****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Just thought I'd post this story for you all to read. Amazing!


I am so relaxed after my reflexology, it was fab!! Came home and had an hours sleep, she recommended that I try to have some naps in the day as this will help prep my body for labour, and suggested thats why Hope is not engaged as she knows that my body is too tired to cope! I feel so refreshed, it was brill!! Going again next Friday!!! She did some stimulation to encourage labour and said if anything is going to happen it will do in the next 24/48 hours!! But I doubt it!
:wave: hey everyone. Just popping in.

Congrats choc :happydance:

Genies Girl - I think I'd collapse going out for a girls night now.

I've just nearly given myself carpal tunnel making crumble for an apple crumble. Wrist is killing me!

Also - I've been having stomach aches/cramps and pains for about a week now. Sometimes they get really painful. It's at the top of my bump. Also TMI but accompanied by a bit of a bad stomach toilet wise too. I mentioned it at clinic on Monday and also to the Midwife yesterday and they didn't seem concerned. Just wondering if anyone else has had this, if its normal and could possibly just be my body preparing for labour? :shrug:

:dust: to those who want/need it!
Genies, have a fab night!!!

Bekks, some of my pains have been really high up on my bump and also my BM have been quite loose!!! Not nice is it!!

Just popping on whilst bouncing away on the ball.
Hope your all doing well, sorry for no personals.

Just thought while I was bored and getting annoyed with OH watching frigging deal or no deal on the tele while I ouchy away in the background.

I had a tape type thing placed in behind my cervix at 10am and since then had contractions and pain on and off roughly every 10 mins. They won't be doing another exam until 10pm tonight unless my waters break or contractions come stronger, longer and quicker!
I have wandered the corridors a few times and now I am getting fed up...I feel like I am at work but in pain with no end in sight! So hoping things pick up soon or OH will have to go home tonight. Am knackered and want to nap but I am scared things might totally stop lol

Anyway I am going to go and see if I can get a massage out of OH...I think he now realises why the last time I never told him I was in labour last time as he is bored I think lol bless

:dust: to all


Just thought I'd post this story for you all to read. Amazing!



Emzy, I cried my eyes out when I saw this story on the news at lunch-time. Amazing - just imagine if she hadn't cuddled her baby, doesn't bare thinking about!

Elmaxie - bless you, hope things get going soon. x

Genies - I'm impressed you are even attempting a night out. Have a fab time :hugs:

Becs - I'm so jealous of your reflexology. I absolutely love it but can't really afford it at the moment. I did find out today that DH has booked me a surprise pedicure for the week I'm due so I have that to look forward to :happydance:

I'm getting worried about Rocky - I've had another look but can't find anything from her. Hopefully she is just really busy with her baby?

Hi All,

Lovely day out, went to Wookey Hole Caves, saw all the bits and pieces they have there, the kids were quite good but ds a bit hyper which sets dd off a bit and winds me up, up all in all thay were pretty good!
Did a massive food shop on the way home, and got some southern fried boneless chicken in oven for tea, with fries, coleslaw and dips just like being in kfc!!

WARNING RANT< feel free to skip!
My midwife is officially useless, I called this morning, thinking please don't be her, and it was:nope:
I said i wanted to know if baby was breech with a scan as my last 2 appointments had been inconclusive, i said i had twinges in the night and was worried i would go into labour not knowing if i was breech, and i had quick labours so by the time i got to hospital it could be too late and i would be finding myself trying to deliver breech.
I tried everything and she still said to keep my appointment with them to feel next week and they will book me in for a scan at the hospital if its still inconclusive, thing is i want a scan now whatever because i don't believe they really know.
I said i will be 37+ weeks next week so possibly 38+ by the time i get a scan and even know if its breech, but she just said if i feel like i am in labour to go to hospital, F***ing useless or what??
SO! Last time i was at the hospital they said to call and come in if i had any worries or consurns, well this is that so i will have to go above the midwife (again) to see if i make the same call to them if they offer me to come in and get the scan, at the same time i want the waters checked as i was a bit low with one, and that comment may help with a scan too.
It just annoys me that consistantly I have to push for what i want, and go above the midwife, it is always this same one, she is so f***ing 'right' and I know nothing, even though i have had more children than her and i should know my own body.
Anyway rant over, think i will call hospital monday to see if i can get a scan, if not i am going to have to go along on Wed to be prodded and told its inconclusive and sent for a scan anyway the following week.
I am not bothered about saying to the midwife i have been already, she should get her finger out and have sent me anyway!

Sorry for rant!!

