****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Selfish Post Lady K and I are full term today :yipee:
WOOHOO congratulations!!! Feels great doesn't it!

Well my gro egg has just arrived - oooooh it's like having a baby already lmao. Now i get to see if it's a happy egg :haha:
Just waiting on my baby monitor to arrive & i'm all set........hope it comes today as i won't be in until monday now!
Congrats to I am livid! :wohoo:

ooooo could be the start of something Louise, keeping my fingers crossed for ya :dust:

drea2904 hope you manage to get them tickets hun, my DH is also 30 on the 9oct :)

danielle hope lo's movements pick up hunni xxx

lilbumpblue good luck at your 39week appointment today, ive not got me nxt one untill i'm 40+1 and if i havent gone into labour before then she is going to book a sweep for me which i will get at 41weeks (so i'm told)

nothing to report here just very hot andi'm going to wash the car with the
help of DD, should be fun :) xxx
Congratulations all new mummies :cloud9: Teeny that wasnt so huge :) I'm execting a bigger baby than that :rofl:

Louise i hope its something for you :wohoo: I will hate you a bit though for another person jumping ahead :cry:

Well nothing again to report here :nope: Baby is seriously there for the long haul :cry:
Congrats to I am livid! :wohoo:

ooooo could be the start of something Louise, keeping my fingers crossed for ya :dust:

drea2904 hope you manage to get them tickets hun, my DH is also 30 on the 9oct :)

danielle hope lo's movements pick up hunni xxx

lilbumpblue good luck at your 39week appointment today, ive not got me nxt one untill i'm 40+1 and if i havent gone into labour before then she is going to book a sweep for me which i will get at 41weeks (so i'm told)

nothing to report here just very hot andi'm going to wash the car with the
help of DD, should be fun :) xxx

I was going to wash the car today...but that moment of doing it has passed!
Thanks girls

Congrats on being full term jellycat and ladykara!!

Danielle hope the movements pick up for you, ring if you are concerned they always have been helpful for me :hugs:

Drea - fingers crossed for those tickets!

Limpets :hugs: glad you're feeling a little bit better, you made me giggle at tufty burrowing out the wrong way!

Blob, I will feel guilty if I go before you! Sorry! But I still hope this is it for me!

ANyone heard from Drazic? I saw on her facebook that she is hopeful simba will arrive today!

My tightenings are still happening but I've stopped trying to time them, I think I'd drive myself potty! I really hope I haven't get my hopes up for nothing! Still crampy and have some lower backache. Going to watch the end of Jeremy Kyle and then go for a walk with the dog to try to keep things going! Still seem to be seeing bits of plug when I wipe! (TMI)
Drazic and I swapped numbers so she may contact me but haven't recieved anything as of yet
Ooooh washing the car - now there's a good idea! Before it gets too hot or my feet decide to hurt too much :thumbup:
I WAS having a good day until i checked my credit card statement. A website hosting company we used to set up for our wedding website last year has decided 'as they hadn't heard from us' to renew our 12 month contract & automatically taken the money off my credit card :cry: i have tried to call them but as i know very little about web hosting i don't have a very strong case to argue. Basically they said because i haven't cancelled it It's just made me cry all over again (just for a change - not!) as we're gonna be struggling financially with my work issues as it is without pissing money away!
Sorry for the rant! I'm feeling very angry all over again! No wonder Tufty is staying put - i wouldn't wanna come out either if my Mommy was this crap at life!
Oohh Louise hope this is the start for you!! :wohoo: Wouldn't that be fab?! Soo excited for you. Keep us updated!

I saw that on Drazic's facebook too!! I think I'm more excited about everyone else's labour than I was about my own LOL :haha:

Good luck girls!

Lots and lots of :dust: for you blob, COME ON BABY!!!!

Hope the rest of you are good

Oh and today would have been my original due date! How strange! x
Limpets - :hug: try not to be so hard on yourself - it's an easy thing to forget to do and could happen to anyone. They probably make half their money through people forgetting to cancel their credit cards. Thanks for the advice re:my chest pain. I think it's just my boobs feeling sore to be honest as it's around my back behind them too. It's exactly the same as the boob pain I got when I was first pregnant. I'm putting it down to them gearing up for baby feeding.

