****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hi all. I'm back from my holiday which was so lovely. Just relaxing by the pool. The baby has been sooo active over the last week with rolls and kicks. It's been great for my dh to share them with me. I'm missing him like crazy as he went back to work today. :(

Hope you are all well and happy. Have I missed anything or any new Sept Stars? I didn't get any PM asking me to add them. xxx
becs you dont have to pay it off before moving. I had debt with npower and moved to edf we told npower we couldnt pay it all in one go and would pay it monthly and they sent us a card for our account which we take into the co-op and pay off monthly i have a couple months left then it will be done.

If they say you cant pay it monthly theres someone you call about it i think they are called ofgem or something like that and they will sort it for you but aslong as you offer to pay something a month they cant really complain.

Oh and i dont reccomend edf either they were also a rip off once you'd been with them a while we are now with e-on lol
Ahhh! I've gone mad. Recently I have developed a major craving for pizza not just any pizza but a big, fat, spicy, extra cheese pizza with chilli and mince beef. I don't usually go for spicy things that much but recently I have gone spice mad even chucking fork fulls of jalapenos on my sandwich at lunch.

Well i've given in and as we're moving house and what not and just had abit of a result with paypal we will get pizza tonight! So I have hunted round on the internet looking for the best special offers and have spent about an hour choosing what I want! :blush: I've worked myself up so much about this pizza that I actually considered ordering one for lunch, eating it and hiding the evidence and then ordering more for tonights dinner! :hissy: I just can't get pizza off the brain once i've allowed myself to order some for dinner I've gone into overdrive about it.

Let the pizza countdown begin! Only 5 hours till pizza...:dohh:
I called EoN, and they have agreed to keep my DD the same! I got quite angry with the man on the phone as I felt like he was be patronising, I accept its been a hard winter etc etc etc but that doesn't justify why my bill was so frickin expensive when we have always been in credit!!! I just give up! I felt bad for losing my temper but I think I can blame that one on my hormones!!

Glad to see you back F&C, so pleased you had a nice break!!
Cafferine you are so funny! That's the sort of thing I would do but then feel guilty and confess all to my dh! xx
Becs - great news about the man on Ebay. I'm actually quite shocked by that - what a decent bloke. Your electricity situation is awful, you poor thing. Even without Gas bills, I can't get my head around them wanting £2400 a year for Electricity. I really hope that they have made a mistake. It might be worth cancelling your Direct Debit and paying your bill via debit card for the next four months just in case they try and take the money anyway. You know what it's like if they take it, you'll have a nightmare trying to get it back. At least if you cancel your Direct Debit you will have a way of controlling how long you take to pay your balance off. It might be worth checking the MoneySavingExpert website as I'm sure I read something on there recently about Electricity companies increasing Direct Debits and there was some advice about how to tackle it with them x
Well when we move in October we get disturbance allowance from the MoD which is about £1000 so we are just gonna pay off what we owe and start a fresh, tbh I am not gonna stress over it, so they can continue to take what they are now and whatever is in debit come move date they can have!! My parents have offered to lend us the money to pay it off now but I don't see why I should, they can bloody well wait! They make enough money out of people!! The man on the phone said they had a high volume of calls regarding high bills, they are putting it down to people having heating on longer etc etc!! He did say that my electric price hasn't gone up for 2 years, which in all honesty I find hard to believe!!
hi girls, just flitting in to see how everyone is getting on!
Feel like I've outgrown 2nd tri really, but not sure I'm ready for the scariness of 3rd lol!
Hi Ladies!!

Welcome to the new stars! and the new Third Tri ladies just moving over!!

Welcome back from your holiday Ann!! Great to have you back!

Apaton, like I said on FB...your bump is looking lovely!!

Becs: so nice to hear that someone would do that!! Makes bringing baby into this world a little less scary knowing there still are good people out there!

