Good very early morning everyone!
I was given the literal rude awakening this morning when I tried to turn from one side to the other in my sleep.
I was suddenly sharply awake from the pain. It took me a solid five minutes to negotiate that simple movement.
This is absolutely crazy.
Anyway, I'm going to apologize in advance for a series of selfish posts. Sometimes these threads are so helpful for pouring out your thoughts and sorting out everything in your head. Huge thanks to those who patiently read this!

I have been in a cycle of second-guessing this new birth plan and am trying to get comfortable with this decision to induce next week.
I did a bunch of reading about SPD last night - finally realizing that the doctor had said "pubic symphysis" not "pelvic synthesis", although, when you look at the Latin, we kind of are talking about my pelvic girdle separating, either way!

Anyway, while I realize that the disorder has a huge spectrum of degrees of discomfort, it doesn't seem like most have such a sudden and acute onset. I keep trying to remember any weird movement or something that I did to trigger this, but I can't think of anything.
I am walking like I am about 130 years old.
And I'm not a big hero or anything, but I've dealt with bad pain before. I stuck out back labour for five hours before I opted for pain relief. And I had full reconstructive knee surgery with all the physio, etc and gritted my teeth and pushed through that.
I'm not a wimp!!

I swear!
I'm just kind of stunned by how fast this came on and how much it hurts. I'm having difficulty functioning, if I'm being honest with myself.
But of course, all the SPD reading made me really question the whole induction next week plan. I think it was Elmaxie who said that it's treated quite differently in the UK - they seem to give you lots of physical therapy support, but an intervention like an induction is a pretty rare step to take.
We can be a little intervention-happy here in North America, so I was really sort of soul-searching last night about whether I was doing the right thing by Baby or what was most comfortable for me.
The wake-up pain this morning sort of confirmed for me that this isn't an unreasonable plan.
The clinic I go to is very conservative about interventions, and the doctor I saw said that induction is a pretty drastic measure to take, but that she felt my case warranted it. She felt that I'm beyond just inflammation at this point, that I am actually starting to experience separation.
This is really scary to me. I don;t want any permanent damage done to my body by this pregnancy. Hey, bring on the sagging boobs and tummy, roll out the stretch marks! That kind of stuff I have no problem with. Nerve damage to my pelvic girdle is a different story. I know it's rare to have that happen, but I'm hormonal and hypochondriacal!! Anything seems possible.
So, I think I'm at peace with this decision to induce.
I'll probably spin my wheels with indecision about a thousand more times, but every time I struggle to sit or stand or walk, I think it's reconfirming this choice for me. I am already girding myself to get through the next ten days, let alone three or more weeks. This is not a reasonable amount of pain.
Okay, there. Enough obsessing.
Will try to stick with this decision.
I don't know if I'm ever not going to have doubts or guilt. This is pregnancy and parenthood, right? Doubt and guilt come with the territory every step of the way!
On much more positive notes - the baby pics posted are making me melt with love. We heard a baby being born while I was being assessed in the hospital yesterday. It's so profoundly beautiful and magical. I am starting to get excited about that. Very excited!
September Stars make very pretty babies, I must say!
Louise, I am still trying comprehend how selfish this ex of your husband is. Pardon my language, but it is so deeply fucked up and immature to use two small children as a means of being petty and vindictive. I hope the paper publishes your husband's letter and she gets a proper public shaming for her disgusting behaviour. I think you are coping remarkably well. I suppose you have to take the high road, but get the pregnancy wrath flowing in me and I would be letting that woman have it with both barrels. I know that would just make the situation worse, but boy it must be tempting to tear a strip off her. Anyway

To all those being teased by labour, I send sympathy and "get on with it, babies" vibes!

To those currently in labour, have safe and wonderful deliveries.
I'm off to pack up my things at work today.
Another huge shock that I am trying to get my head around.

I need to get my mat leave application done today, too!
The control freak part of me is in a corner rocking herself.
The zen mama part of me is just laughing at how quickly all those careful plans get turned upside down by babies!