****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hiya to the new ladies!!

I got a Jane changing bag same as my ebay pram! I had one before and like it, and got it for under £30, which is half price pretty much. I would really like an expensive one, but can't justify it!

Drazic good to know you're feeling better tonight missus. I am living in flipflops too, or my new treat, a pair of Birkenstocks, the Papillio ones, love em! x

Good news that your bump is coming on Louise! And fab that we have nearly £100 for Amy! Cool. xx
Congrats to the new 3rd Tri ladies.

Great bump Emzy
Sorry to hear you are poorly Elmaxie
Great news about the house Bekklez

Sorry if I've missed anyone - I'm not really with it today. I had a fall yesterday afternoon (baby is ok) but it shook me up and my back, hip and knees are hurting. If that wasn't enough, DH has been admitted to hospital this afternoon.:cry: I'm really worried about him as they don't seem any closer to discovering the cause of his illness. We have got our 28 week growth scan on Wednesday and DH is going to miss it as we don't think he will have been discharged by then.

I'm going off to mope now, I'll catch you all later xx

Sorry to hear about your fall hun! Are you ok?

Hi hun, yes I'm fine. There was no damage done to the baby, baby was merrily kicking away moments later. It was just a clumsy accident, I was walking the dog in the park and my foot strayed off the path and straight into a hole. I promptly fell but on to my knees, so I've got sore knees and I think because my left foot went down lower into the hole it jarred my hip/back at the same time. It has to be said I'm a fairly clumsy person at the best of times and now that I'm pregnant I am ten times worse! I'll just have to be a bit more careful I guess......
OH poor people falling over and being attacked by doorhandles!!!

IVE BEEN A REALLY GOOD GIRL TODAY!!! i worked EXTRA hard at work today and came home and mowed the Lawn (exhausting when preggers) then did a 20 min workout on the wii - i nearly died, then went to the shop WITH MY LEGS NOT MY CAR.... (theres a first for everything) im so proud of myself.

Got ym 28 week appt with the mid wife tomorrow and im dreading it I HATE NEEDLES by my OH is taking time off to hold my hand (he's lovely)
I am visiting family for a week so only have access on my phone but had to pop on and so I am finally over here, yay.
morning girls! well it feels like the afternoon to me becuas ive been up since 4am, couldnt sleep and was sooo hot even though i was just in undies with the window open!
im 30 weeks this week!!! yay!!

been so busy lately, but weve managed to get ontop of everything, were all ready to move, i got my new car (astra) yesterday but OH also sold his car yesterday and took the new car.....soooo jealous....i wanted to drive it around all week! were sharing a car as in bath we will be living 5min walk to town and only 2miles to OHs work so one car seemed a good option and a good way to save money!
i miss my fiat 500 though :(

but were all ready to move, and we had got all the baby things finished a month ago! i feel so much more relaxed now!
im trying to convince OH we should have another 4d scan but hes not having any of it....humpf..
Morning all...
I had my 4d scan yesterday and was so excited and happy. It was lovely to have a little peek at him. However, it made me want him here now!!!!

Thats the good part...Took the DVD to my parents as they were babysitting and we all sat down to watch it. My Dad and sister decided to repeatedly remark on how big his nose was and that we should book him in for a nose job! That was fine as I didn't take too much offence...my Dad is old and tries to be funny and that is 'just him'.
At home OH then mentions that he did notice he had a big nose but didn't want to say anything....bubble has now well and truly burst. :nope:

A bit later, he starts moaning about my dad and sister which really pisses me off as now the moment has been ruined. We end up rowing and we're now not talking. He says I am so ungrateful that he spent all that money for me to say 'its been ruined now'. I am so upset. :cry: And of course I am now worried about my son haing a massive nose.

I was so happy and in the space of 2 hours it was spoiled. :growlmad:
To top it all off, baby is measuring big and his EFW already is 3lb 12oz and I will have to talk to the MW about it as I have requested a homebirth.

I won't post any pics as I don't feel up to it. Sorry ladies, just needed to vent.

Hope you are all well. xx
morning ladies , welocome to new september stars :wave:

and congrats to new third tri people :wohoo: we will all be here very soon :wohoo:

asher your new car sounds lush :thumbup: we got the megane its black and needs washing just about every single day

tenny - its upsetting when people say things were so protective already, my papa asked sean if it was his as he said it looks foreign :dohh:, we cant see them properly untill there here as there all squashed in there , im sure your baby is beautiful :cloud9: you have a big baby too ? im dreading getting it out :haha:

hope every1 is well :thumbup: xxx
Good morning all,

Teeny, just ignore it, I am sure your baby is gorgeous with a lovely nose! I really do wonder why people feel the need to throw about insulting comments about newborns and babies in general, even in jest we are ultra sensitive and its hurtful.
My dad said just hours after i had my 2nd ds how he didn't want grandsons, as if he was not important because he was a boy, it was supposed to be a 'joke' but it was 10 years ago now and i still find it hurtful, and why i am not telling the sex of this baby, if its a boy they can be extra dissapointed for having to wait!!

