****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Daniellelk thats harsh :hugs: Think i would throw a major strop there!!

Danielle I have to agree, if thats his attitude i'd find another birthing partner you can rely on to support you :hugs:

He'd stay if im still in labour, its if i'v had H that he will go, but even if i'v had him i'll still want him at hospital during visiting hours :/
If i'v had him and he choses to go see his daughter, leaving us at hospital on our own, I'll be telling him not to bother coming back to the hospital to see us, and to give my mum the carseat to pick me up when I can leave. He can change the day he see's his daughter, he can't re do the first day's of his son's life :/ (ifykwim)
Great news about Louise being moved to MW led :happydance: looks like we will have another star by this evening

Blob - Big :hug: to you hun, there isn't really anything else I can say. Keeping everything crossed you are next.

Big :hugs: to everyone who is overdue.

F&C - hope the sweep goes well today

Becs - boo to a bad night. I managed to sleep from 3.30ish until 6.30ish when I gave up and had a cup of tea in bed. I was thinking of going back to bed when DH went to work but I couldn't be bothered. I've had my shower and hoovered, going to do some tidying in the kitchen next and then perhaps bake a cake. I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!

Stmw - hope your pains turn into something

Hajs - Congratulations

Sayuri - I was wondering how long it would be until someone's sexing scan is wrong. It's one of my biggest fears! Really pleased you are glad of the outcome though :hugs:

Daniellk - I'm with Blob I would be having a major strop too. I appreciate your OH wants to see his daughter but he certainly shouldn't be prioritising that over being with you at the birth of your first child. That's quite simply, bang out of order. Your SD is a child, they are resilient and she will understand why he is unable to make it and even if she isn't old enough to understand she will forget about it in minutes. It always upsets the parents more than the children in this sort of situation. I've seen it time and again with my DH, he is in tears because contact or a telephone call has been missed and his DD is not the slightest bit bothered! I'm not being funny but thing's come up in life and with the best will in the world contact will sometimes have to be cancelled. What would he do if he was in bed with flu?? As you say I'm sure he can make special arrangements to see his daughter after the birth and introduce her to her sibling?

Jellycat - I like the Jigsaw idea :winkwink:

Asher - hope your first day solo goes well :hugs:

I think that is everyone covered - if I've missed you I'm really sorry.

I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do with myself I'm going stir crazy. I'm in so much pain in my legs, hips and bumps I don't feel I can walk any distance. I need to go to the post office, I think I could walk there but I'm worried about not being able to walk back. How pathetic does that sound? It's not even that far! I'm hoping DH get's home before 5 so that he can post the letter recorded delivery for me. Think I might drop my neighbour a text and see if she wants to meet up for a cuppa. The dog is no company, he's permanently asleep on the sofa. I really want to go shopping but I definitely can't get the bus anywhere. Baby I really want you to come now. I'm with the people fed up because they kept being told their baby would come early. Everyone including DH has said the baby is going to be early. I think I'm going to be late, late, late. The more I think about it, the more I think my original due date of the 21st is more accurate.... :growlmad:

ooo has anyone heard from BTP - just thinking I don't think she has posted for a while?

:hugs: and labour :dust: to all

Great news about Louise being moved to MW led :happydance: looks like we will have another star by this evening

Blob - Big :hug: to you hun, there isn't really anything else I can say. Keeping everything crossed you are next.

Big :hugs: to everyone who is overdue.

F&C - hope the sweep goes well today

Becs - boo to a bad night. I managed to sleep from 3.30ish until 6.30ish when I gave up and had a cup of tea in bed. I was thinking of going back to bed when DH went to work but I couldn't be bothered. I've had my shower and hoovered, going to do some tidying in the kitchen next and then perhaps bake a cake. I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!

Stmw - hope your pains turn into something

Hajs - Congratulations

Sayuri - I was wondering how long it would be until someone's sexing scan is wrong. It's one of my biggest fears! Really pleased you are glad of the outcome though :hugs:

Daniellk - I'm with Blob I would be having a major strop too. I appreciate your OH wants to see his daughter but he certainly shouldn't be prioritising that over being with you at the birth of your first child. That's quite simply, bang out of order. Your SD is a child, they are resilient and she will understand why he is unable to make it and even if she isn't old enough to understand she will forget about it in minutes. It always upsets the parents more than the children in this sort of situation. I've seen it time and again with my DH, he is in tears because contact or a telephone call has been missed and his DD is not the slightest bit bothered! I'm not being funny but thing's come up in life and with the best will in the world contact will sometimes have to be cancelled. What would he do if he was in bed with flu?? As you say I'm sure he can make special arrangements to see his daughter after the birth and introduce her to her sibling?

Jellycat - I like the Jigsaw idea :winkwink:

Asher - hope your first day solo goes well :hugs:

I think that is everyone covered - if I've missed you I'm really sorry.

