Hi All,
Again tons to catch up on!
Louise, sounds promising, my last labour started just period type pains, its just wearing because you want to be as fresh as possible in birth so don't want to pace the floor but worry if a bath or going back to bed will hault things!
As much rest is good though, labour should still progress
Limpets, glad to see you back hun, hope things sort themselves out for you xx
I know how annoying it is these simple things that end up gobbling money up, like someone else said it is how most places make their money!
Blob, big

, think i forgot your overdue hug yesterday so have 2!

Livid, Congrats on the birth of your twins xx
Asher, glad Sam is being a good boy for Mummy xx
Emzy, hi hun xx
Well back to school today, both went in well, took ds into his class and he was fine, then took dd to her year group, she was happy too, the school were lovely, and the lady that deals with new intake came to find me personally and chat about the children, take them to classes etc, what a lovely school, so pleased
We took children in then went for a coffee, a quick pop into tesco for bits and bobs then home, my toddler ran off really randomly on the way home, she ran into a persons drive and ran round the back of the house, i had to call dh to help because i didn't know which way she would come out, it was awful, she ran out and then got caught on a bramble, she tripped, fell, grazed her leg, foot and was all upset, i had to put her wrist rein on, and she has been upset for ages, but we agreed it was not a bad thing she had tripped because the running off had a concequence which she needed to explain why she shouldn't do it, anyway my morning!
Slept ok, and that is good enough really! Bloody leg still hurts where wasp stung me, it scabbed over and still itches like mad, i keep putting cream on it but seem mega sensitive to everything, assume its the pregnancy, but i only have to knock or scratch and my skin whelks up like crazy, hope it goes!
Sorry to any personals i forgot,
Louise, btw your husband is all heart with his offer, although i must admit we said last night, we could try and start things off by dtd, looked at each other, then went, nahhh!! I thought i would be really keen, especially as i know baby is head down, but i am not that bothered yet, certainly not enough to offer swallowing it!
Back later labour vibes for those who need it, keep getting bh, getting more regular, i know something is slowly happening but slowly is the word, i think 39 weeks for me, All i was thinking yesterday was my dressing gown was on the line and i was not ready! The hospital said it would be 38 week c sec if i had been breech, and that is next week, so panic set in a bit while waiting for the scan!
All my babies have had boney bums anyway, I can see why they didn't know, and hickups have been so high, and hb has always been up high too, just the midwifes not listening in the right place i suppose
Back later, keep rambling on, sorry!

tp xx