To those not wanting to be induced, I was induced twice with a pessary, and the only difference was a faster labour, i was not hooked up to a drip with either one, and monitoring was more when established labour was there and i was not moving about much, so they just monitored when they could.
It may be worth finding out from your hospital what difference it will make and how they induce, my first birth was drip induced and a world away from the pessary, it was awful and i had every intervention going.
The next 2 were as close to natural births as possible even being induced, and my last labour was natural to start but because waters had broken over 18 hours i needed a drip, so it was more restiricting than the induced labours!
Certainly worth finding out if any of your worries are a possibility at the hospital where you are due to deliver.
I would not turn down induction if i were late, if anything you have the ability to plan at least when you will have the baby! (ish!)
Congratulations to more mummies, every time i check more babies are here!
Roast dinner today, Yum, its chicken today, a lovely ham and mash tomorrow and roast beef on tuesday, I have it all planned and my shopping done for this week, I have a few apple crumbles in the freezer too, still just thinking about food
Back later, had a nice rest this morning, i am trying to keep rested and have as much energy for labour as possible, just i may be spending half my day asleep for the next few weeks!

tp xx