Hi all!!
Drazic, really hoping this is it for you! Is anyone going to be updating for you?
Big labour dust to blob and all the others wanting it, including me!!
I went in to antenatal today to see the obs about the baby's growth... fairly long story so bear with me!
When I saw the doctor, I told her my concerns about the mw saying she thought baby was small etc and measurements and so on... she said straight away that I qualify for a growth scan as measurements were persistently lower than they should be. We also mentioned the SPD and the fact that it seems to be getting a lot worse recently, and the fact that DH is off to Afghan soon, and she mentioned induction.. she explained to us how it works... in our trust the usual procedure is that you are booked in for term +12, so for me that would be the 17th September. However, she said that she felt that as Wayne is going away, we could have a 'social' induction and we would be well within our rights for that. We haven't really thought about having one so we didn't think too much of it.. she also mentioned that if the growth was an issue after the scan, she would be inducing me early anyways!
We went straight down for the scan.. she took measurements etc and then showed us the baby for a bit

we could see her hair!!!!!!! On the ultrasound!! It was like a profile pic of her head, and you could see long hair coming off the back of her head, wow it was so surreal! It looked really long... we'll see though!
Anyway, measurements came back average... head slightly under average, belly slightly over... so it looks like she's 7lb + at the moment which is NOT what I expected!!
She then got back onto the subject of induction... now we had just seen our baby so were suddenly all the more desperate to meet her, and when she said she could book me in for Monday morning it seemed like a great idea! She said she would have to perform a stretch and sweep and check I was favourable first, then check with the head consultant person then she could book it! I wasn't expecting to be favourable as last monday the mw who checked for my waters couldn't get close as she said I was about as unfavourable as I could get! Anyway, she managed... she said moderately favourable, but she managed to touch the baby's head! I thought DH was going to burst with jealousy when she said that!!
She then phoned the consultant bloke, who said........ nope. He wouldn't perform an induction for those reasons! The obs looked so guilty and embarrassed, she said she thought it was a perfectly viable reason to induce me, but at the end of the day if it didn't work and I needed a C section it would be on his head and his fault. So felt really really disappointed after that!
Got to just hope that the sweep has done something for me, I've been feeling crampy ever since and had some blood tinged stuff when I wipe (sorry for tmi). She said she didn't hold out too much hope, she said in her experience sweeps only work when something is already happening, but fingers crossed something comes of these cramps and tightenings!!
Anyway sorry for long rambling post, baby's size is fine so that's what matters in the end!!
Now I'm off to DTD, swallow some sperm, have a vindaloo followed by pineapple then a clary sage bath... byeeeeeeeeee!!