Mrs J those cakes look amazing! So professional.
Danielle, big

Sorry you are feeling so down.
Blob, I haven't been having a 'clear out' either
Bekklez, Ellie is absolutely beautiful!
Thanks to Little A for updating you this morning. I can get online when dh is at work but posting is too tricky as it's all through the playstation which is a nightmare! So I had a bloody show this morning. Sorry for the detail but I felt a big lump pass through me and when I looked in the loo it was a big lump of yuck with blood in it. I did get all excited but apparently it could just be because of the internal yesterday and therefore not mean too much. Since then I've been getting brown discharge, like just before your period starts. No cramps or anything though so I don't think anything will happen for a while if it does. FX it does though!
My dh and I were just getting our head round the fact it was probably a long way off so this has messed with our heads a bit and now I just don't know what to think.
My MW left a message on my mobile this morning saying they can't do a sweep on Thursday which is when it should be but she's booked me in for Friday instead. Also she has booked me in for an induction. This should be full term + 12 days which would be Tuesday but they are too blimen busy that week so rather than let me go really overdue they want to bring the induction forward to Saturday!!!! I personally feel that is too early.. I'll only be a week and 2 days overdue. I'm worried that if I refuse it though, they won't have any availability for me for ages. My MW is this week so she told me if I had any concerns to speak to the hospital when I go in for my sweep on Friday.
Hopefully things will happen over night but I'm a little doubtful. If something does I'll ask the lovely Little A to update you all.

to Blob who is also overdue. I agree with the others that you should wait until the Saturday for the induction just to give your LO a little bit more time. I didn't know but apparently most woman give birth at term + 6 days. I know you are well over this but I don't believe you are too far off. xx