Congrats Laura, Olivia Rose is lovely name, defo one of our choices, last time we were saying Olivia or Sophie when we see baby we will know, she was a Sophie from the off!
I went to bed really early, and just accepted i would be up and down like a yo yo for one or other of the children, but the snips i can get between were sleep and worth getting!
I had my 7 yr old dd wake me up to tell me she couldn't sleep!! Thanks sweetie!!
I have never missed my bump, but then i have always been so sick and in pain that it was a relief, this bump has been so nice to me I think i may miss it a bit, but i am so looking forward to meeting this little bump that it will outweigh anything else!
Emzy, It is all what is right for you and your baby and everyone is different, it is not about being an earth mother, and breast feeding for months, it is about the fact you tried and are now doing your best for your baby, you will find throughout your baby's first year and onwards there will be lots of change of direction on what you may have done because you know what your baby is happy with.
For me it was a dummy with Sophie, my others never had one but she really needed one, and it was brilliant, not the germ fest i was worried about!
As long as you have a happy contented baby is all that matters xx
It is the waiting about that is so boring, and being twingy, thinking this could be it! I remember with dd i had one night i was up all night thinking this is it and it went away!
I hope no false alarms this time, and i want to be rested and i bet it will be the opposite!!
Well time to go, had my boiled egg, feeling a little less sick, i just want to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee without it leaving this horrible taste in my mouth, and feeling so sick in the mornings!
Back later,

to all who need it, I just blubbed at the cbeebies seasons song, its Autumn, and it made me think omg its Autumn!!! I love this time of year, Autumn and Winter are my fave times of year

tp xx