****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

I haven't even thought about my hospital bag!! I really should start buying a few bits, I have no idea what I need lol!!! I can't get my head around it all!

Well the weather is naff today so just having a chill out afternoon, DH has just done the ironing while I stuffed my face!!!

Can't believe we are all at or coming up to 30 weeks!! It really doesn't seem 5 minutes ago we were all in 1st tri!!
I've started my hospital bag purely because i forgot alot of things the first time round so i figured if i start early i might not forget as much lol.
I havent even started looking at doing the nursery or anything for this baby :nope:

Gorgeous pictures everyone :thumbup:

Am in a total strop today :cry: my DH thinks that i'm mad but it sucks! We chose this because we THOUGHT he'd have family time :( But he doesnt come in until 7-8pm and then Tabs is pretty much going to bed...on a weekend he works saturday but the only one he gets off in the month he was working outside today. He comes in now saying 'we can do something now if you want' What the hell are you meant to do at 3.30 when your toddler is now napping?? Tomorrow he will be busy as usual or moans that he just wants to stay at home. I feel like a single mummy too often now.
nice pics ladies:thumbup:

blob :hugs:

me , blob and emzy 30 weeks today :wohoo: single figures soon :wohoo:

i havent even started my bag either , was meant to go today , got my car seat and fathers day gifts e.c.t nothing for my bag though lol, got too tired and wanted to come home :sleep: start birthing classes tomorrow :happydance: i keep thinking i hear noises during the night, the robbers have made me paranoid :grr:

hope every1 is well :hugs: xx
Also has anyone else got a breech baby?
Gawd i'm having an emotional day :rofl:
We start our anti natal classes on the 1st July!! First one is with the physio lady about positions etc!

Why is there naff all on tv?? We have just watched Angels and Demons again on sky!
Awww Blob:hugs:Hope your strop/emotionalness doesnt last too long.
My hubby works 4 days on, 4 off and does nothing to help on hte days he is working mainly as he is away from 06:30 until either 7pm or 10:30pm...then does nothing on his 4 off bar get up with Nathan and change his bum etc etc so for you it must be sooo hard. Will he get paternity leave when baby arrives?

I was told by my midwife last preg to have my bag packed by 28 weeks...I think I had it done by 24:haha:
At least this time I know alot of the stuff I took was useless so can scale down alot...

Old news and I know there is a hospital bag list as a sticky on 3rd tri but this is mine...roughly.


5 x Big Black pants:haha:
2 x Nursing Bras
2 x Joggy bums/jeans
A few tops
Wash bag and hair brush etc with extras for OH (deoderant, toothpaste/brush to freshen up)
Change of clothes for OH
2 x Night clothes/Jimjams
Breast pads
Santitary towels

Baby vests
Pack of wipes, nappy sack and Nappies.
A few muslin cloths

Phone charger

I also have a bag of snacks and a few bottles of water in the freezer for when I am in labour...was a god send last time!

At home for OH to bring when getting out car seat and blanket if its cold.

Thats all I can think of so far....

Gonna try and persuade OH to get curry for tea as I just read on Faceboko thats what my brother is having and I now feel I NEED it too lol

Evening all, sorry to hear about the hormones wreaking havoc on everyone! It's horrible isn't it? I think our bodies are preparing now for the last stretch. Not always nice!

I really really want a homebirth but do need to pack a bag anyway, I think I will start packing it when we get back from our hols (will be 31 and a bit weeks) - I've got most of the stuff to go in it, just need to organise and pack.

My little one has been active this last couple of days, it's been nice after a few quiet ones. 28 weeks today! :happydance: Congrats to all the 30 weekers! That sounds mad doesn't it!? 10 weeks til lift off?!!

I think my hormones have gone a bit mad. Yesterday I was having Braxton Hicks like there was no tomorrow, no pain just lots of hard belly moments. And all day yesterday and today I have been having full on let-down type sensations in my boobs, so much so that I have been checking there is nothing coming out of them when it happens. I think I am going to have to start sticking breast pads in there just in case. This never happened when I was PG with Archie, but did a tiny bit with Jack. I am wondering if it's just because my boobs have BTDT before and are preparing. They are absolutely huge. To the point that I think I am gonna look like some sort of alien when the baba is here and my milk actually comes in! Is anybody else experiencing anything similar? I am going to ask the MW at my 28 week check on Tuesday I think. :shrug:
My milk came in yesterday Asher - I was mortified! Took a male client out for lunch who decided to tell me over our starter that I had sprung a leak :blush:

This is my 1st baby and I dont think milk came in this early but never mind !!

I started packing my hospital bag today aswell and was advised to make sure I take £1 coins incase of running out of snacks etc etc !!
My milk came in yesterday Asher - I was mortified! Took a male client out for lunch who decided to tell me over our starter that I had sprung a leak :blush:

OH no you poor thing!!! Im sure my waters will break on the bus or something i would die! lol x
Oh no Laura, poor you x

All this talk of hospital bags has made me wanna write a list and get it!! I really can't keep putting things off lol!
Ooooh Laura!! Embarrassing!! I leaked in front of a really good friend last time, and she just discreetly said I should go and change my top! It was breast pads from there on in. Milk does normally start leaking, I think anytime from about 26 weeks? I have definitely leaked a little, especially in the night. Nothing like the proper wham bam of milk coming in a couple of days after the baby is born though - both times that's happened I have been VERY shocked! And hubby has been very excited but not allowed to touch! Like an instant boob job!!
Ooooh Laura!! Embarrassing!! I leaked in front of a really good friend last time, and she just discreetly said I should go and change my top! It was breast pads from there on in. Milk does normally start leaking, I think anytime from about 26 weeks? I have definitely leaked a little, especially in the night. Nothing like the proper wham bam of milk coming in a couple of days after the baby is born though - both times that's happened I have been VERY shocked! And hubby has been very excited but not allowed to touch! Like an instant boob job!!

:haha: men hey what r they like...'kid with a new improved toy' comes to mind lol x
:haha: men hey what r they like...'kid with a new improved toy' comes to mind lol x

:haha: Exactly!! His face, both times with the boys, has been hilarious!! They do look fab though, but not so good when you look down to the recently inhabited jelly belly ha ha!!!!
Im not looking forward to the 'jelly belly' but when i look at my baby boy the jelly belly will all be worth it! hehe x
Yep I was slightly embarassed but managed to get the contract we wanted so finished happy anyway !! Im slightly concerned though as I am noramally an E cup and I swear I am going to end up in a G or something the rate these 2 are growing !! They are definately off limits to my OH @ the mo anyway as they are far 2 tender !
I know I don't post here much but does anyone want to be my text buddy for when labour comes around? Ill prob be able to keep updated on FB as some of you are on there.

I know there is still quite some time left but i feel like this pregnancy is going too fast and baby will be born next week!! lol
It does seem like we're all suddenly getting emotional, how strange. I think the reality of it all is beginning to kick in.

Asher, nope my boobs are tiny although I noticed a mark on my PJ top the other day by my left nipple so I don't know if I've leaked a little already. Oh now Laura how embarrassing! I better be extra careful now!

Little A I'll happily be your text buddy. PM me and we'll swap mobile numbers. xxx

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