Congratulations to Choc, love the name
I am excited for tomorrow but at the same time am getting scared

A friend emailed me when I announced I was being induced and she basically had a horrible time and almost died after the birth...yes I know NOT what anyone wants to hear but I knew her story so thought ok. But she went on to say hoe terrible being induced was and how normal labour was so much better than induction....ARGH

Please don't worry about today, you will be fine, that is one experience and i think it is really out of order relaying horror birth stories to someone just about to give birth, a friend you say!!!
I have been induced 3 times, once drip, was slow, twice pessary was much better, tends to speed things up but thats all, the labour is just faster than it would be naturally not any different!
If your friend had a bad labour it was not down to being induced!
My dd was not induced and she was just a slower labour, and more pushing to get her out, and having had induced births i was just thinking will she ever come out!!!
Good luck,

Limpets, it is good you cleared things with your friend, it was nice she opened up to you.
I have a friend who has suffered so much loss and about 3 m/c since i have been pregnant, (and a term baby undiagnosed with something

) I do see her and she rubs my bump, but has said how sad she feels when she see's pregnant women, then says 'but not you' but i think i am still pregnant and still must make her want to cry.
I am going to take baby to see her when i have had it, but will still feel like i am rubbing her nose in it, but i feel if i dont go to see her she will think it is because of her losses i am not sharing, and that would be worse, not as great situation.
Mrs Jo8,
I have had a bad night too, what with tooth ache, headache, bump ache, baby was quiet which worried me, then went nuts, i mean totally nuts which worried me more!

I worked out i am not sleeping an hour without turning over in pain, not great!
I am going to phone midwife today see if i can get a scan any sooner, I has a few twinges last night, and if i say i am worried i will go into labour without knowing if baby is breech, my labours have been noted as quick (shortest was 3 hours) and by the time i get to the hospital i could be delivering with a quick labour, and i am not attempting a breech.
I hope instead of having a prod next week i will have the scan, seeing as the last 2 appointments have been unsure, 2 different midwifes and the experienced one said it was a difficult call, i still get so much stretching i am not even sure myself, it still feels like when stretching it is all across me?
Taking children out today, last trip of the hols, the girls are downstairs waiting!
I have to shop today as well, just no food in the house at all!
Right i am off now, Hello and waves to everyone, good luck and labour dust to those who are in labour, or just about to be!
Back later xxxxxxx

to all, sorry to any news i have missed xxxx