I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do with myself I'm going stir crazy. I'm in so much pain in my legs, hips and bumps I don't feel I can walk any distance. I need to go to the post office, I think I could walk there but I'm worried about not being able to walk back. How pathetic does that sound? It's not even that far! I'm hoping DH get's home before 5 so that he can post the letter recorded delivery for me. Think I might drop my neighbour a text and see if she wants to meet up for a cuppa. The dog is no company, he's permanently asleep on the sofa. I really want to go shopping but I definitely can't get the bus anywhere. Baby I really want you to come now. I'm with the people fed up because they kept being told their baby would come early. Everyone including DH has said the baby is going to be early. I think I'm going to be late, late, late. The more I think about it, the more I think my original due date of the 21st is more accurate.... :growlmad:

ooo has anyone heard from BTP - just thinking I don't think she has posted for a while?

:hugs: and labour :dust: to all


I know OH's EX will tell the daughter stuff like "the baby is more important to daddy then you" that's what she's like, she's praying OH has to cancel visitation because of our LO, so that he has to miss a visit with LO, but LO is only 2, so hardly going to know it's the day she should be seeing her daddy, so if he changed it to another day, it's not realy going to make a difference to her. But try telling a stubborn man who think's of him self first 95% of the time! I don't want him to miss out on seeing his daughter, but IF my induction is booked for Thursday (which I doubt anyway, it's most likely to be booked for Sunday), but if it is, i'm not going to delay it, just so he doesn't have to cancel seeing his daughter. End off the day, he's going to have to think of them both and try not to put the other first..tho he has already pointed out his eldest will always come first to him...which make's me feel crap because i'll be expected to treat her the same as H, yet he'll be ok to treat them different...because "H will live with him and P doesnt" so P will need his upmost attention on the day's he see's her.
sorry i'm going to stop ranting now :/

Wish I didn't have such a huge appetite..
Becs - boo to a bad night. I managed to sleep from 3.30ish until 6.30ish when I gave up and had a cup of tea in bed. I was thinking of going back to bed when DH went to work but I couldn't be bothered. I've had my shower and hoovered, going to do some tidying in the kitchen next and then perhaps bake a cake. I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!
r a while?


I think we are due the same date?! and i am suffering with sleep too. I slept from 11.30pm to 4 and then basically have been awake since. I was awake at the same time Sat morning an sunday morning. Then once i am awake I cant sto thinking about birth and labour etc, and that keeps me awake.
Keep getting cramps in my bum cheeks/top of my thighs along with the muscle pain in my legs i have had for months. Toilet breaks are hitting 6 or 7 times a night now and my bones are clicking like an old lady when i get up every time!!!! WAHHHHHHH

I think the last week is the most frustrating time...not long to go but nothing to do (with the aches and pains stopping any sorts of activities) and im scared of going shopping etc on my own in case something happens when im out. LOL. Paranoia!

....and everybody is either having their babies early or being booked in for early inductions. I have had no complications so far and i think im going to have to ride this out till im well overdue!

BTW who was number 39?
Well had my shower and done the hoovering and kitchen, washing nearly done! Just waiting on Ian coming home then off to mw!! I feel knackered today and kinda nauseaus and hot!! Need to do my wee sample and straighten my hair! Thank goodness Ian is taking Murphy back to work with him thsi afternoon, he can walk him then!! I really hop she is starting to engage, it feels like she is never going to come.
Just had a text from Louise, she said she has been examined and she is 3-4cm and soft so going down to mw led ward to do it naturally xx

Good luck Lousie :happydance: great to hear that you dont need to be induced.thanks for the update becs.

sounds like Sam loves his sleep Asher bless him xxx

good luck with sweep f&C, i hope it starts things off for you soon :hugs:

MrsJ08 i was told by a MW that i wont go overdue but here i am 1day over and still very much pregnant!

well Blob you have another member for the overdue club, me!!!!!
how many of us are overdue now???

Congratulations Hajs :wohoo: wow 39 stars now!!

MW is coming around today, i'm worried about babys size so i'm going to tell her, i'm right on the last line of the chart thing, so i think im having a HUGE baby.

becs good luck at your MW appointment today :flower: ive been 4/5 since 28weeks baby just dosnt want go to in, he's happy just hovering :wacko:
Oh dear Danielle - I don't really agree with your OH's rationale no wonder you are feeling so upset about it :hugs: You are right at that age she really won't have a clue! Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about the poisionous ex - you know I can empathise on that point. I think you are probably best to put it to the back of your mind and cross this bridge if/when it comes to it. However, you probably do need to have a chat about how the children are going to be treated. It's not such a problem when your LO is a baby as your SD would naturally get more attention as the baby won't know any different. However, a year or so down the line SD is going to give you hell if she has been led to think she is more important. My DH and I have had a lot of conversations about the importance of trying to treat the children equally to avoid jealousy. Admittedly, it's a lot harder with younger children as you can't reason with them in the same way. My SD lives with her Mum and step-father so has another set of parents who are looking after her on a daily basis (well in theory anyway!). Our baby only has us, so has to be prioritised if a a difficult situation arises. x
Becs - boo to a bad night. I managed to sleep from 3.30ish until 6.30ish when I gave up and had a cup of tea in bed. I was thinking of going back to bed when DH went to work but I couldn't be bothered. I've had my shower and hoovered, going to do some tidying in the kitchen next and then perhaps bake a cake. I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!
r a while?


