****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Bekklez love your bump

awww Rocky Mackenzie is beautiful, well done!! :flower:
look forward to reading your birth story xxx

:cloud9: Asher "He is looking so cute today too in a really sweet babygro, think I'd better give him a squish!!"
i wouldnt be able to resist either!!!

emzdreamgirl lets hope that "promise" sets off some contractions :winkwink:
must admit i would of found been stared at annoying and i hate be fussed over too, parents eh?!

Fishy and Blob hope your lo's movements have picked up???
i know you where both worried :hugs:

OH went to grandma's with DD & ive managed to have a nap and pleased to report that my headache has done one :wohoo:
Rocky, your little one is gorgeous xx

Bekks, lovely bump and you have dropped loads x

Asher, give him a cuddle, they are only little for a short time, you have to make the most of it!!!

I feel so full and bloated, we stopped off at maccy d's on the way home earlier and I had milkshake and muffin, then I have been nibbling on shortbread that I made, and trying to eat my tea was awful so left it!! Felt a bit better after I had a BM, but just feel so full to the point of bursting!! I really don't think I can take much more of this, she just feels so heavy and bloody awkward!
Its nearly sept! :D look at all the babies. Congratulations to all the new mummies and lots of labour dust to those with upcoming due dates!
PS.... thank you so much to everyone who has helped with fundraising for darcie means so much to me xxx
Rocky Congrats Mackenzie is Gorgeous , hope your feeling better xx

F&C - Any movement? I had the same thing on Wed to Thurs, went to hospital Friday to be monitored, even though everything was fine mw said any concerns to go back in. Give your hospital a ring even if its just peace of mind xx

Daisybell - Glad your headaches finally gone

Becs - I feel the same today constant aches and pains, bump feels so tender. Tried laying on the sofa earlier and was more uncomfortable. Hope you feel better soon xxx

Asher samuel is gorgeous and very cuddly it must be really hard not to hold them 24/7.... I can't wait now . DH loved the pic of you and the boys in their spiderman outfits with samuel xx

Amy see you have been really busy with the fund raising, congratulations as it seems to be going really well..... keep up the hard work xxx

Bekk's - your bumps definatly dropped, can't wait until Friday for you !!
Jellycat, I think its getting to the stage where we are all so fed up and longing for them to come out!!! Hope you can get comfy xxx

Just had a lovely soak in the tub, I am having a lazy night and just vegging on the sofa!! I am so tired!!
I've got DH making Shepherds pie whilst I sit and read my Hypno book. I'vbe also booked a bathtime at my parents as they have a good sized bath instead of my mini joke of a bath for some point this week :)

I want baby to stay for at least 2 more weeks
1. To finish Tidying and cleaning house
2. Relax and rest

On a complete tangent.... Had to explain to my mum Friday how I don't want her to be there for the birth.... does that seem mean? I know she was at my sisters and she was hysterical with worry. She said she wants to hold the baby all gunky and naked, but I want that to be DH and I time with baby. I also explained how I want the birth to be as natural as possible and therefore need to have the right mind set. Mum seemed surprised that I didn't want an epidural as if i'd asked to give birth standing on my head or something. Is anyone else having Family planned to be there at the birth or getting pressure to have them there? Don't know if I'm sounding selfish?
Jellycat, I agree with you. The birth of our daughter is for me and DH. I also want a relaxing natural birth with no pain relief! My Mum was also my sisters birthing partner but luckily for us she hasn't wanted to be there. She is quite happy to look after our dog for us instead lol!!! Enjoy your bath and relaxing!!! Have to say I am also lucky that my DH is very hands on like yours sounds with cooking etc!!! But there are some things I just have to do just because I have OCD!!!
Jellycat - originally my Mum said she wanted to be there and I went along with it. However, a couple of months ago I raised the subject again and said I thought it ought to be just the two of us and I was worried she wouldn't arrive in time and then be disappointed (she lives 200 miles away) I was concerned I might hurt her feelings but she actually said she had been thinking about it and realised it should just be the two of us. The thing is with my Mum she is unpredictable and I was worried she would stress me out. On my wedding day she was a complete wreck and had to be sent out of the room for stressing me out. I didn't really want a repeat performance!

