Well I am a right div! I totally forgot about the HIP thing I was meant to get today and midwife never even bloody offered! Not back until July now

But I never got bloods done either
Baby is measuring fine for the weekage...
ProzacQueen I too have gestational Diabetes and had it with my son. My mum also had it with me and my brother and my weight really doesnt help

Must admit I only gained 11lbs last pregnancy mainly as I got weighed every 2 weeks at the clinic and craved fruit and veg and was off sweet foods...really lucky! My boy was also only 8lb 11.5oz (they said he would be 10lb plus

) and for all you first time mummies I didnt have anything to pull him out but did tear a tiny bit...it never hurt honest

This time I have gained 3lbs and have eaten crap really. I do try to be good but I just dont think I have it this time...well not yet as my blood sugares are all fine bar a few morning ones...plus as I whinged about in a previous post if I had scored my blood glucose that I had this time with my last pregnancy I wouldnt have had GD...I mean how does that work

Sorry I have gone off on one.
I only had a GTT because of my weight and family history. I am also attending a clinic at the hospital for Tommy research so got one in 1st, 2nd and in 3rd tri.