****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hi everyone

I posted this on the main board but was just wondering if any of the september stars are being induced early?

I am being induced next tues at 36+5 as baby measuring small and my placenta not working as it should be.

I am excited about meeting baby but worried at the same time if you know what i mean does anyone have any experience of this?

hey honey, sorry to hear about the problems but at least they are going to do something about it soon....how exciting knowing you will be seeing your baby soon.. x
Had a bit of a funny old night tonight! I decided to go to Asda to get a Tommee Tippee microwave steriliser as they were on offer at £10 instead of £17.99 to replace my electric steam one as I found it really hard to get descaler for it. On my way there drove over a bit of wood in the road and got a blowout luckily Asda was around the corner and made it there. When I got there I asked if anyone could change tyre as I haven't got a bleedin clue and couldn't call my husband as he was babysitting my little girl who was in bed. The managers at Asda said they would change it for me which was nice. Got back to the car and police were standing by my car as I had left my car window wide open in my panic to see if anyone could fix tyre.

I have decided that there are some nice people out there who are prepared to help which was great and meant I could go home with my tyre fixed without calling the AA. xx
Bekklez - Good luck for tomorrow and hope they have a bed for you!! Hopefully another September star coming soon!! xx
I was very naughty today. :blush:
I was supposed to go in for three hours to finish up everything at work, but I had so much to do, I went in just after nine and left just before five. Bad bad me.
I felt okay, so I don't think I pushed it too far. But that probably really stretches the definition of modified bed rest, eh?
And, I can actually feel somewhat relaxed about leaving now. I got all the urgent stuff done. The rest will just have to work itself out... :shrug:

Anyway, I had a nice surprise at work today: a lovely potluck lunch send-off. That was such a nice treat. Such great people I work with! :) It's so weird to realize that I am now finished there for several months! I still feel like I'll be back in tomorrow.

Mrs. Jo - she sounds like a miserable, petty piece of work. I am sorry you and your family (including poor SD) have to deal with that nastiness. It may sound naive, but it still shocks me that some people cannot grow the hell up when a child is involved. Such shitty shitty behaviour. :grr:

Good luck for tomorrow, Bekklez! I know what you are feeling. I have another appointment at my clinic tomorrow, and I am totally scared that they are going to change their minds about my induction next week and just make me sit out this SPD situation.

The rest of you who are still waiting, sending get a move on, baby vibes to all!
And :hugs: to those who are suffering.
We're almost there!
I have bloody insominia, I seem to have it at 4am most mornings!! I think its a sign!! My back is killing me and my bump is so achy!! Hurry up Hope, I can't take much more!!!!

Bekks good luck for today, can't wait to see pics of Ellie xx
Me too Becs - I'm in bed on the iphone DH is fast asleep. My baby who has been worryingly quiet this week has decided 4am is a great time to get a wriggle on. I'm getting punches, kicks and bum barges galore!

Blondie - I'm so glad they changed the tyre for you, restores my faith in human kindness

SarahK - to be honest even though we experience it, SD's Mum still shock's me. My parents had an acrimonious divorce but never ever used to get at each other. DH and SD's Mum weren't married and only together for just over 18 months 12 years ago. The bitterness and blatant jealousy that emanates from her astounds me. I've had some difficult things happen to me in my life but I'm really pleased I haven't let them turn me into a monster like her. I am finding the whole situation really upsetting which is another reason I'm wide awake at 4.50am!

Mrs J, she is one crazy woman!!! Jealousy is a horrible thing!! Certainly not what you need right now xx

