Great news about Louise being moved to MW led

looks like we will have another star by this evening
Blob - Big

to you hun, there isn't really anything else I can say. Keeping everything crossed you are next.

to everyone who is overdue.
F&C - hope the sweep goes well today
Becs - boo to a bad night. I managed to sleep from 3.30ish until 6.30ish when I gave up and had a cup of tea in bed. I was thinking of going back to bed when DH went to work but I couldn't be bothered. I've had my shower and hoovered, going to do some tidying in the kitchen next and then perhaps bake a cake. I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!
Stmw - hope your pains turn into something
Hajs - Congratulations
Sayuri - I was wondering how long it would be until someone's sexing scan is wrong. It's one of my biggest fears! Really pleased you are glad of the outcome though
Daniellk - I'm with Blob I would be having a major strop too. I appreciate your OH wants to see his daughter but he certainly shouldn't be prioritising that over being with you at the birth of your first child. That's quite simply, bang out of order. Your SD is a child, they are resilient and she will understand why he is unable to make it and even if she isn't old enough to understand she will forget about it in minutes. It always upsets the parents more than the children in this sort of situation. I've seen it time and again with my DH, he is in tears because contact or a telephone call has been missed and his DD is not the slightest bit bothered! I'm not being funny but thing's come up in life and with the best will in the world contact will sometimes have to be cancelled. What would he do if he was in bed with flu?? As you say I'm sure he can make special arrangements to see his daughter after the birth and introduce her to her sibling?
Jellycat - I like the Jigsaw idea
Asher - hope your first day solo goes well
I think that is everyone covered - if I've missed you I'm really sorry.
I'm so bloody bored!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do with myself I'm going stir crazy. I'm in so much pain in my legs, hips and bumps I don't feel I can walk any distance. I need to go to the post office, I think I could walk there but I'm worried about not being able to walk back. How pathetic does that sound? It's not even that far! I'm hoping DH get's home before 5 so that he can post the letter recorded delivery for me. Think I might drop my neighbour a text and see if she wants to meet up for a cuppa. The dog is no company, he's permanently asleep on the sofa. I really want to go shopping but I definitely can't get the bus anywhere. Baby I really want you to come now. I'm with the people fed up because they kept being told their baby would come early. Everyone including DH has said the baby is going to be early. I think I'm going to be late, late, late. The more I think about it, the more I think my original due date of the 21st is more accurate....
ooo has anyone heard from BTP - just thinking I don't think she has posted for a while?

and labour

to all