Afternoon girls!
Just took Simon to the Zoo for the morning. We stayed for three solid hours and he walked most of the time (in the slightly oversized rubber boots that he insists on wearing

- I love toddler fashion!

). We have an animatronic dinosaur exhibit right now. Alberta is a major paleo centre, so our Zoo has a whole Prehistoric Park section and these dino robots are a new temporary exhibit that has been a pretty big hit. Some of them are kind of scary, but Simon absolutely loved them. He was running around pointing at them and telling every passerby "Die-saur! Die-saur!!"
Dinosaurs and Big Trucks.
Is it genetic with little boys, do you think?
I've tried to provide him with dollies and more nurturing toys, as well, but not much interest. He found a picture of a T-rex with a big bloody hunk of meat dangling out of its mouth in one of my many science books and has been obsessed with dinos ever since. And I really don't know where the Big Truck phase came from. It just seemed to start out of the blue when we passed some construction sites on our trip to BC and it's another passion.
There is a construction site next to one of our neighbourhood playgrounds and Simon will ignore the swing and slides and just stare for ages at the Big Trucks.
Such a boy.
Anyway, on the impending baby front, I think I am going to break down and pack a hospital bag after all.
Not because I feel like anything is happening, but because I am suddenly feeling unprepared to the point of panic.
Having that one item done will help calm me down, I think.
Holy Birthin', September Stars!!!!

These babies don't want to wait for September at all, do they?
Congratulations to all the new arrivals!
I'm still just hoping that my little guy plans to put in an appearance at all in September. October 2 is the longest they'll let me go before the induction.
Which reminds me...
Blob - one thing to think about with inductions is that if they are pretty sure about your dates, the placenta does start to degrade significantly after 41 weeks. It's pretty standard in Alberta to be induced at day 10 past 40 weeks. Again, that's if they are sure of your dates. After Simon's birth, the nurse showed me my placenta and all the places where it was breaking down. It made an impression! If I had had any doubts about the necessity of the procedure, that put them to rest. One of my clinic doctors told me that they consider the risk to baby from that degradation greater than any of the risks associated with the induction.
I thought I would share that, because I kind of thought the same as you - if nothing is happening, then baby just isn't ready, but there was a lot more scientific study behind the induction than I realized.

Don't know if that will help to think about if you do need an induction, but it helped me resign myself to the procedure, so I thought I'd share!

Also, my induction was just fine. I also had back labour and went for the epidural, but I had a fabulous delivery and no complications whatsoever. Inductions can be intense, but there are lots of ways to deal with them - pain meds or other. Don't get too anxious!

Now my baby brain is trying to remember if it was you who had the friend who decided to share her induction horror story? Cant remember who it was, but anyway, I'm with BTP! I had an induction and everything went beautifully. With all respect to that friend and her experience, I don't think it's all that helpful to be sharing stories like that when someone is potentially going to receive that same procedure.
And was it Louise or F&C who was talking about lots of discharge? Maybe neither!

Damn, this is getting pretty bad. I feel like I've had a lobotomy!!
Anyway, me too, and I remember having lots of that in the last few weeks with Simon.
Going to go do some baby prep while Simon naps. We're rearranging the furniture to make a better space for the cradle in our room.
Another small gesture that will make me feel a little more prepared, maybe?
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!