Louise - I really hope that this is the start of things for you xx

Congratulations to Jellycat and Lady Kara for reaching full term :hugs:

Drea - hope you manage to get tickets for the show

Daisybell - washing the car? good for you! I wish I had the energy. There is a place down the road doing inside and out for £6.99 so I sent DH and the car off there a couple of weeks ago and have banned food etc from the car ever since :rofl:

Blob - sending you lots of labour :dust:

I had a rough night, I was awake at 3.30 and again at 6 when DH's alarm went off. Finally got back to sleep about 7.30 and slept through until 10.30 which was good but I had a really bad dream :cry:

The kids are actually back at school today (yesterday was an inset day) and DH seemed strangely excited when he left this morning. Apparently, he is going to get them to make name badges this morning as he still hasn't been able to memorise all their names (he brought a crib sheet with their pics home for the summer). They have a reputation for being an horrendous year group he says he isn't going to smile until Christmas....!

My brother called me last night to announce he was going to pop over and see me this weekend. I've hardly seen him the past few months so I can only assume my Mum has had a go at him as he's been down to see her for a couple of weeks. The annoying thing is, as I wasn't expecting to see him I haven't worried about having gender specific things on display in the house. Now I'm going to have to go around the house taking the sheets/blankets out of my pram etc. I haven't kept the baby's sex secret all this time for my brother to find out 10 days before my due date :growlmad: I feel mean for saying it but I feel so resentful towards him for not bothering to see me while I've been pregnant (used to see him practically every weekend before) that I feel like telling him not to bother.

This is just a quickie, I am stalking and not posting at the moment! I swear if I get time later, I am going to post Sam's birth story! Anyway, I just had to say, MrsJO8 that you were in my dream last night. You were in labour! I was convinced I would see this morning that your waters had broken or something!

See you all later!
Ooooo thanks Asher - hope it's a premonition (sorry Blob!) DH is convinced the baby is going to come this weekend. I don't think so - I haven't got any signs or symptoms at all, no cramps and I haven't even had any BH the last couple of days x

Hope you and Sam are well? xx
Aw, you never know! I hope things happen soon!

Sam and I are grand thankyou, he's a real little star. Sleeping really well and settling nicely between feeds. My boobs are feeling lots less sore and I am recovering well I think! My lady bits are still very ouchy, but it's great to have him here!!

I am going to try to pop on for a proper catch up later on, I just seem to be doing other things all the time! I think things will calm down when DH is back at work and Archie's at school next week. xx

Louise, fx'd for you xx

Danielle, hope LO's movements pick up xx

Good luck to all with appointments etc today xxxx

I slept quite well until 4am, then I had such pain in my hips and back, felt like I needed a number 2, but nothing!! I then came downstairs and had some pain killers and a couple of biscuits, went back about 5am managed to get reasonably comfy, slept for a bit till Ian's alarm went off!! Finally went back to sleep around 7.30 and go up at 9.30! I have a bloody sore throat and was quite cold last night! I had a good cry last night, I told Ian that I felt so guilty that I keep waking him up, he told me not to be so silly. I just hate feeling so shit, my head feels like cotton wool. I really need to have some sleep if not I will be no good for my friends wedding tomorrow!! Done all my housework, just wanna wash windows and hang the last of washing out then I am gonna chill out!! Feel a bit guilty as Murphy needs a walk, will see how I feel later!! And to top it all some twats dog has yet again shit out thefront of our house!! Angry does not come close!
Ooooo thanks Asher - hope it's a premonition (sorry Blob!) DH is convinced the baby is going to come this weekend. I don't think so - I haven't got any signs or symptoms at all, no cramps and I haven't even had any BH the last couple of days x

Hope you and Sam are well? xx

My OH told me LO would be here by friday....I don't see that happening..
:hugs: limpets, don't be hard on yourself - it's so easy to forget to cancel stuff like that :hugs:
Louise fingers crossed for you that things are on their way :dust:
Blob & Daniellelk sending loads of labour dust your way :dust:
Congrats to I am livid! :happydance:

Just been to see one of my NCT classmates who had her little boy 3 weeks ago - he's gorgeous! Still can't believe there is one of those inside my bump!
Hi guys,

31 babies...im guessing im gonna be no 60+ lol.

Im seriously wondering why i took so much time off before my due date....I had some holiday to take (and hadnt taken one day till then) so i guess it was mainly to use up my holiday so i wouldnt lose it. But getting a tad bored now!

Think i have started losing bits of my mucus plug...i say bits as i have noticed (sorry TMI) a medium sized chunk this morning, it was snot coloured but no blood in it, just a bit snotty. I read that you can lose it in bits over the third trimester. This is the first time i had noticed it, but i guess its a good sign seeing as i have two weeks left.

