****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Choc - Hope things get moving soon for her fx

Limpetsmum -I was in the same situation with a friend when I was in 2nd tri, I can appreciate how emotional it can be . Your a good friend xx

BTP - I've had a very similar day was planning on sorting out my cellar etc instead I've slept on the sofa all afternoon :blush: sometimes it's good to relax xx
Another update from Choc. Midwives removed pessary this morning but Choc still only 1cm dilated. After another examination they realised it was her back waters which had broke & not her front so they were planning to transfer her to delivery suite this afternoon to break her front waters & hope that starts contractions. If not they will put an IV drip up to froce start contractions. I've sent her love from everyone 7 she appreciates the thoughts & support from all :thumbup:

Just catching up on thread before posting personals :hugs:

Poor Choc - this is exactly what happened to my Mum when she had me, they thought her waters had gone completely but it was just her hind waters. Poor Mum ended up getting pumped with Pethidine for the pain as I was back to back and was in labour for 72hours. I really hope things get going for Choc soon :hugs:

Limpets - your poor friend :cry: it's great that she had you to talk to at least she know's you understand. MC is such a taboo subject people can end up feeling terribly alone it seems. I imagine it must have been tough for you emotionally. My emotions are all over the place at the moment, one minute I'm really happy and excited, next minute I am feeling overwhelmed and in tears. Poor DH doesn't know what to do with me.....

On the subject of over-emotional I just had a complete meltdown because our neighbours want to "discuss" our shared garden later and they don't want to "fall out about it" apparently. Which to my mind is code for we are going to do what we want and if you disagree you are being unreasonable. They have got it into their heads that they want a spiral staircase (they are upstairs) but don't seem to be able to get it through their thick heads that there is a brick built shed at the back of the property attached to our bathroom that would have to be demolished to allow for their new stairs.:dohh: Aside from the privacy issues and the fact that we use the shed, we are absolutely not spending a penny on the garden at the moment as we have other priorities. I just know it's going to end up in a confrontation and I really don't need that at this stage in our pregnancy. DH has offered to talk to them on his own but I know he will just end up agreeing for a quiet life. :growlmad: We also have the issue of our dog who I can just imagine destroying their plants and causing mayhem. I don't want to have to police the dog every time he goes out the back for a wee but I know that is what it is going to come down to. I will never buy a leasehold property again - bloody London.

Limpets - I bought a coat and a pram suit on Ebay at the weekend, both were new with tags. I was worried in case it's cold when baby leaves hospital but in all honestly there is no way it will be cold enough to use them so I've put them in the drawer for later. I'm thinking chunky cardigan or the little jersey padded jacket I bought in M&S here it is https://www.marksandspencer.com/Pet...2845019&sr=1-3&rh=n:72343031,n:75588031&page=
Either of those plus a blanket should be plenty as it's not really cold, just wet and miserable

Hiya!! Wow 16 stars, it was only 12 yest and I so thought Choc would be number 13, sending her lots of good labour vibes!

Congrats to all you lovely yummy mummys.

I had the hosp today, had a scan my 'wee baby' weighs 7 and a half pounds and I still have 4 weeks to go till 40 weeks............... Im supposed to have a elective c-section at 39 weeks and get booked in for that today but the consultant has bookd me to see him on 8th Sept and should platelets be ok ill get his next available date so the end is in sight, so frustrated as they had given me like 4 diff due dates, and they are sticking with the one that is furthest away which i know is at least 8 day out, so frustrating here they will always go for the latest date in my hospital, just in case, there is no just in case about it mate I know my dates!! Well anyways my baby has turned and is head down and engaged so i may go into labour and he says if I do i need to go to hosp and they will emergency section me, not to labour at home.

Im feeling really poo, bp was up today, have a headache and this cold is awful, my throat is so sore and my tummy hurts with all my coughing, and im just sore all over so not having a good day lol, bath and early night for me I think!!

Hope this finds the rest of you better than me lol and labour dust to all who need it.

