****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Last week I measured 40cm and today I measured 44cm - utter rubbish she finished the measurement practically on my clitoris :rofl: so over-measured me.

:rofl: that made me laugh mrsj.

Louise good luck at the obstetrician today :thumbup:

genies girl, your little girlys are soooo cute!! my friend has twin girls (they are 2weeks old now) she has adopted the feed on demand option :)

_LauraK1982_ good luck for your induction on Thursday :happydance:

Well the hope for an august baby has gone :haha:
it's September!!!!! :wohoo:

:dust: for me and everyone who needs it, especially the overdue ladies :winkwink:
BTP - really hope they can work out whether baby is breech today x

Blob - :hugs: really hope baby appears for you this week. DH doesn't know it yet but I'm going to ask him to clean the oven at the weekend. It is seriously bad inside and only chemicals are going to clean it so I've bought some of those bags you put the racks in and some heavy duty oven cleaner

Kaz - I'm fed up of shop assistants and anyone else who asks me how long I have to go, or worst still tells me I "can't have long to go" which is code for "you are bloody massive" :growlmad:

Danielle - my DH is a teacher and research has shown that Sept-Dec produces the highest % of academic and sporting over-achievers, so there are definitely some positives

DH has started his new job - he left at 7 am so I promptly went back to sleep. :thumbup: Baby was very active yesterday afternoon and evening but today is quiet again. I just had a big bowl of cereal and might have some toast now. I've got to go back to the hospital for monitoring again at 1pm after lunch - can't decide whether to get the bus or drive. Not enjoying driving now but it would be quicker I suppose

Woohoo! Congrats everyone, September is here and all of our babies will be here VERY soon. It's like Judgement day or something.

Good luck to everyone who has appointments.

Good luck to Laura for your Induction tomorrow!

MrsJ and Kaz - I've only had one random shop assistant in Tesco actively ask me about the baby, my bump and how long I had to go. People just tend to give me evil stares which I assume is because I look quite young.

Woke up today and my bump has dropped even more, she's getting really low. Can't complain, the lower she gets the easier the it'll be on Friday at my induction. I really can't believe that in three days I'm going to be meeting my baby, it doesn't feel real yet and it hasn't hit me properly but today is the first day I've actually woken up with everything feeling VERY imminent. I'm wishing today away as I'd love for it to be Thursday already and I can make sure I've packed everything and think all about what my beautiful daughter is going to look like :happydance:
On the other hand - all of my family have chosen this week to come down with the flu. My little brother and mum both have it, my dad hasnt yet got it or hasnt come down with it yet and he was over all yesterday and I saw my mum the day before she came down with it now I'm TERRIFIED I'm going to get flu'd up before Friday and I won't be able to be induced :cry:

Wooooooo Hooooooooo it's SEPTEMBER!!

Come on out stars it's your month!!!

Yet another fly by but wanted to catch up on how you all are doing, sorry again for lack of personals am on the pod and have a brain made of mush so retain zero info!!

All is well with us...I am slightly gutted as I have stopped breast feeding Hannah and switched to formula as of today (Slightly gutted doesn't really cover it) mainly as my hip pain is unbearable and hoping it willclear up sooner and I really need stronger pain killers as I can barely walk and am holding onto furniture to get about...when I do "force" myself to move to play with Nathan etc 5 mins later am crying in pain.
My other main reason is I have to feed her every 3 hours to keep her blood sugars up and she has been a madam at latching on and just generally playing around for and hour before she feeds then by the time she actually does feed there is only a few hours until next feed...to say I am shattered is an understatement (ever so often I see things that aren't there and am so weepy at nothing!) so really for my sanity and her health I have decided it's better in the long run. Bet my mw today won't think so!!

Hopefully get on the laptop later and have a catch up(hopefully) see new stars and will post my birth story too!

Right ladies get labouring!!!!

Oh and I have just realised I totally forgot to thank blob for being my text buddy and updating you all!!

Hey ladies join this group on facebook....https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bumps-Babies-Tots/338033781028... They have a competition at the moment for first baby born in September and posted on their wall!! xx
good morning ITS SEPTEMBER!!!! can believe it BABY CAN COME OUT OF HIDING NOW lol
woohoo, so pleased it's september and I can finally say baby is due this month! :happydance:
me and baby have had words and he or she is definately coming this month, not next!

we had a pretty rubbish night's sleep really, all because of a damn spider! The evening started well - we got the cot built and furniture moved into the nursery, then we had a lovely dinner or roast pork followed by apple crumble, then we went into the spare room to get the cot matress and on the ceiling was the most enormous spider I've ever seen! No exaggeration we both looked at it and though is that someone's exotic pet??! Now neither of us like spiders much at all - I couldn't leave the room as that would mean walking under it so I had to shut myself in the en-suite whilst dh got rid of it! I'm not sure he knows how he did it, he was waking up every hour last night checking the ceilings bless him! Gosh I make it sound so dramatic :haha:
Emma, you have done well to bf for this long, as long as she is getting fed does it matter?!! I myself am going to formula feed, luckily my mw was great about it and said its my baby, my choice!

