wednesday, so that's good... My 39 week MW appt is with the GP and tbh I don't trust him as much as I would a MW with measurements etc, so I doubt he would have referred me, so I'm happier now :)
wow 5page's since this morning...and the few that I skipped then...no time to read them tho!

Ok so got family laying bet's now....my MIL say's tomorrow, my mum say's monday!
I have a 50th party to go to tomorrow...I only want to go for some cake(my MIL made it!), so he need's to stay in until after I have my cake..
Unfortunately, talking to her isn't really an option. I spent most of my teenage years arguing with her, and moved out at 17 as soon as I could. She doesn't listen, and won't see my point of view at all. And she never apologises, ever. I don't think i've ever heard her say sorry in my life. I really didn't want this so close to the baby being born, so I understand all of your kind suggestions to get it sorted beforehand.
OMG!! Is this the same woman!! :haha: I moved out at 17 too, same reason, i actually got engaged to move out, it was never going to last but it meant we could share a place and get out of home!
She got my first job for me, took me along and just said can you give her a job, i never choose it and i resented her for choosing my path for me, she had always labeled me as 'practical' so never would amount to anything and may as well leave school and get a job, at 15 i was working full time and had to go back to sit gcse's.
I had my son at 21 much to her dissapointment and and offer to 'get rid' and by thet time i pretty much in my head had dissowned her!
I have gone on to been married, divorced, and make my own choices, i studied and graduated with my BSc a year or so ago, and i have her stubborn streak which is prob why i persisted with a busy life and an education!
I consider i came out of it well, my sister has mental health issues and struggles, she blames her childhood, i suppose i was just more resiliant:cry:
It's not til i left home that i realised how strange my childhood was!

DH has gone to get me a McFlurry even though he's only just got back from getting my iron tablets. Love him xx
Now that is commitment!! xx

DH is doing some serious nesting today.. he's always been one for rearranging furniture, something that reeeeeeeeeeeeally gets to me because I've always been a 'once it's there, it's there' kind of person... he gets really itchy feet if things are the same for too long, so I had a lie in today and came down to our whole living room inside out and back to front! But... it's completely immaculate, he's even sorting out all our paperwork and drawers and things, and he's about to start the kitchen cupboards! The nesting instinct must have bypassed me!!
Ahh, this is what is going on, my dh is also nesting, he has done washing up twice today and cleared out his untidy corner in the lounge, unheard of!!
He looked at it and said, 'now is that ok or shall i do it properly' that made me laugh!! :haha:

I am doing a very easy tea for the children, we have all agreed we are not that hungry so its easy things on toast, eggs and stuff! Then choc cake and custard for puds, I have been so lazy today, i got up, did very little, we were going to go out but changed our minds then i went to bed for a few hours and now i am up in my dressing gown lazing around more!
I must say our little argument seems to have cleared the air and bought out this helpful side in dh, dd was calling me last night and he got up to see to her, long may it continue!

I think going for a day out tomorrow, the last one with the children before school, next week i can just put labels in uniforms and pack their final bits and pieces,we have said first day back we will go to costa for a coffee as our little treat!

Big :hugs: everyone xx

:baby:tp xx
Another update from Choc. Midwives removed pessary this morning but Choc still only 1cm dilated. After another examination they realised it was her back waters which had broke & not her front so they were planning to transfer her to delivery suite this afternoon to break her front waters & hope that starts contractions. If not they will put an IV drip up to froce start contractions. I've sent her love from everyone 7 she appreciates the thoughts & support from all :thumbup:

Just catching up on thread before posting personals :hugs:
I want to get a macdonalds now :cry: Its so strange i dont normally even like them :wacko:

Well i only have a few days left until i'm overdue :shock: really didnt think i'd get this far...prob thats why i'm still here :dohh:

Think i'm going to get DH to DTD tonight :rofl: Just see if it helps anything.
Hi ladies,
Well what a day i've had! My new midwife came to visit this morning to arrange the transfer of my care, she is absolutely lovely :thumbup:. She checked me over & when i asked her to check where Tufty was she said she wasn't sure if he/she was 1/5 engaged & bobbing in & out or 4/5 engaged & really low down :shrug:. When my hypnobirth midwife came i asked her if she would give me a second opinion to which she said Tufty felt 1/5 engaged :thumbup:. She told me to stop worrying as some babies (esp 1st time ones aparently) often don't engage until contractions allow the pelvis to open & let baby settle further down. She thinks i will be one of these cases as my stomach musles are so tight they are holding Tufty in position & not allowing for much movement (when she tried to move the poor little mite manually). Anyway - we are both fine & on course :thumbup:.
Then my friend came for lunch, i haven't seen her since my wedding & as i refused to tell anyone by phone or mail she didn't know i was pregnant (but did suspect from my numerous texts & voice mails over the past few months lol). On her arrival she checked my tummy, grinned, hugged me, then dissolved into tears! It turns out she miscarried on monday (unplanned but they had only just come to accept it when she woke up bleeding). I felt awful but also connected as i knew exactly how she was feeling. We talked about it (she'd not opened up properly to anyone or felt able to cry - so we both cried) which was weird but nice as i knew she needed to talk. It's hard to explain but we had a strange afternoon, she cooed over me one minute then cried for herself the next. On her way out she thanked me for being normal & not treating her like she was mad or trying to avoid the subject (uuuuum not exactly easy to do when your 38+3 yourself). I feel quite bad fro her but i know she's strong & will get through it. Sorry i'm waffling now - i just needed to get it off my chest as i feel a bit mixed up emotionally myself :cry::happydance::shrug:

Asher - congratulations, what a lovely piece of news to wake up to on facebook :thumbup:

Elmaxie - i'm debating bringing my tortoises in too but i have nowhere to put them at the moment. I was hoping to have their enclosure built by now but it's not looking promising. Guess i should find space for them somewhere - i can see them living in the nursery :dohh:.
Good luck for tomorrow hun

Argh - who mentioned winter & snow suits........I don't have one as i'm waiting till Tufty is here to buy a coloured one.........eeeeek. Hope the weather picks up - else it'll be bundled up in a million blankets to come home!

Sorry if i've missed anyone - only had time for a quick skim. Will try to pop back later :hugs: to all xxx

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