Shorman, lovely name, and nice weight, just nice to pop out! xx:hugs:

Genies, hope you have a lovely evening! xx

Becs, glad you enjoyed the reflexology, sounds lovely! :hugs:

MrsJo8, MMmmmm Mc Flurry :hugs:

Daisybell, I am rubbish at knitting, i have hugely hinted to my sister to knit some things for lo but she has sadly not got the hint:nope: I love hand knits on babies! x:hugs:

Jellycat, glad things are all good with baby, not nice when they panic us! x:hugs:

Must go, yummy chicken smelling cooked!

Back later


:baby:tp xx
:hi: all,

Congrats Choc:0 lovely name.xx

Glad everything was ok Jellycat:)

Emzy isnt it wonderful:) imagine your devastation and then overwhelming joy.

Awh Elmaxie hope things get moving honey! Men just dont really understand, my oh was helpless the last time. BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE:)

Have a nice night Genies G, dont overdo it lol, like we can:)

Bekkelz, i also have had bad stomach toilet wise, i actually thought it was the start of labour the other night! Last time the day before i went into labour with mason I had increased bowel movement.

Hope wee sam is ok Asher:)

Well I had a much better sleep last night, from about 11 till 7am without a toilet break, now thats unheard of for me lately!! Its amazing how different you can feel with a good nights sleep. Had a productive day, house gleaming:) maternity allowance form completed and away:) washing all done and dried:) been to docs:) been to see about a place at a council nursery for Mason and completed the forms and finally went to the park with my boy!!! Still feeling flu like and coughing loads but defo an improvemet on yest:)

labour dust to all who need it.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have been having the same symptoms bekklez, especially the pains and BM have been very loose for the past couple of days. I am hoping it is going to be the start of my body preparing.

Elmaxie hope things start moving for you soon.
Thanks ladies, good to know it's not just me! hopefully we'll be having babies very soon. :cloud9:
well today i finished work for 6 months, oh yeahhhhhhhh baby !!!, so ill be on here posting all the time waiting for my time to see my baby girl...

I went for my hospital tour yesterday at Watford general hospital, 10 couples waiting for the tour in the waiting room and not one man got up from their seat to let another pregnant women sit down !!!:growlmad: one pregnant women even sat on the floor !. The rooms were so small half of us had to stand outside, My hubby thought it was rude that some of the men didnt offer to stand outside so all the women could get into the room, its them giving birth after all. I was not very impressed... and i still dont know where im suppose to go when i go into labour, im going to stand by the main door and scream until someone comes to me i think

congrats Choc .... she is adorable xx :flower:

Carley.. how was your last day honey? I ended up having to go to london for a meeting.. but then did nothing...and there was even some cake left.

Jellycat, Im so pleased baby was ok... always good to get those things monitored
i've had a horrible day :nope: just spent the last few hours sobbing uncontrollably down the phone to my employer. I can't really go into details but i'm really scared of what might happen to me, sorry that doesn't really help does it? Mine & Tufty's health is ok, i just hope i can be around to see them grow up :cry:. Sorry to be so vague - i really wanna talk about it but i'm alone at home until DH gets home much later tonight :cry: He knows to hurry - i just hope he does.
Sorry for vagueness - might not be around for a few days but i promise i'll send an update if anything baby related happens x

If you need to talk we are all here for you babe :hugs:, hope your hubby comes home soon xx
big :hugs: limpets, hope hubby gets home soon for you :hugs:

yay for last day at work ladykara :thumbup: boo for rubbish hospital tour though, how very rude of the men, I would have been fuming!
:hugs: Limpetsmum, hope things are ok xx

I'm making chocolate chip cookies atm so just a quick update to let you all know:

Court hearing was this morning, obviously we didn't go, it turns out the judge had his head screwed on... we are to return the kids on Sunday 29th (so this sunday, still cutting our contact a bit short but they have been here for 5 1/2 weeks) but we only have to go to Chelmsford services... so about an hour away from us... and she has to collect them from there.. we are to meet there at 6pm sunday! SO although we have to get in the car etc, she has to get from Sittingbourne to Chelmsford, including M25 which we get to miss out, and she has to do the tunnel AND the bridge on the way back :happydance: so tbh it's a bit of a moral victory for us, as she is going to have to get off her fat arse and do something for once, other than just open the front door to let the kids in! Woohoo so happy! The kids are quite pleased about going back, understandably they've missed their mum, not sure how they'll feel when they find out that she's got rid of their puppy again though :(

ANyway, just thought I'd let you know. Hopefully she won't stop us seeing them weekends in Sept as arranged... she has threatened to... wouldn't surprise me but who knows!

Hugs to all x
:hugs: Limpets, really hope you are ok honey.

We are all here.xxx
Congrats choc!

Good luck Elmaxie, thinking of you :)

I think I have had a bad tummy forever, no other signs though apart from still losing plug. I am willing her to kick things off before 1st Sept when they will probably give me an induction date but she is so STUBBORN! :rofl:

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