Well finished housework, put stew on, made some soup and washing all out so pleased with myself!!! Feeling hungry now, I fancy a cheese and onion sarnie!!
Im abit addicted to beef spread on toast today :/ think I should stop buying beef spread in while i'm pregnant because I just eat it on toast until it's all gone :/
Morning/early afternoon all lol;)

ITS SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo::wohoo:

I also had a rubbish night, was up loads! So who will be our first September Star born in September lol??

Hope Teeny got on ok:)

Great news about induction Laura, least you know the end is in sight.

Mrs N, I have the spider fear, really really scares me, id of probably ran out room and never returned, sorry baby cant have that room. I am a big jessie tho

Blob.....awh honey, DUST DUST DUST, Im the same in Glasgow, end of Jan/Feb is our cut off for school so aug/sept has no relevance to me.

Genies Girl, how gorgeous are your girls!! we can choose to not send them to school when they are 4, is down south not the same? Its parental choice, if kids are ready and so on.x

Hope you get on ok today Mrs J and hubby has a great day at work:)

Bekklez, FX'd you dont get the flu hon, Im just getting over a bad dose of the cold and my was I miserable!

BTP really hope you get some answers today hon!!

Elmaxie, well done on bf for as long as you have, you are in pain and if the wee one aint co-operating what can you do, I was the same with Mason, he was a big boy and I was in agony trying to get him to latch on and fill him up was just awful, we haver to do what best for BOTH mum & baby.xxxx

Im not up to much today, really tired but no chance of a nap today, Mason here all day and I have a meeting in my work at 3 just before I finnish for Mat leave, Mason needs to come but luckily my work (IKEA) had a free play area/creche so he can go in there while I finnish up!!
Quick update sorry I've been AWOL.
Yesterday should have been an uneventful day. I went to the mw feeling fine until I said the famous last words 'I don't get blood pressure problems with my girl pregnancies'. Big mistake lol. My BP was 130/88 and 130/90 on the second try. And my urine showed ++ protein. My uterus measures 40cm which is about right as she's not engaged.

So our lovely afternoon with my friend was cancelled and I headed to the day assessment unit while my lovely friend babysat.
At the DAC I had bloods taken from my hand, :(, they couldn't get any from my arm. I was then set up for monitoring and 15 minute bp checks. All seemed fine, even the bloods were ok. But my urine came back dodgy from the labs. My consultant was in surgery so the plan is for me to do a 24hour urine collection at home to return to the DAC on thursday for analysis before seeing my consultant.

I'm really struggling now, my pelvis is deteriorating, I can barely walk to the toilet at night. 23 days left lol.

Hugs to everyone else suffering.x

Genies, awwwww gorgeous girls!!!!

Blob, anyday and you'll go POP!!!!

Louise, she sounds like a nightmare! Your poor dh must be worried about this stress on you.xxx

Optical! Yay, congrats.xx
woohoo, so pleased it's september and I can finally say baby is due this month! :happydance:
me and baby have had words and he or she is definately coming this month, not next!

we had a pretty rubbish night's sleep really, all because of a damn spider! The evening started well - we got the cot built and furniture moved into the nursery, then we had a lovely dinner or roast pork followed by apple crumble, then we went into the spare room to get the cot matress and on the ceiling was the most enormous spider I've ever seen! No exaggeration we both looked at it and though is that someone's exotic pet??! Now neither of us like spiders much at all - I couldn't leave the room as that would mean walking under it so I had to shut myself in the en-suite whilst dh got rid of it! I'm not sure he knows how he did it, he was waking up every hour last night checking the ceilings bless him! Gosh I make it sound so dramatic :haha:

OMG hate hate hate spiders...we have a rotary washing line and last night i was happily getting the clothes in and as i got to the centre there was a spider on the centre pole i screamed...spotted another one below that one and screamed again!!!! hahaha

Well iv just have a bowl of tomato soup for my lunch and it was actually quite nice...good old heinz lol! Got another load of baby clothes in the washing machine this is the final one i think!! xx
Snoozie - I spent some time in DAU yesterday too - due to lack of movement. I'm heading back there now for a follow up and to have another trace put on. Hope everything is ok when you go back tomorrow