DH has told me this morning that he thinks that baby is going to be late, i asked him why he thought that...he said that even though i have been experiencing thing fairly text book through out the pregnancy (as in no problems, no High BP, normal measurements etc.) he just thinks that she is going to be late coming out, not necessarily induction but post-due date.

I still have cramps from (what i presume is) baby engaging but they seem to be easing now, still crampy and painful but only when i sit down for a while. If i walk around it feels a lot more comfortable...shame i have nothing to do and not really anywhere to go. Might go for a walk in a bit.
Hi All,

Again tons to catch up on!

Louise, sounds promising, my last labour started just period type pains, its just wearing because you want to be as fresh as possible in birth so don't want to pace the floor but worry if a bath or going back to bed will hault things!
As much rest is good though, labour should still progress:thumbup:

Limpets, glad to see you back hun, hope things sort themselves out for you xx
I know how annoying it is these simple things that end up gobbling money up, like someone else said it is how most places make their money! :hugs:

Blob, big :hugs:, think i forgot your overdue hug yesterday so have 2! :hugs::hugs:

Livid, Congrats on the birth of your twins xx

Asher, glad Sam is being a good boy for Mummy xx

Emzy, hi hun xx:hugs:

Well back to school today, both went in well, took ds into his class and he was fine, then took dd to her year group, she was happy too, the school were lovely, and the lady that deals with new intake came to find me personally and chat about the children, take them to classes etc, what a lovely school, so pleased:happydance:

We took children in then went for a coffee, a quick pop into tesco for bits and bobs then home, my toddler ran off really randomly on the way home, she ran into a persons drive and ran round the back of the house, i had to call dh to help because i didn't know which way she would come out, it was awful, she ran out and then got caught on a bramble, she tripped, fell, grazed her leg, foot and was all upset, i had to put her wrist rein on, and she has been upset for ages, but we agreed it was not a bad thing she had tripped because the running off had a concequence which she needed to explain why she shouldn't do it, anyway my morning!

Slept ok, and that is good enough really! Bloody leg still hurts where wasp stung me, it scabbed over and still itches like mad, i keep putting cream on it but seem mega sensitive to everything, assume its the pregnancy, but i only have to knock or scratch and my skin whelks up like crazy, hope it goes!

Sorry to any personals i forgot,

Louise, btw your husband is all heart with his offer, although i must admit we said last night, we could try and start things off by dtd, looked at each other, then went, nahhh!! I thought i would be really keen, especially as i know baby is head down, but i am not that bothered yet, certainly not enough to offer swallowing it!:rofl:

Back later labour vibes for those who need it, keep getting bh, getting more regular, i know something is slowly happening but slowly is the word, i think 39 weeks for me, All i was thinking yesterday was my dressing gown was on the line and i was not ready! The hospital said it would be 38 week c sec if i had been breech, and that is next week, so panic set in a bit while waiting for the scan!

All my babies have had boney bums anyway, I can see why they didn't know, and hickups have been so high, and hb has always been up high too, just the midwifes not listening in the right place i suppose:shrug:

Back later, keep rambling on, sorry!


:baby:tp xx
Yay for reaching full term for me and Jellycat..I waited till gone midnight just so i could celebrate in my own little way... then posted straight on jellycats FB wall..then was around for Sams night feed with Usher.. I cant wait till im doing night feeds !!! im up anyway every 3 hours anyway..

First thing Hubby said was "yessssssss loads of sex starts now !! " he says the only good thing about pregnancy is the sex to get pregnant and the sex to get the baby out.. and of course the big boobies.....

Louise- really hope its something... losing your plug is a good sign x

Livid- congrats honey x

Limpetsmum- glad your feeling a bit better.x you could ask your credit card company to do a charge back saying you never agreed to have the money taken out.. worth giving it ago, i would also get on the companys case..

MrsJ08- sorry to hear you dont see your brother as much, you would have thought he would be round more. My sister didnt take much interest when i had my son but now she is older she has been involved more...

Come on girlies i want to see more babies arriving !!
I got the tickets:) woo hoo im so frickin excited!!!! I abso love Brandon Flowers & The Killers, he is such a hunk, Im gonna enjoy HIS present lol.

Daisybell how funny is that!! both dh's 30 on the 9th, well they are both getting a fantastic early birthday present!

:hi: good to see you Limpets hope you are ok :hugs: Get on to your CC provider asap

Blob.........:hugs: :hugs:

Still hoping for you Louise!

Congrats Jellycat & ladyKara, good feeling!!

Rotten you had a bad night Mrs J, and bloomin family eh!!!

BTP, awh some morning, :hugs: hon, kids eh!.xx

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