I have just had some warm milk and paracetamol, seems 4am is a popular time for me to be awake!! Been having a lovely sleep up until that point!! I am sure I will go into labour around this time!!
Me too. Just trying to decide whether to have some decaffeinated tea. DH will be up for work in just over an hour so I will only get woken up again if I go to sleep. No doubt when DH checks his phone he will have had more vile messages from SD's Mum. The last one said she is stopping access completely. I think DH had resigned himself to that ultimate outcome and is focussing on the fact that worse ways it will only be for four years until SD is 16 and can make up her own mind!
I can't stand it when people play games when kids are involved it really riles me. It plays with peoples emotions and feelings and is crap. SD's family should grow the hell up and start acting like an adult!!
MrsJo, only just read your post, my OH as a EX who is being awkward with him seeing his daughter, tho not so bad as yours :/
It's last thing you want so close to the end of your pregnancy x
Well i cant read as Tabs is screaming at me :nope: Well i've decided to take the first induction and sod it :dohh: So i hope they have a nice date for me :haha: 8th of September baby please... I cant see my body ever going into labour and i've pretty much just given up now. Anyhoooos MWs later on and will come and not be so rude and read everything once Tabs is at nursery and not crying none stop...
Well i cant read as Tabs is screaming at me :nope: Well i've decided to take the first induction and sod it :dohh: So i hope they have a nice date for me :haha: 8th of September baby please... I cant see my body ever going into labour and i've pretty much just given up now. Anyhoooos MWs later on and will come and not be so rude and read everything once Tabs is at nursery and not crying none stop...

Oh hun you sound so fed up...not long now though xx
Bekklez good luck for today hun

BLONDIE35 nice to hear that there is kind people out there who are happy to help (i dont av a clue how to change a tyre either lol) :thumbup:

No doubt when DH checks his phone he will have had more vile messages from SD's Mum. The last one said she is stopping access completely. I think DH had resigned himself to that ultimate outcome and is focussing on the fact that worse ways it will only be for four years until SD is 16 and can make up her own mind![/QUOTE]

:hugs: mrsJ not what you need right now, the way people go on astounds me too hun, carnt believe that jealousy can go on for so long with some people :nope: does anyone think about the kids? :shrug:
Good Morning all,

Been up all night, I got a few hours between about 10 and 12 and after that dd was up either being sick or wanting a cuddle or anything else she could think of! Eventially at about 4 i put on a dvd quietly in her room which she watched, then shouted an hour later when it finished, so i put it on again and went in about half 6 when she had gone off to sleep, with my alarm set for half 7!!
Got children into school, dh is still in bed, and dd is watching another dvd in her bed, but is wide awake, how do toddlers need no sleep!!

I think it is because i am less tollarant at the moment but dh really getting on my nerves, dtd is not even on the menu while i feel like i do i want to smack him in the face!!! He says its my hormones which he could well be right, but he doesn't think it may just be his fault getting on my nerves, doing sod all and staying on the x box all night, i was thinking what would happen if i went into labour he would be tired, last time he slept through most of my labour, and i bet he will do the same! :shrug:


Beks, hope things go well xx

Blob, don't blame you, nothing worse than being late, have been late 3 out of 4 of mine, and it is frustrating!
In my experience it is just a stronger labour induced, and the baby is delivered a bit quicker, it is almost expelled by the body which at the time although is pretty intense is over with quicker! I found pushing easier induced.:hugs:

Blondie, it is nice when something happens that restores faith in human kind! Well done Asda staff! :hugs:

Well i am sorry for lack of personals, i am feeling sick and tired, my morning sickness has returned AGAIN! Think i need more protein, more eggs, may go and boil some!

Huge hugs all, labour vibes to those needing them!

Back later to catch up better xx
No doubt when DH checks his phone he will have had more vile messages from SD's Mum. The last one said she is stopping access completely. I think DH had resigned himself to that ultimate outcome and is focussing on the fact that worse ways it will only be for four years until SD is 16 and can make up her own mind!

Did you say he is going through solicitors and court for accses? If so I don't think she can stop contact unless she has a valid reason too :thumbup:
I know my OH's EX can't stop access now it's started unless she can come up with a really good reason x

AFM - quiet baby AGAIN this morning, OH's took car to work, so when he get's home at half 12, might give the hospital/midwife a ring and go get checked out!
His movement's are that slow that it sometime's just feel's like trapped wind :/
Got back ache aswel today :(
(sorry if i'v already AFM'd this morning...I can't remember!!!)
Oh fuck! Sorry - i just typed a huge reply explianing my shit day yesterday then hit the bloody back button on the mouse :growlmad: still! I'm determined not to cry today!!!

Not re-typing it, you don't need to hear my moans anyway! At least all the crying seems to be reducing the swelling in my feet & legs :haha:

Good luck to Bekkles today - hope it all goes well.

