Wow STMW - I'll have a birth like that please. Congratulations and well done you!
Lexi - Fish&Chips administrates this thread and she gave birth a couple of days ago so it might take a while for you to be added. Welcome
Well I just had 1hour 30 mins of contractions/cramps, I'm loathe to call them contractions because I just don't know. They were regular like the ones I had on Thursday night, lasting 50ish seconds each and coming every 5 mins. We timed them using my iphone app

Now they have stopped completely and I just have a dull ache at the base of my spine. They felt more like period cramps this time and were more painful, last time they were more like tightening's with a ripple effect over my bump. I don't think I am going into labour or anything but I'm hoping that they are doing something - maybe shortening my cervix if nothing else? Has anyone else experienced this? I'm assuming it's just my body preparing?
Oh and I got a letter this morning saying my anaemia has got worse and my iron level has now dropped to 9.9. How can that be? I've been taking the horrible iron tablets, plus a folic acid multivitamin and eating iron rich foods