GIRLS IT'S YOUR MONTH!!!! :headspin::juggle::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::loopy::loopy:

I'm so excited for you all :flower:

Emma, totally know how you feel as I'm totally formula feeding Holly now too. I felt terribly guilty and cried constantly for a couple of days and the bloody midwives dont help, making you feel like you are a terrible mother for not breastfeeding. In the end my midwife was nice and said she had a good start with breastfeeding for 11 days. I just couldn't see her go hungry and getting poorly anymore- sometimes breast is not always best and the whole situation has to be taken into account, the wellbeing of mum being very important. Well done for making a choice for you and your family and I bet little Hannah will be much happier as you will be now, I know Holly is and she is now thriving and gaining weight :flower:

woohoo, so pleased it's september and I can finally say baby is due this month! :happydance:
me and baby have had words and he or she is definately coming this month, not next!

we had a pretty rubbish night's sleep really, all because of a damn spider! The evening started well - we got the cot built and furniture moved into the nursery, then we had a lovely dinner or roast pork followed by apple crumble, then we went into the spare room to get the cot matress and on the ceiling was the most enormous spider I've ever seen! No exaggeration we both looked at it and though is that someone's exotic pet??! Now neither of us like spiders much at all - I couldn't leave the room as that would mean walking under it so I had to shut myself in the en-suite whilst dh got rid of it! I'm not sure he knows how he did it, he was waking up every hour last night checking the ceilings bless him! Gosh I make it sound so dramatic :haha:

OMG hate hate hate spiders...we have a rotary washing line and last night i was happily getting the clothes in and as i got to the centre there was a spider on the centre pole i screamed...spotted another one below that one and screamed again!!!! hahaha

Well iv just have a bowl of tomato soup for my lunch and it was actually quite nice...good old heinz lol! Got another load of baby clothes in the washing machine this is the final one i think!! xx

I kept saying "this is last load of baby stuff to be washed" and then i'd end up with more! my bloddy mother wont stopp buying clothes for him! Our we'd go visit OH's family and aunty X would have bought us a big bag off stuff...never ending...now i'v just got to iron it all!
Hmm maybe thats why H isn't making an attempted to come, he know's all his cloth's (except sleep suits and baby grows) need ironing...

I have the midwife at 1.50 wonder what today's appointment will bring. going to get her to weigh me again, because according to my scale's i'v but near enough a stone on in a WEEK!! :S
GIRLS IT'S YOUR MONTH!!!! :headspin::juggle::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::loopy::loopy:

I'm so excited for you all :flower:

Emma, totally know how you feel as I'm totally formula feeding Holly now too. I felt terribly guilty and cried constantly for a couple of days and the bloody midwives dont help, making you feel like you are a terrible mother for not breastfeeding. In the end my midwife was nice and said she had a good start with breastfeeding for 11 days. I just couldn't see her go hungry and getting poorly anymore- sometimes breast is not always best and the whole situation has to be taken into account, the wellbeing of mum being very important. Well done for making a choice for you and your family and I bet little Hannah will be much happier as you will be now, I know Holly is and she is now thriving and gaining weight :flower:


Sorry BF hasn't worked out for you. Just remember a happy mum is a happy baby and although BF seems the most important thing in the world right now, when you look back on it it's a really short phase in their life and a tiny thing really.
Sorry for selfish post, feel like i should update everyone!

Baby midwife's think is breech 2 checked and both said breech, so going to hospital for a scan to see and take it from there i suppose.
Got to go to delivery which is a bit scary, but only because they can do a scan without booking me in.

Back later to let you know which way up we are!! xx:hugs:
Snoozie gosh that's scary hope everything turns out ok.

Emma :hugs: well to both Emma's ha ha!! It is SO
hard to bf I struggled so hard with Tabs, flat nipples and a short tongue. But i had so so much milk so I never had to deal with that. Although I believe breast is best etc etc it's also to do with mummy too. If mummy is happy baby is happy :) my only gripe ever is people who have a go at you for bf in public :grr: I've had old ladies telling me off :shock: also emma if you're ill hun you're going to be a better mummy to both of them
if you're healthy :hugs: :hugs: don't feel guilty.

Am about to jump on a trampoline for a few hours ha ha ha! Will let you all know if it works...prob tempting fate as robin is in Newcastle today :dohh:
BTP thank god they have finally got their acts together!!!! Let us know x

I totally cannot read on the iPhone all these posts it's insane...am going to nap in the car with tabs now ha ha
I just wanted to say YAY IT'S FINALLY SEPTEMBER!!!! I am so happy our month is finally here!!!!

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