I think we are due the same date?! and i am suffering with sleep too. I slept from 11.30pm to 4 and then basically have been awake since. I was awake at the same time Sat morning an sunday morning. Then once i am awake I cant sto thinking about birth and labour etc, and that keeps me awake.
Keep getting cramps in my bum cheeks/top of my thighs along with the muscle pain in my legs i have had for months. Toilet breaks are hitting 6 or 7 times a night now and my bones are clicking like an old lady when i get up every time!!!! WAHHHHHHH

I think the last week is the most frustrating time...not long to go but nothing to do (with the aches and pains stopping any sorts of activities) and im scared of going shopping etc on my own in case something happens when im out. LOL. Paranoia!

....and everybody is either having their babies early or being booked in for early inductions. I have had no complications so far and i think im going to have to ride this out till im well overdue!

BTW who was number 39?

Yes we are due on the same day hun, it's nice to know you are feeling exactly the same way. I'm not finding that I'm having to go to the loo excessively - once or twice a night . But. the creaking and grinding bones I can definitely empathise with. Sometimes it feels like my hips are grinding around the babies head!!! :rofl:
Too much to catch up on!

Louise, Good luck, strange to think its all happening right now! Such a good baby starting off on time! Huge :hugs: to you xxxxxxxx

We dtd last night, what a fuss that was, not going to try that again in a hurry! After a failed 4 positions no5 worked, but poor baby was so jiggled about, my bump was a weird shape where baby was all to one side, prob trying to hold on tight! Anyway, having said its a great way to get things moving and how it would be my chosen method i have changed my mind!!:haha: Better go get some raspberry leaf tea:haha:

Going now, back later for any updates,

:baby:tp xxxxxx:hugs:
Mrs Jo08 I had 2 scans (because I have Fibroids) They BOTH said oooh girl, well actually one said they Think its a girl. DH was not convinced by the sonographers I had my 36 growth scan a couple of weeks and I asked again and lo and behold a 'little sausage and two veg' she even took a pic of it and told us when he has girfriends we shouldnt embarass him!!!

Mum was a bit dispointed as she wanted a Granddaughter! me and DH are over the moon either way as long as he is healthy and Labour goes well
danielle - I really sympathise with you. I have no experience of this situation but I would definitely be really hacked off that he would rather be with his other child than you. I definitely understand your rant and hope it works out!! xx
Sayuri - had you bought lot's of little girl things that you have had to swap? Or had you played it safe with neutral's anyway?

Well now I've done the thrilling job of tidying the kitchen. I am watching This Morning. I'm going stir crazy. It must be bad when the woman who hates housework is trying to find cleaning to do!

Awww Dannielle u poor thing, id love to be a fly on the wall thou seeing him with a 3 yrd old & a 2 yr old trying to sort them both out without you there!! hehe xx
Awww Dannielle u poor thing, id love to be a fly on the wall thou seeing him with a 3 yrd old & a 2 yr old trying to sort them both out without you there!! hehe xx

he wouldn't be on his own, his visits with his daughter are supervised atm so there would be another adult with him, but the point of the visit's being supervised are so him and his daughter can get used to each other....his attention is going to have to be on the 3year old, so defeat's the point abit.
Back from mw's, got sweep booked for next Monday and induction booked for 18th! I am 3/5ths engaged but that doesn't mean anything! Told the mw how fed up etc and generally feeling under the weather and she said I could be booked for 10 or 14 days so went for 10 lol!!! I am sure my mw is sex obsessed, all she kept banging on about was sex and how thats all thats going to get things going!!! I said we have sex but most of the time I am just so tired!!!
Awww Dannielle u poor thing, id love to be a fly on the wall thou seeing him with a 3 yrd old & a 2 yr old trying to sort them both out without you there!! hehe xx

he wouldn't be on his own, his visits with his daughter are supervised atm so there would be another adult with him, but the point of the visit's being supervised are so him and his daughter can get used to each other....his attention is going to have to be on the 3year old, so defeat's the point abit.

Oh right i see, seems pointless then doesnt it really! Give him a kick up the backside! :hugs: x
I am sure my mw is sex obsessed, all she kept banging on about was sex and how thats all thats going to get things going!!! I said we have sex but most of the time I am just so tired!!!

Awww Dannielle u poor thing, id love to be a fly on the wall thou seeing him with a 3 yrd old & a 2 yr old trying to sort them both out without you there!! hehe xx

he wouldn't be on his own, his visits with his daughter are supervised atm so there would be another adult with him, but the point of the visit's being supervised are so him and his daughter can get used to each other....his attention is going to have to be on the 3year old, so defeat's the point abit.

Oh right i see, seems pointless then doesnt it really! Give him a kick up the backside! :hugs: x

Should just do that anyway :)
Mrs J, it was so funny, if only you could of been a fly on the wall!!!! Maybe she doesn't get enough!!!!

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