I wouldn't try the castor oil either, just because of the suggestion it affects the baby, don't want it pooping b4 it should be!
Jelly, if someone rubbed my bump unasked i would tell them to f*** off!!! I am very protective of my bump, but because its me, what gives anyone the right to touch, if someone grabbed my boobs i would smack em one so why do they assume that your belly is any less private??
I think i have enough baby stuff, I have washed and sorted it all, I did the final bit of baby shopping today getting the girls something from the baby, I got a barbie doll for my 7yr old and a tinkerbell hairdresser set for my 2 yr old, just to keep them happy and occupied really, the older ones, the boys are fine so not bringing them anything, i will possibly give them some money just to make it even but they are more understanding of a baby as they have seen it at least twice!
Sooooo funny, we have kept the baby's sex a secret to everyone, but our dd knows, she was with us at the scan so we freely call the baby by it's name when we are with her and use s/he but she somehow understands no one else knows, and she tells her granny the wrong sex when asked, as if she knows what she is doing!
Anyway we went for a coffee and had been explaining the sex was a secret to us, and the lady said to dd ' so you are going to have a new brother or sister soon?' to which she piped up 'yes, then said baby's name, is bringing me a present' the woman smiles and said she was not commenting! Luckily she was not a family friend just a member of staff!
I am so bored, I just want my baby now, and just as much i am ready for labour now after being worried for ages i have sort of prepared myself, with dh keep on saying 'you will be fine' i have calmed down a bit and just want it over with! Just give me the feeling i have passed a melon through my lady bits please, i am ready!!!
Becs, crumble sounds good, just had an apple cream turnover, yum but not really hitting the spot, everything tastes different
Boony, I get days where i get lts of pressure, and i have had lots of sharp stabs in my pelvis more recently, I am convinced labour will kick of any time, but now i say that will end up going over and being induced!
Time to sort the girls out for bed, well after a quick peek at facebook!
Back soon,

to all, and some for me!! Here's hoping i will be in hospital tomorrow having baby

tp xx