Good morning all
Been dragged out of bed by a 2 yr old wanting her dressing gown done up!
Put washing machine on, cleaned the paintwork down the stairs yesterday, thinking this is nesting kicking in now, every little mess annoys me!
Just one more day b4 we start 'I am a baby get me out of here' plan, then i start to panic and think, no i am not ready yet! I know i will never be ready, I have good labours and still worry about them!
Going to call hospital today see if they can scan me, well more like will scan me, not sure how to ask, i think just leave the midwife out of it as much as possible and just say they have not established if baby is breech and i would like to know, i will mention fast labour, and distance to hospital, and my choice of c sec if baby is breech and hopefully all that will make a difference, if not i will have to throw in that one on my babies had little water left and i was induced at term because of and would be worth a check.
Wish me luck, will let you know what happens, If i do get in i will then have to cancel midwife and explain i have already booked at the hospital, which they won't like but i really don't care, i still feel they should have booked me in this week for a scan not another inconclusive prod!
I had 3 fab babies, they were calm and fed well and it was great, then no4 came along, omg!! Did i know i had her! She was not through the night til 15 months, she cried all the time, and fed really badly, it turned out she had a milk intorrerance so not entirely her fault but she is a very demanding toddler, so i really hope this next baby is different from her! (i really need it to be or i will have 2 demanding little people on my hands!)
I will have one of those 2 hour labours please, that is if baby is head down!

baby blues will go soon! xx
love that little black and white vest, so very cute!
Your daily overdue hug...

Sarah, hope you feel better soon, sounds horrible, my burning hips are sore enough!

Louise, hope things all ok

Back later, when i have called the dreaded hospital, why is it so bloody difficult to get what you want, I mean all i want to know is if at 37 weeks i am breech, not too much to ask???
Have a great day all, xxxx

tp xx