I'm rooting for you Blob
Jellycat - congrats on 38 weeks.
Rant Warning!
Feeling fed up today. DH isn't sleeping very well and it's a vicious circle, he's getting himself wound up because he can't sleep, so that stop's him sleeping. I'm fed up of trying to get it through his head that aside from the lack of sleep he is tired during the day because he isn't eating enough. I stayed in bed while he got up this morning and got dressed, I then got up about 30 mins after he left to discover he has left his phone at home

and not taken anything with him for lunch. Luckily, because he works in a school and they know I'm pregnant so I could get hold of him relatively easily if I went into labour, but that's not really the point. Part of the reason he can't sleep is because he's worrying about how he's going to cope with work and his training assignments on a lack of sleep when the baby arrives. How pointless is that?? Not sleeping because he's worrying about not being able to sleep when the baby comes! Men!
I've got no idea what to do today. I'm contemplating either getting dressed now and going to Toy Library for a gossip and a cuppa or going back to bed. I like the idea of Toy Library but I wish I could just be transported there rather than having to walk

This afternoon I am going to clean the fridge, the microwave needs doing but I can't face that. I've just done the hoovering much to the dog's annoyance. Anyone doing anything exciting today?
p.s absolutely no labour symptoms for me, I think I'll be going right to the bitter end