Hi all, my there are lots of overdue babies!! Hope we get a wee baby boom this week!!
Im really suffering like most, cannot believe how swollen I am, Im actually really sore, its hard to move my ankles

had a headache since yest, feeling sick and sorry **tmi** im so wet and kinna blacky on my pad/pants. i feel as if baby is banging against me constantly, as if trying to get out but wont fit, i guess he will be around 9lbs just now (going by last scan 2wks ago) if not more, this is what happenend the last time, if i feel so bad later im gonna have to phone over.
In good news I finally got mason into a council run nursery so this will be a big help financially and personally i think some better care, so going to try get him settled this week. I am so un motivated and moany its unbelievable, im actually fed up of hearing myself moan and cry lol!!!
Well i think ill go prepare some fajitas for dinner, with cheesy nachos as i love them, infact might pop over to saineys for a nice dessert aswell!!!! food must cheer me up