Sorry for lack of personlas, I forgot everthing when i started moaning lol.x
:wohoo: congrats to Caezzybe, Zo23 and Asher

Congratulations Asher baby sam is lush!! :cloud9: wow i hope my birth is as quick, pleased you got your water birth too :flower: xxx

thanks limpetsmum for the update on choc's sending her massive :hugs: and i hope things will start soon for her :dust:

wow ladies you have been busy! new stars and at least 1 more on it's way :happydance:

drea2904 :hugs:

we have finally got everything we need for baby!
and our room is finally set up ready to go :happydance:
have even ironed all of DD's school clothes ready for 2weeks time!

sending :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: keep the stars coming :)
Hope Choc is ok xx Fx'd things get going for her soon xx

Well I have just had a nice bath and washed my hair, DH has gone to the cinema with my bro in law, so I am enjoying some me time!! Feeling a bit tired, walked Murphy in the rain and wind, was quite impossible!

Gosh I have just read all your chat and its made me laugh and cry!!:flower:

Where to start??

Choc...poor soul hope she has a speedy labour from now on! Hope she is doing well and her partner is supporting her lots as that must be awful!! Especially stuck in hospital!:hugs:

Oooo Angeltearz is being induced!! Its hard keeping track now we have been moved to the "groups" section as you could just flit into 3rd tri and see what was happening:dohh:Anyway Good Luck Angeltearz hope all is going well and wish you a speedy delivery!!

Optical you are not being self obssessed your just having a crappy time which is not what you need right now!!:hugs:Really hope you can smooth/sort something with your mum...even thought she doesnt sound like she knows she is in the wrong:wacko:

Louise:hugs:hope that the court understand and see your OH ex is a maniac weirdo!! Its mad what some women turn into....and I love the idea of a discount on mass bump offs....I might have to add my step mum to the bumping list!
And you made me cry with your Oh cooking the romantic meal....he is soo sweet!!:cry::thumbup:

MrsN I hope you got your hotdogs!!:haha:

MrsJ what a lovely husband you have...hmmm might need to get a mcflurry too havent had one in ages as am not a fan of ice-cream really.

Limpets thanks for passing on our love to choc!:thumbup:
Also so sorry to hear about your friend but you sound so lovely a friend! So this was the second post that made me blub away....hoping your friend will have a lobely little baby of her own soon!!:hugs:
Oh and stomach muscles?? What are they?? LOL am very jealous you have muscles...I seem to just have stomach and nowt to help hold anything tight in place!:haha:
I bring Tobs in at night now as the weather has been so unpridictable up here, its been chucking rain during the night and can get really cold so I figured I would just put him in his indoor enclosure with his lamp....it wont be long until he is in the fridge. I tend to put him in late October time as its usually horrible and dark and wet and cold....:sleep:

Oh drea :hugs: sorry your having a crappy day! Hope your feeling better soon!

Right now I think I have mentioned everyone...if not I am sorry and havent missed you out on purpose...this thread is just so chatty!

I am excited for tomorrow but at the same time am getting scared:nope:
A friend emailed me when I announced I was being induced and she basically had a horrible time and almost died after the birth...yes I know NOT what anyone wants to hear but I knew her story so thought ok. But she went on to say hoe terrible being induced was and how normal labour was so much better than induction....ARGH:ignore:
I am also worried about leaving Nathan for the first time overnight potentially ever!! My mum is more than capable but I was telling him about tomorrow and yup I cried like a big kid...he just looked at me weird:haha:
Anyways I then thought god I am going to have to give birth again...although I cant really remember it being that bad I have one of those imaginations on me that goes wild!!:wacko:
But she is coming out...hoping for tomorrow but my mum thinks maybe Sat early morning! Blob get that mobile in range LOL!!
Also I dont quite believe its happening yet:shrug:all a bit surreal I will have my baby in my arms soon....my last pregnancy (unless we get a surprise:blush:)
I have been quite spoiled today considering I got money from my mum and Stuart(OH) to have my pampering done..my Dad has gone on to give me money which I guess will come in handly after the birth!!
My little brother gave me sweets (my fave too flying saucers) adn a tortoise plant pot thing. Then my mum brought up another little gift for me...a "my little pony"!:haha:as ever since I was little I have said I want a pony for my birthday:dohh:so she got me one for my 30th! She is called Rainbow dash and even has her own comb! But Nathan has taken a shine so I have lost my long awaited pony!
Then there was a chap at the door and OH sent me a huge bunch of gorgeous flowers...cue hysterical crying at the poor delivery man:blush:
And Nathan and Hannah bought me a picture frame which was insribed which is lovely and again made me cry:cry:

So now I am just waiting for Nathan to egt himself into a good sleep so I can go shower and "prepare" for tomorrow. Tidy up the mess of today then await my Maccy Ds....such a long wait!!:coffee:

But I will probably pop on late on when I head to bed see if there is any updates on Choc adn angelztears.

