not sure how they'll feel when they find out that she's got rid of their puppy again though
Its probablly the puppy they have missed!
Well Done, and that is great news, yes at last the judge had sense,

The only really sensible outcome
. and i still dont know where im suppose to go when i go into labour, im going to stand by the main door and scream until someone comes to me i think
What a bunch of rude Men, glad i wasn't there i think i would have said, 'lot's of men giving birth in this group'
Surely its you that needs to get a good look round, the midwife could have said for the men to move over!
As for giving up their seats, glad i am not their wife if that's the attitude towards the pregnancy!
Has anyones plug not came out at all yet?? Im starting to think shes going to stay until 42 weeks cause i have no discharge (TMI) and nothings happening down there!!! I dont even think she has dropped yet!! ahhhhh!!! Im so bitchy i cant even handle myself anymore!!
My plug has never come out with any of mine, even the one that came naturally, perhaps i never noticed but never seen a plug in 4 babies!
Hiya all, just popping in to say thanks so much for all your lovely comments and thoughts for us!!!
Bloomin rubbish doctors, the best one i saw said 'mother knows best' I wish they were all taught that! xx

babythinkpink if your babys position is inconclusive hun, surely your mw should have already arranged for you to go and have a scan? not wait to check you nxt week and send you for a scan the week after!

good for you i would go above her too!

hope you get some joy on monday! xxx
You would think so, she is rubbish, but in more a stubborn way which is what really annoys me, its not what is right or wrong its what she thinks and nothing else matters.
BTP, your mw is crap!!! How can she be like that??! I don't think I would trust her to look after a dead bird!
Me neither, i will be dealing with the hospital from now on anyway she doesn't work there! xx
Congratulations Newly Wed on the birth of your daughter xx
Had another bad day today fell over trying to stop my little girl from running away, luckily fell on my side rather than my bump which was good but I was seething so went to Kiddicare and bought a Littlelife toddler rucksack with parent strap to keep my little horror under control. She's so wilful and determined to do what she wants so thought I would take control by making sure that she's near. What was funny though as soon as I put the rucksack on she opened it but I am going to perservere as she needs to know who's boss!!!!
I got a wrist rein as i can't run off after my dd, again it is so she knows who is boss really, i fell over b4 chasing after my ds when i was pregnant with dd, and learnt form their not to chase! He was heading for the road and i ended up flat on my bump!
Yep waters went very unexpected on a girls night out, I'm in hospital on drip they plan to do c section in morning. I'm very surprised to be here I'm all alone in Ward. Will update soon just hope its not too early for my girls xx
Well i said have a great night, was not expecting that! Good luck xxxx
My waters broke this morning at 4:30 been to the assessment unit and am 2cm dilated no contractions or anything yet so am at home with a little bit of back ache, going to go for a walk and get this lil man moving. If still nothing will be getting induced in the morning

Its all happening now!!!
Nothing to report here, just a few more days til September then i can blow my ball up, get on dh and go for long walks
Quiet day for me, perhaps a stroll to the park but nothing too much, shopping was done yesterday and so i can chill today!
Back later to check on babies imminent! I make it at least 4 on the way with the twins!

Good luck and labour

to all those in labour!

tp xx