On a complete tangent.... Had to explain to my mum Friday how I don't want her to be there for the birth.... does that seem mean? I know she was at my sisters and she was hysterical with worry. She said she wants to hold the baby all gunky and naked, but I want that to be DH and I time with baby. I also explained how I want the birth to be as natural as possible and therefore need to have the right mind set. Mum seemed surprised that I didn't want an epidural as if i'd asked to give birth standing on my head or something. Is anyone else having Family planned to be there at the birth or getting pressure to have them there? Don't know if I'm sounding selfish?

Not at all, I wouldn't want anyone there but the midwife and dh, i would freak out otherwise!
My dd was lovely just me, dh and midwife, then baby!
You need privacy and intamacy at the birth, I remember my first we had to usher the inlaws out of the room, I find it a bit odd people expect to be invited or to even be there?
I will have to remember this when my children are bearing me grandchildren and i am sitting in the waiting room:haha:

Mums eh guys!!! My mum came in while I was in labour with Mason, just to give dh a break mind you as it was a long time but she left before anything would be happening.

Hope Fishy doing ok with movements, hope Louise's day went ok aswell and that Blob doing ok.

Bekks yours bump os so low and lovely:)

Congrats Rocky, we were all wondering.xx

Amy you are truly inspirational hon.xx

Loving Emmas and Ashers new fb pics, cant wait to get mine up when bubba is here:)

Apaton, i feel your pain hun :hug: hopefully things move along soon.xx

Im still really sore, had a bath and didnt need the fire brigade to get me out! also done some defluffing and moisturising just in case!!! Had quite a few take my breath away shooting pains from bumo to down below, I just dont remember any of this before!!!
Hi ladies! I'm sorry I've been a bit absent for a couple of days!

Wow I can't believe there are now 29 babies! It seems like everyone except for me!! I know there are a lot of us feeling that way though!

I'm really sorry, although I have caught up and read everything there is no way I will be able to mention everyone and everything as there were so many pages to catch up on!

For those feeling less movements.. I think it must be something that happens at this point, I know I've been really concerned about a few days of little movement, although it seems to have perked up a bit now. It seems 'slighter' somehow, not as bold movements, and although she might move 10 times in a day, it'll be one at a time rather than a series of movements each time... I think it's to do with space and babies saving energy!

To all the new mummies - congratulations! There are some beautiful new Star babies! It's so exciting reading about them and seeing the pictures of the little people that have caused so much heartburn etc over the past few months!!

No news here unfortunately, no niggles, just now feeling very very uncomfortable! Constantly needing a wee even though there's usually nothing there! Some days I feel she has dropped, and some she feels so high! And I have had bad heartburn/indigestion for almost 3 days now, and I can't get rid of it at all! Hoping it's a sign!!!

BTW for those who are interested, I didn't go with Wayne to drop the kids off, I knew I would have to say something to her if I was faced with her! So he went alone, as he was hugging them goodbye the little one said 'should I tell mum now that I want to live with you?' and he had to say maybe not right now!!! He also asked her to confirm that once the baby has arrived we'll be back to normal weekend visits until he deploys... and she turned around and said ... nope. That she is not going to be messed around any more, he will not see them before he goes to Afghan (in 5 weeks) nor will he be allowed to see them on his 2 weeks R&R and he will have to go to court to get a contact order to see them when he gets back. The kids heard every bit of this. I hope she will change her mind, I can't be doing with 5 weeks now of courts and solicitors when we have much more important things that we should be able to concentrate on!

Anyway, you're all up to date on me now! Hope everyone is well! x
Congratulations Rocky :cloud9:

Would you lot STOP having so many babies its just not fair :hissy:

Movements are a bit better :) Baby right now is doing something REALLY strange :dohh: GET OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Louise :saywhat: What a complete bitch :gun: :gun: Think you are going to have to go through courts, get it over and done with its really not going to end.
Awh glad you are ok Louise, I think the courts will have to sort her, honestly you do wonder about some people who call themselves mothers.