Good luck choc hope things get moving soon
Also good luck angelztearz
Elmaxie how inconsiderate of your friend to email her horror story - that's so not on! :hugs:

I have been so sore today - my whole bump feels super tight & sore especially if baby moves, or if I try & move. It just feels like it's going to burst! Anyone else had this? Wondering if maybe baby has moved position?
Hi girls

Hope you're all ok. Mostly selfish one from me tonight as haven't stopped today! Just wanted to wish Emma good luck for tomorrow and don't worry about your silly friends email, everyone' experience is different and who is saying that her labour wouldn't have been terrible if she had gone into labour naturally? I bet you will do great. Good luck chick, can't wait to hear about your little Hannah arriving!!

The midwife came today to weigh Holly and I am so happy as she is now back up to 7lb 7oz, so only 2oz off her birth weight! This is great seeing as last Friday she had dropped right down to 6lb 10oz. The midwife is coming back on Saturday to check on her jaundice, as although it's loads better it's still there a bit and if it's still there when she is 2 weeks old, she will have to have a prolonged Jaundice test... I'm not really sure what this is, I'll google it in a minute. Anyway, I'm just really happy that she is gaining weight :cloud9:

We had a lovely afternoon, just a little trip into town and a browse round the shops. I'm still getting used to having a baby and can't believe she is here still!! I'm so proud wheeling her around in her pram and love her so much :cloud9:

Anyway, here's another piccy for those not on facebook. I'm sure I take about a million photos of her a day lol

Hope you're all ok and lots and lots of :dust: to all that need it!



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Elmaxie i wish you lots of luck tommorow im sure you will be just fine and your little star will be with you soon. xxxx

My bump hurts i suspect it might be the two helpings of blackberry and apple crumble i just ate... ouch x
sorry I think i'm in a CBA mood today!
Mainly because of lak of sleep and the fact I can't do anything regarding OH's daughter and people on here are saying I should :/ yet solicitor's have told us to "hold out abit longer" :(

Anyway nothing new from me, had a few pain's but that's about it :(
Hi ladies, my reply will be crap as I'm on the iPod so apologies!
MrsJ08 thanks for your kind words :) I was gonna say something else too but I forgot :dohh:
Elmaxie - what do you do to prepare Toby for hibernation? I've yet to hibernate mine as I'm terrified of loosing one of them! I've been discussing indoor enclosure options with DH tonight as it'd be lovely to have them back inside but deep down I know hibernation is the best thing for them:thumbup:
My friend text me earlier to apologise for making me cry & upsetting me at such a happy time in my life (silly girl!!!!!!) I told her to stop being so silly as I was glad to help her talk about it. I think what she found hard is they are nit ready for children, they haven't been together long & she has pcos so it's not something either if them had given much thought. However on finding out they did a lot of soul searching & decided it was a good thing, he has just been diagnosed with a serious (but easily controlled) heart condition & started to get excited (always the way eh). I told her at least she knows she can concieve & they have many years to take up that opportunity (she's only 24).
Anyway I think we both feel a bit better about things between us now so I feel more at ease.
I'm now chilling on the sofa whilst DH massages my feet as they have puffed up again ggrrrrr!
No more news from Choc so I'm hoping the cliche of 'no news is good news' is true for her, I'll let you all know as I do xx
just a quick post..

Went for hospital tour today, i think they must have hid all the women in labour screaming in pain because it was so quite.

Congrats Caezzybe :happydance:
Congrats Zo23 :happydance:
Congrats Usher, i missed the water breaking FB update and saw the photos, OMG how quick !! :happydance:

Im soooooooooooooooooo jealous :flower:

Carley = its my last day tomorrow at work too :wohoo:.. im so pleased as i am starting to struggle.. i brought cake in for everyone today and i plan to do nothing tomorrow x
Congratulations to all the babies born over the last few days it's getting quite busy on here now. Emma good luck for your induction.

