Hello girls!
Well, I'm in sort of a state of shock!
I was still in agony this morning, so I called my clinic, described my symptoms and was sent in to the Labour and Delivery unit for an assessment.
Turns out my pelvis synthesis is separating and that the only real treatment is to deliver the baby.
As I am full term next week, I have been scheduled for an induction Sept.9!!!

Meanwhile, I am on modified bed rest.
It all happened so fast that my head is spinning.
I was so sure that I would be sitting in here, twiddling my thumbs and still waiting for Baby sometime in early October.
Seems my body has other ideas.
I am now just hoping that I have an uncomplicated delivery and that there is no lasting damage to my pelvic girdle, as apparently that can be an unpleasant result of this condition.
I must admit that I am kind of relieved in a way that I didn't just get a sympathetic pat on the head and told that I would just have to put up with the pain until Baby arrived. When the doctor pushed down gently with two fingers on the top of my pubic bone, I had the most intense pain all the way around to my sacrum and my eyes actually filled with tears. I do not think I would have done well with three more weeks of this.

I'm just so shocked by how suddenly it came on.
So, I'm tying up loose ends at work for three short sessions spread out over the next three days, then my mum will be here on the weekend and I'll be into baby prep mode.
My head is just spinning!

I'm too shocked to feel excited just yet.