Hey Ladies!
Well i took your advice & went to buy the snowsuit - it is very sweet! Also got the ingredients to make 'special soup' (Jamie Oliver recipe) to freeze for lunches

. Then my ex, ex's sister came round to distract me for a few hours which was lovely of her bless. I'm now debating what else i can do......maybe make a few cards or do some scrapbooking?
I'm not overly worried about Tufty as i keep checking with my dopler but my movements have reduced, i have been told this is common just before labour.......any comments? I haven't got in touch with the hospital or anything - as i say, i listen in regularly & he/she seems ok in there. I have an appointment with the consultant tomorrow - i might just mention it then.
I've got a real problem with my right wrist its felt sprained the last couple of days but its gradually getting worse... swollen and stiff especially my thumb, last night it was just fixed in a position and had to rub it to be able to move it..... just dont know what I have done to cause it..... just another thing to add to my pregnancy woes
It might be pregnancy induced carpel tunnel? I complained to my consultant that my hands felt like i have arthritis & bruised (not swollen though) and they said that's what mine was
MrsN congrats on being full term today
To all the september stars who are still waiting for there little one to arrive..How are u helping to pass the time i have 3 weeks 1 left and i am goin insane my feet hurt me to much to walk anywhere my whole body is just one big ache and pain!!! i need summet to help pass the time!! any ideas ladys?????
Make some announcement cards? Can you knit or cross stitch? I do indeed cook - anything & everything (my scales are broken.......they tell me i've put 3 1/2 stone on during my pregnancy!!!!!!!) I was the same hun - my feet are too painful to venture very far from home

Although i've got to the point where i seem to have given up trying to entertain myself now.....i just kinda veg out & lurk on here and/or facebook lol.
I can't bear to think about tackling the housework - i know it'll start off as a simple hoover & dust but then i'll find something which needs a 'mega clean' and be at it for hours & end up totally knackered!
MrsJ08 - i'm making my own christmas cake for the 1st time this year, when can i make it? Not sure how early as i want to infuse it with plenty of alcohol lol but don't want it going hard or off
I dont think id ever get my OH in hobbycraft lol
Oooh my DH loves Hobbycraft, i tend to leave him looking at the model kits or send him on a mission to find things for me lol.