Happy 29 Weeks to Ann and I today!!:happydance:

Here is my bump picture!

welcome back fish and chips :wave: hope you had a fab time:thumbup:

mama bird your bump is lovley:wohoo:

you have all been so busy writing today soo many posts :haha:

becs weve not had a heating bill for months im dreading it :dohh:
cafferine hope you get your pizza :thumbup:

well i had the dentist and the doctor, dentist was ok, my results turns out im anemic and have a urine infection again more tablets lol

i still didnt get the locks fixed , this place is rented and i thought coz we had a crime number the landlord fixes it i phoned them yesterday and they said they would but no1 has appeared :dohh: im not paying it coz we are waiting to see if our offer gets accepted on a house so hopefully will only be here another month or so , ill just keep the chain on when im inside :thumbup:

hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine :) xx
apaton, did you get burgled? I hope not. Have you got some iron tablets or something to help with the anaemia?

Thanks Brigitte.. happy 29 weeks to you too! Not long now... aghhh!!

Don't think Little Fishy liked flying. He was going mental and his Daddy kept having to put his hand on him as that was the only thing that would calm him down. x
yeah they gave me little brown tablets i had no i idea ive been fine :shrug: OHs van got broken into and they stole everything including house keys and letters with address on them, also his satnav that had home adress ,think ill need to get myself a baseball bat lol xx
Welcome Little Shark :hugs: hooray for 14th Sept!

Becs - Wow, it's nice to hear stories like that after other things you hear about people

Welcome back FishNChips! hope you had a good time.

Cafferine - mmmmmm pizza. I love pizza, total addict. I put on over a stone by just eating pizza and nothing else a few years ago, luckily I snapped out of it and lost it. Now I have them like a 'normal' person(which is probably once a week. Not twice a day. :rofl:)

Mamabird - Your bump is awesome.

Midwife appointment went alright, she only took two vials of blood this time so I wasn't half dead afterwards. The apprentice midwife measured me and listened to the heartbeat though and scared the hell out of me. She reckoned my uterus was measuring at 29 which was REALLY high up on the fundal chart and the midwife freaked out and asked me to get back on the bed. She measured me and only made it just a tad over 27 though and said it was absoloutely fine :dohh: otherwise she said she would have had to send me for scans to make sure everything was ok. :dohh:

Gonna go make lasagne now! mmmmmmmmm. fooooooooooood.
Welcoms back FishnChips! Hope you had a nice relaxing holiday :)

Hope everyone is well today and not melting too much in this heat! I'm in a good mood today because i've finally booked my 4D scan for 30th June!! I will be 30 weeks by then i hope bubs isn't too big to get a clear image!

Becs you're not the only one mad at n-power! We got a bill in March saying we're £200 in credit, and then another bill this month saying we owe £195!! So that means we've used £395 worth of electric in a 2 person house in 4 months! I really don't think so especially considering how warm May was! Hmm robbing pigs!

Hi everyone! Seems like people are having horrid time with energy companies and burglars etc :( :hugs:

F&C welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful break!!

Got to be quick tonight, got some pass the parcels to make, fathers day presents to wrap, a dog to walk and a living room to hoover! Oh and still about 35 reports to write!! No rest for the wicked eh!!
I found out about my HIP grant girls, apparently I am not entitled as I am not a European citizen (well, that is news to me!) :rofl: :dohh:
That did make me laugh when I read that on your fb Katie!!! So what place are you from then?!!!!
I don't know! I am not European though or I would still be entitled, all the forms they sent me are about asylum seekers! I am hoping for Brazil or Mexico :rofl:

Gorgeous bumps apaton and mamabird!:thumbup:

Apaton I cant believe they havent sent someone round to change your locks...just you take care and I hope you get the house your after!

Welcome back F&C your facebook pic is gorgeous. Poor wee fishy not liking flying though.

Drazic...so your an asylum seeker and just being found out now eh?? LOL Completely mad! So what happens now then? I mean does this mean someone has knicked your details or something or someone somewhere has majorly fooked up?? Hope you get it sorted!

I will be (hopefully) getting my HIP forms on Tuesday...will be 29+3 all because the midwife didnt want to date it for when I would have been 25 weeks...but hey:shrug:

Hubby finished the first coat of painting of the babys room so just another coat to go then next week we can get a carpet in and teh bits and bobs down from attic...:happydance:

Gonna go and have my tea...am so hungry and also really knacked after work today! Am so glad I only do the 2 days.


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