Helloooooooooo ladies! Hope everyone is ok, seems like it's been a bit of an emotional weekend all round... me included! It must just be the stage that we're at!!
I've had a pretty busy weekend, had my step sons, hubby got back Thursday night from his exercise... we had the summer ball on Friday night which was festival themed, with a break in the middle for the England match which was a waste of 90 minutes of my life to be honest!! DH and I were tetchy and irritable with each other all evening which was horrible, I found out he'd been smoking whilst on his exercise and he had lied about it and got completely worked up about it! We ended up having long deep chats until 3.30am (!!!!!!!!!!!!) about how he's frustrated at our (lack of) sex life etc and that he hasn't said anything before but has wanted to... he knows I haven't wanted to DTD this time because of m/c last time but ... and now I feel guilty..... I haven't touched him since we got pregnant and it took a few beers for him to tell me that he feels really pushed out! I was mortified and annoyed and upset, but then I understood, then I explained myself, then we made up..... and ended up doing more than we had bargained for, so I guess that is sorted out now!!!! Hee hee
SS's bday yesterday, he's now 6, had a lovely party etc, all very fun but very tiring. Father's day BBQ on camp this afternoon followed by a 5 hour round trip to return the children to their mother... always a rubbish way to end the weekend, but a decision has now been made that we are having them every weekend until the summer holidays, then having them the whole summer holiday (which is 47 sleeps!!)...unfortunately then I won't see them for 183 sleeps (while Wayne is in Afghan) so it's going to be a massive change for both me and them,.... we'll see!
Anyhow, happy 29 weeks to me, hope everyone is doing ok apart from emotions etc... I got a comment today from some girls on camp that I must be having a phantom pregnancy because there's still no bump

At least I have no sign of any stretch marks yet! Oh, and at my consultant appointment last week I was weighed, and officially I have put on 3.3kg, which I think works out at about half a stone? Is this right?