Hi All,
Hi Amy, Miss you, lovely pic, such a pretty girl xx
Hello to newbies, and welcome over all new to 3rd tri, i think we will be a steady stream now!
Sorry all the emotions are about, wish they would take a hike but think it is just part of it all, still feeling slightly better and hopefully it will keep it up, I did buy dh a shirt today as a late fathers day present, but it didn't fit, I would normally get upset but i have just said he will have to look in the shop to see what he wants as it was in the sale and not returnable only to exchange, I think i have depressed him now though making him feel fat, he has done lots of comfort eating today
Louise, glad things are sorted with dh, and you managed to work things through. We have had a similar thing, although it did not extend to dtd, but that is his choice not mine, I managed to try and be 'sexy' and work something out with him
Bekkles, Congrats on the house news, that is really kind of them and a huge weight of your mind, you can relax now knowing you have somewhere that is yours, and good the rent is nice and manageable
Really must look through my baby stuff, i agree the nice stuff to start, I also loved the johnsons bedtime range, dd used to have a bath, a nice massage in the baby lotion, a quick pit of talc on the nappy bits, and she smelt lovely, and i am sure it helped her already awful sleep pattern, i think so anyway!
Anyway sorry if i missed anything, will be back tomorrow for more!
My bump feels huge, I feel very stretched and uncomfortable, and wonder how much more growing i can fit in my tummy, I don't remember this over stretched feeling b4, but i think its worse after i have eaten, but i may ask the midwife, or doctor about it I get worried about everything as it is!

thinkpink xx