My paper work i need to get sorted to get back onto the payroll at work has come through so i need to go hunt down 3 signatures now.

I'm away until sunday now (with various friends & staying over at inlaws) so i won't be around much. If anything happens 'down there' :baby: i'll let Carley know (else she'll hunt me down & put my head on a stake!) & she'll update everyone for me. I doubt anything will happen but you never know.

Hope everyone is ok & i hope we have another busy baby weekend so the over dues and dues can get a move on.

Love and hugs to all :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Morning pregnant ladies and mumies! Blob, I feel sure every morning that you will have had your babs overnight! Grrrr!! Come on baby! And come on Hope, and Ellie, and Lilia, Simba and Danielle's, MrsJO8's, Fishy's, ....... the list is endless!! Come on babies! I need some middle of the night feeding buddies online ha ha!!

Just popping on to say hello. I am actually missing being pregnant! Never thought I'd say that! Sam last night and this morning is a feeding, pooing machine. I used 4 nappies in one change in the night. He pood in two and weed all over the other two as I was putting them on him. He is laying in his pram now chewing on his fists as though he's never been fed, and he only finished eating half an hour ago. I think maybe we are on our first little growth spurt!

Hope you all have a good day! Let's have another September Star before the day is out!
hannahs c section as been changed from today till monday

Well after my early morning wake up call, I managed to get back to sleep once DH went to work at 7.30 and I've just woken up :happydance:

Danielle - we have already been down the court route and it's cost us £4k in solicitors fees. The problem is that in reality the court order is un-enforceable. It relies on both parties complying with the principles behind what they have agreed and putting the child first. For example, DH was in hospital on the day he was due to pick SD up for the Summer Holiday, so rather than being reasonable and allowing pick up by someone else i.e her Grandmother or for DH to pick her up when he came out of hospital she blocked access completely including telephone access for the three weeks we were supposed to have her. DH's parents had flown over from Crete to see their grandaughter. In SD's Mum's view this was perfectly justifiable because "he didn't pick her up on the right day" the fact that he was seriously ill and incapable of doing so is irrelevant to her. You cannot reason with someone like that! Until the courts start punishing women for non-compliance, nothing will change. It costs £80 to throw it back into court every time, even if you represent yourself only for the court to tell her off and ask her not to do it again. :dohh:

I'm actually feeling quite positive about it this morning as DH lost his rag last night and for the first time actually replied to her text and told her exactly what he thought of her. We normally just ignore her vicious messages, last night as soon as DH got off the phone she sent one saying "I'm confiscating her phone now, so if you don't like it you can take me back to the no phone police" meaning Court. All this because DH dared to send SD a message yesterday morning (outside specified contact times) wishing her good luck for her first day at secondary school! DH was so enraged he really let rip and told her exactly what he thought of her mothering skills (or rather lack of them) and telling her that he has had enough of dancing to her tune and won't be taking the issue back to court again as it's clearly a waste of time and money. DH said that if she choses to prevent contact she will have to live with the consequences as in only 4 short years SD will make her own decisions and he is positive she will want to have a relationship with us. SD is no fool, she know's exactly who is preventing contact and constantly complains about her Mum. We had anticipated this happening so in the last two calls DH had warned SD he thought her Mum was about to try and prevent access and to ignore any lies her Mum gives for the reason. SD said that if her Mum does she will make her life a living hell. A big part of her Mum's recent behaviour is because she know's the baby is due imminently and she doesn't want SD to have a relationship with the baby. In actual fact she told SD that this baby has nothing to do with her, SD said "it will be my brother or sister" and her Mum said it wasn't! WTF?? Apparently half-siblings are only half-siblings if they have the same Mum, not Dad according to SD's Mum :rofl: Anyway enough of that...

Asher - thanks for the labour wishes. The new pics of Sam on his play gym are so gorgeous, I just want to cuddle him

Limpets - have a nice weekend :hugs:

BTP - sorry to hear that the sickness is back :flower:

Blob - fingers crossed they give you a date this afternoon :hugs:

That's all I can remember - sorry to anyone I have missed


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