Had a bit of a crappy day today as had to spend the whole afternoon on the Fetal Health Unit as baby hadn't moved since 11pm last night. They advised me to have lots of ice cold water as well as a bath and nothing was moving my little boy. Ended up on the CTG for 1.5 hours and he moved 13 times during that time. The heartrate was fine during the period of movement and accelerated and decelerated as normal but during a sleepy period there was no change in the heartrate which they were concerned about and we ended up poking and prodding to get him to wake up which he did, that was a relief.

Movement is back to normal tonight but have been told to take note of all movements and if I have any concerns to get it checked which I will definitely do. The concern that they have is that the placenta may not be working as effective as it should do at this point in the pregnancy due to complications of Gestational Diabetes so they may do c-section earlier than 38 weeks if there are problems occuring.

Sorry for the selfish post but had to share my day!!!!
Had a bit of a crappy day today as had to spend the whole afternoon on the Fetal Health Unit as baby hadn't moved since 11pm last night. They advised me to have lots of ice cold water as well as a bath and nothing was moving my little boy. Ended up on the CTG for 1.5 hours and he moved 13 times during that time. The heartrate was fine during the period of movement and accelerated and decelerated as normal but during a sleepy period there was no change in the heartrate which they were concerned about and we ended up poking and prodding to get him to wake up which he did, that was a relief.

Movement is back to normal tonight but have been told to take note of all movements and if I have any concerns to get it checked which I will definitely do. The concern that they have is that the placenta may not be working as effective as it should do at this point in the pregnancy due to complications of Gestational Diabetes so they may do c-section earlier than 38 weeks if there are problems occuring.

Sorry you have had a bad day :hugs:
I've also been worried today as my movements are not as strong and have decreased. I'm keeping an eye on it this evening (drinking cold water etc) and if no improvement am going to ring fetal assessment tommorow morning....

Hope you have a better day tommorow xx
Had a bit of a crappy day today as had to spend the whole afternoon on the Fetal Health Unit as baby hadn't moved since 11pm last night. They advised me to have lots of ice cold water as well as a bath and nothing was moving my little boy. Ended up on the CTG for 1.5 hours and he moved 13 times during that time. The heartrate was fine during the period of movement and accelerated and decelerated as normal but during a sleepy period there was no change in the heartrate which they were concerned about and we ended up poking and prodding to get him to wake up which he did, that was a relief.

Movement is back to normal tonight but have been told to take note of all movements and if I have any concerns to get it checked which I will definitely do. The concern that they have is that the placenta may not be working as effective as it should do at this point in the pregnancy due to complications of Gestational Diabetes so they may do c-section earlier than 38 weeks if there are problems occuring.

Sorry you have had a bad day :hugs:
I've also been worried today as my movements are not as strong and have decreased. I'm keeping an eye on it this evening (drinking cold water etc) and if no improvement am going to ring fetal assessment tommorow morning....

Hope you have a better day tommorow xx

Hi there. Have you had your 10 movements in 12 hours today? If you're concerned give labour ward a quick call. They have said to me to phone anytime if I'm concerned. Hope it all goes ok tomorrow morning?
Yeah I have they just have been alot weaker and completly different to how they are normally. They are normaly most active at night hence i'm going to wait until the morning.
Hi ladies!

Was hoping for more updates on choc, angelzteaes and rocky but there doesn't seem to be anything!:shrug:

anyways that's me all ready, well as I can be for tomorrow!
Had my maccy d and it was yum!

Feeling really nervous but excited at the same time! Can't believe it was 8 months ago I found out I was having a baby and WHAM here I am on the verge of meeting her!!:baby:

Just wanted to send out loads of labour inducing :dust: to everyone who wants some! Also thank you for your thoughts today wishing me luck! Really means alot!:hugs:

blob get that phone charged and in signal!!

Good luck to Mel who is being induced tomorrow too at 3pm!! Sorry I can't remember your username:dohh:

Well I doubt I will get on before going to hospital so will be hoping OH I-phone gets a signal where we are and I can sneakily check for baby stars announcements whilst passing the time!

Hugs to all and will speak soon!

Hi everyone!
Masses of nuttiness going down at work right now and I am staggering home and collapsing!
What a time to run out of energy with all these babies joining us - I'm missing the best part! :)
Please forgive my rotten thread manners. I just don't have the brain cells to catch up on all the news.
Hope all are well!

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