Gosh I have just read all your chat and its made me laugh and cry!!
Where to start??
Choc...poor soul hope she has a speedy labour from now on! Hope she is doing well and her partner is supporting her lots as that must be awful!! Especially stuck in hospital!
Oooo Angeltearz is being induced!! Its hard keeping track now we have been moved to the "groups" section as you could just flit into 3rd tri and see what was happening

Anyway Good Luck Angeltearz hope all is going well and wish you a speedy delivery!!
Optical you are not being self obssessed your just having a crappy time which is not what you need right now!!

Really hope you can smooth/sort something with your mum...even thought she doesnt sound like she knows she is in the wrong

hope that the court understand and see your OH ex is a maniac weirdo!! Its mad what some women turn into....and I love the idea of a discount on mass bump offs....I might have to add my step mum to the bumping list!
And you made me cry with your Oh cooking the romantic meal....he is soo sweet!!

MrsN I hope you got your hotdogs!!
MrsJ what a lovely husband you have...hmmm might need to get a mcflurry too havent had one in ages as am not a fan of ice-cream really.
Limpets thanks for passing on our love to choc!

Also so sorry to hear about your friend but you sound so lovely a friend! So this was the second post that made me blub away....hoping your friend will have a lobely little baby of her own soon!!

Oh and stomach muscles?? What are they?? LOL am very jealous you have muscles...I seem to just have stomach and nowt to help hold anything tight in place!

I bring Tobs in at night now as the weather has been so unpridictable up here, its been chucking rain during the night and can get really cold so I figured I would just put him in his indoor enclosure with his lamp....it wont be long until he is in the fridge. I tend to put him in late October time as its usually horrible and dark and wet and cold....
Oh drea

sorry your having a crappy day! Hope your feeling better soon!
Right now I think I have mentioned everyone...if not I am sorry and havent missed you out on purpose...this thread is just so chatty!
I am excited for tomorrow but at the same time am getting scared

A friend emailed me when I announced I was being induced and she basically had a horrible time and almost died after the birth...yes I know NOT what anyone wants to hear but I knew her story so thought ok. But she went on to say hoe terrible being induced was and how normal labour was so much better than induction....ARGH

I am also worried about leaving Nathan for the first time overnight potentially ever!! My mum is more than capable but I was telling him about tomorrow and yup I cried like a big kid...he just looked at me weird

Anyways I then thought god I am going to have to give birth again...although I cant really remember it being that bad I have one of those imaginations on me that goes wild!!

But she is coming out...hoping for tomorrow but my mum thinks maybe Sat early morning! Blob get that mobile in range LOL!!
Also I dont quite believe its happening yet

all a bit surreal I will have my baby in my arms soon....my last pregnancy (unless we get a surprise

I have been quite spoiled today considering I got money from my mum and Stuart(OH) to have my pampering done..my Dad has gone on to give me money which I guess will come in handly after the birth!!
My little brother gave me sweets (my fave too flying saucers) adn a tortoise plant pot thing. Then my mum brought up another little gift for me...a "my little pony"!

as ever since I was little I have said I want a pony for my birthday

so she got me one for my 30th! She is called Rainbow dash and even has her own comb! But Nathan has taken a shine so I have lost my long awaited pony!
Then there was a chap at the door and OH sent me a huge bunch of gorgeous flowers...cue hysterical crying at the poor delivery man

And Nathan and Hannah bought me a picture frame which was insribed which is lovely and again made me cry
So now I am just waiting for Nathan to egt himself into a good sleep so I can go shower and "prepare" for tomorrow. Tidy up the mess of today then await my Maccy Ds....such a long wait!!
But I will probably pop on late on when I head to bed see if there is any updates on Choc adn angelztears.