Hi All,
Lovely day out, went to Wookey Hole Caves, saw all the bits and pieces they have there, the kids were quite good but ds a bit hyper which sets dd off a bit and winds me up, up all in all thay were pretty good!
Did a massive food shop on the way home, and got some southern fried boneless chicken in oven for tea, with fries, coleslaw and dips just like being in kfc!!
WARNING RANT< feel free to skip!
My midwife is officially useless, I called this morning, thinking please don't be her, and it was

I said i wanted to know if baby was breech with a scan as my last 2 appointments had been inconclusive, i said i had twinges in the night and was worried i would go into labour not knowing if i was breech, and i had quick labours so by the time i got to hospital it could be too late and i would be finding myself trying to deliver breech.
I tried everything and she still said to keep my appointment with them to feel next week and they will book me in for a scan at the hospital if its still inconclusive, thing is i want a scan now whatever because i don't believe they really know.
I said i will be 37+ weeks next week so possibly 38+ by the time i get a scan and even know if its breech, but she just said if i feel like i am in labour to go to hospital, F***ing useless or what??
SO! Last time i was at the hospital they said to call and come in if i had any worries or consurns, well this is that so i will have to go above the midwife (again) to see if i make the same call to them if they offer me to come in and get the scan, at the same time i want the waters checked as i was a bit low with one, and that comment may help with a scan too.
It just annoys me that consistantly I have to push for what i want, and go above the midwife, it is always this same one, she is so f***ing 'right' and I know nothing, even though i have had more children than her and i should know my own body.
Anyway rant over, think i will call hospital monday to see if i can get a scan, if not i am going to have to go along on Wed to be prodded and told its inconclusive and sent for a scan anyway the following week.
I am not bothered about saying to the midwife i have been already, she should get her finger out and have sent me anyway!
Sorry for rant!!
Shorman, lovely name, and nice weight, just nice to pop out! xx
Genies, hope you have a lovely evening! xx
Becs, glad you enjoyed the reflexology, sounds lovely!
MrsJo8, MMmmmm Mc Flurry
Daisybell, I am rubbish at knitting, i have hugely hinted to my sister to knit some things for lo but she has sadly not got the hint

I love hand knits on babies! x
Jellycat, glad things are all good with baby, not nice when they panic us! x
Must go, yummy chicken smelling cooked!
Back later

tp xx