Awhhhh Blob, you poor soul, glad movements are better and hope its baby moving down you are feeling and you will have her/him real soon!!! Thinking him being stubborn and late but then us girls (me) do not have the best time keeping when getting ready to go out lol.xx
Louise she is a complete bitch, she is a poor excuse for a mother. No wonder your SS wants to live with you, I think by the sounds of things court os your only answer, I know its not what you need but it will be better to get it sorted before Wayne goes to Afghan as if you leave it its gonna be harder while he is away xx She needs a kick in the flaps if you ask me!!
Jellycat - Im having my sister with me. My OH also wanted her with us - He was absolutely useless when I had an operation 2 years ago so he was happy with the arrangement !! My mum is more than happy to stay at home and watch our 2 dogs for me instead !!!
I've got DH making Shepherds pie whilst I sit and read my Hypno book. I'vbe also booked a bathtime at my parents as they have a good sized bath instead of my mini joke of a bath for some point this week :)

I want baby to stay for at least 2 more weeks
1. To finish Tidying and cleaning house
2. Relax and rest

On a complete tangent.... Had to explain to my mum Friday how I don't want her to be there for the birth.... does that seem mean? I know she was at my sisters and she was hysterical with worry. She said she wants to hold the baby all gunky and naked, but I want that to be DH and I time with baby. I also explained how I want the birth to be as natural as possible and therefore need to have the right mind set. Mum seemed surprised that I didn't want an epidural as if i'd asked to give birth standing on my head or something. Is anyone else having Family planned to be there at the birth or getting pressure to have them there? Don't know if I'm sounding selfish?

My mum's not happy i don't want her anywhere near the hospital when i'm in labour! She said she'll wait in waiting room and i'v told her not to bother. She propably will tho :( Will have a shock when i'm moved to ward's and I tell midwife's only visitor's I want is my OH.
Louise - I don't want to sound doom and gloom but I'm not surprised at her behaviour - I think we have been dealing with very similar people as you know. I don't want everyone to think that it's just a case of getting a court order and it's job done. We spent £4k on solicitors and got into debt doing it. We have a court order and parental responsibility order and they aren't worth the paper they are written on. Bottom line is, if the mother decides to frustrate the court order, there is very little you can do. It costs a minimum of £80 to put it back into court each time, even if you represent yourself and it can take several weeks to get a hearing date by which time you might have missed a month's worth of contact. I just wanted to warn you and make sure you go into the process with your eyes open. If we had our time again we wouldn't have spent £4k that we couldn't afford for nothing. We haven't seen my SD since the beginning of July thanks to her mother refusing to allow us to collect SD on a different day, as DH was seriously ill in hospital on the day scheduled in the court order. In reality I don't think we will be seeing her until October half term at the earliest. I suspect her mother will try and prevent contact then (to prevent her meeting the baby) as we are supposed to collect her on the Friday night but can't do that due to my DH having a new job. We aren't prepared to go back to court to get that one line changed in the court order. SD has said she will make her Mum's life a living hell if she refuses, but she said that about the Summer Holidays and we still didn't end up seeing her. Sorry to sound so negative but I really wish someone had warned me before we went through such an upsetting and essentially futile process.

Hi ladies!
First of all congrats to all the new mommies! It's so exciting to see everyone doing so well.
As for me, not much going on just uncomfortable with constant bathroom trips, achy cramps, some mild contractions and those sharp twinges to my lower abdomen and rectal area. I go for an appt on Wednesday so we will hopefully have made some progress. I have been so busy getting things ready. We had our baby shower this past Saturday and got so many great things so I feel we are ready and just waiting on Cade's arrival.
Labor dust to all!!!
Congrats new Mummy's...each time i log in and see new babies i wonder if its you Blob!!! Well LO's nursery is almost finished now just got to finish the border and we r done & ready...well as ready as we will ever be teehee!!

...i had a sudden thought earlier...my little baby boy will eventually turn into a teenager!!! Arghhhhh lol x

Glad you are ok Louise, i think your hubby's ex is one jealous cow bag!! & ladies glad the movements are better! x

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