Congratulations mumto5,
Good morning all, not a great night sleep again, constantly aware of babys movements/not moving! Was up at some odd hour trying to get a few wriggles out of the bump, i did and settled back down again, i seem to have a very sleepy bump that goes nuts just a few times a day.
Space perhaps?
**Food discussion **
Roast chicken for today, and more scones and jam, i can't believe the food i scoffed yesterday, doritoes and dip, pizza and chocolate cake, followed only a few hours later by scones, jam and cream, i was not going to be bothered to whip the cream, but i did! They were yummy and still some left today!
I suppose making the most of it, i know i am a bit of a stickler when i am not pregnant and never would eat any of the above, its ALL for baby!!

**Food discussion over!!**
It is so lovely to see all these gorgeous baby pictures, i keep showing dh and saying we have one of those in there!
Sorry for those with overdue comfy babies, hope you meet them soon!
Well its today...I am full term!!

And still not knowing if baby is breech, how rubbish!
Going to go now, will be back later,
MrsJo8 i feeel exactly the same with bum ache etc, you describe my symptoms to a t!!
Back soon, hope everyone has a lovely day xxxx