MrsJo8, sorry about the fall, its all pretty sturdy in there, i had a nasty knock to bump last pregnancy and fell over the one b4 flat on my face/bump, when ds ran into the road and i grabbed him but he took me down with him, I was hysterical both times worried me sick but i was fine and so was baby, and they were both pretty big impacts, the knock especially hard right to the centre of the bump.
Door handles are a hazard, i find my bed is too, i cant see the curved ends when i walk round the bed and have some nice bruised legs from walking into them!

Welcome newbies, :thumbup:xx

Change bags are a real matter of taste, and what you are doing, if bottle feeding it is useful to have the space and compartments for bottles and insulated bags.
I am not overly bothered about too many compartments, and dh never carries my stuff or changes the baby without me so this will be mine, so red, pink or flowery i am not bothered!
I am looking again tomorrow and if nothing will get the boots one i posted a link for delivered to store so i can take a good look at it!
I have a matching ruck sack type one with the pram but nowhere really to put it on the pram and i want a new one anyway!
I will also be seeing what i have in the way of bags for my hospital bag and baby's hospital bag which i will start packing at 30 weeks+ but that won't be long now!:happydance:

Well sorry for no personals, I am off to check out facebook and bank!

Bye for now, catch up a bit better later xx
morning fellow september ladies

am new here but trying to catch up :flower:

Soooo funny about the door handles as i catch my forearm on one at least once a day. did exactly the same in my first pregnancy too!! ruddy hurts actually...

i have 2 change bags...and i think i might sell them both! i prefer my big roomy handbag now tbh. i have a bugaboo one to match my pram and also a pink lining yummy mummy bag that my ex bought me after my first DD. But now he has left me preggers all on my own it doesnt hold too much sentimental value even though its pretty cool.

i found out yesterday i have gestational diabetes, i was planning a homebirth and this is now out the window as ill have to go to hospital to be closely monitered..sooo i figured i could sell both change bags and use the money to buy a funky maternity hospital bag instead :happydance:
Welcome all the Newbies to 3rd Tri.
I have my 28week midwife appointment today, not looking forward to bloods been took but hey ho its sumthin that has to be done and my OH is coming to hold my hand so all will be fine
Thanks for the reassurance ladies, I guess I was being over hormonal and protective. He is my son, and I will love him no matter what!!!
I guess I had best apologise to OH when he gets home from work!

Here are a few pics of my little man....
4D THE AVENUE_2 (2).JPG His little feet and his hand!


4D THE AVENUE_14.JPG I love this little face!!!
awwww he is gorgeous, totally love the picture of his fingers and toes!!

i have my 28 week appointment too, not sure if im having bloods taken today as i had them done on friday just gone for my GTT

have got my anti D injection today though, which i remember to be quite nippy :roll:
Morning all, Teeny he is gorgeous!! Think Ill book mine this week, getting exciting now. Welcome newbies and all who have reached third tri, we will all be here again soon which will be fab!!!

Going to do some washings and clean, happy days!!>xx
Awww Teeny he is gorgeous, you take no notice of others say xx

We have just finished cutting the hedge and tidying the garden!! Its sooooooooo hot out there today!! Now thinking about what I want for lunch, hehe!

ProzacQueen I used to live near Church Crookham, we were posted to Bordon!

Mmmm wondr whats gonna be going on in the Budget today?!!
I also used to live near church crookham, Becs was your fella at gib barracks?? We went to a few do's at borden :D Small world eh!

I have my midwife today...didnt realise I would be getting bloods done eeek!

Oh well.

First off Teeny please dont worry over the size of his nose as I know a lady I work with her daughter got a 3d/4d scan done and was taken aback by the size of his nose...so much so when he was born she wouldnt look at him as she was worried about it and had kept it in for weeks....funily enough he didnt have a big nose at all its just the scanner that made it look bigger:shrug:

I think he is gorgeous and loving the picture of his tootsy toes:cloud9:

I keep trying to squeeze through gaps that are far too small but have yet to bump the bump but am sure I will soon!

I am finding it waaay too hot today and have been up since 6am with the wee man....not the best.:dohh: Also to top it for us today its his jags:cry:

Welcome to all the new stars and those coming over to 3rd tri....cant be many left to join us now.

does anyone know with the GTT blood test if it is fasting or not - i have mine at 2.30 but have eaten LOADS... lol

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