****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

does anyone know with the GTT blood test if it is fasting or not - i have mine at 2.30 but have eaten LOADS... lol

i had mine last friday...

i wasnt allowed to eat anything from 9pm the thursday
then friday morning at 7.45am (still at home) i had to drink a measured amount of lucozade, then i had bloods taken at my appointment at 9.45

so, i think it is supposed to be fasting unless they test it a different way in your area! xx
thanks for that info - i am POSITIVE no one told me this (but baby brain eh!!) if thats the case i work at the hospital anyway so they can just fill in a bloods form and ill have it done at work....

Please dont make me drink lucozade i hate the stuff!!

is there anything really against not having it done?

ooo also, we have the same EDD - wikid!!
im glad my MW stuck the info in my notes or i would of forgotten, well i def would of forgotten the ''dont eat'' bit :haha:

i must confess, i cant bear lucozade either and didnt manage to drink the entire 'dose'. that stuff is foul!!

i had GD in my first pregnancy and it was undiagnosed until DD was born. i gained a whopping 6 stone and DD was 9lb and got stuck and ended up a very painful forceps delivery, and DD had a heart murmer - all said to be contributed to the diabetes. so in a way im glad i have been diagnosed this time as i can now watch my diet and hopefully not have a mahooosive baby and not such a huge arse afterwards :haha:
ouch with the forceps - you know how to make a first timer cross her legs dont you!!

did you have to do the fasting one because of the prior diagnosis in your first pregnancy ? or do you know if it is standard routine procedure?
I had mine done yesterday, wasn't allowed to eat from midnight till after the test! Mine was done in the morning, lucozade is gross!!!
dan it i really think ive not read something properly then whoops..... although i didnt want the damn test anyway - i HATE needles.
Gorgeous scan pics, Teeny! I love the one of your little boy's feet - so cute!!!
Teeny your scan pics are fab! What a gorgeous little man, and his nose looks exactly how it should do! What a little love!

Carley good luck at your GTT!

My MW appointment all went well. MW congratulated me on limiting the weight gain, was pleased with that, thank god the swims are doing something! Baby is measuring well, and is almost head down! I was right with my guesses about where his/her hands and feet are. Got my HiP form filled in and sent off, and discussed the homebirth stuff too. So all seems fine. Just got to contact GP Friday to check blood results and that I don't need any iron. Jack loved hearing the baby's heartbeat, all was good!

Not liking this budget much! Will lose our tax credits but expected that. At least child benefit has just been frozen and not changed completely. The VAT thing's not so clever though eh? Ah well, was to be expected.
Teeny he is gorgeous!!!! Don't listen to what anyone has to say! and like Emma said...it is still an Ultrasound afterall so I guess you can expect some distortion. I think your baby will be perfect!!

Hi Ladies

Welcome Prozac Queen :hi:

Teeny - your pictures are lovely, don't take any notice people just say the most inconsiderate things to pregnant women. I definitely don't think you can judge things like that from a 4D scan!

Carley - I think the GTT thing must vary from area to area. I've got mine next Tues and I just read the instructions and it said mine isn't a fasting test. I have to drink a bottle of lucozade in the space of 5 mins (YUK!) make a not of the time and then go to the hospital. They will take bloods exactly 60 mins after I finish drinking it. I just had a look in my pregnancy book and it seems that there are two tests. They do the 60 minute test I'm having and if your Glucose levels are too high they make you do another test which is done over the space of three hours.

Just had a call from DH and he is being moved to a different ward apparently - hopefully one with more convenient visiting times. The one he is in at the moment is ridiculous. I updated him on the budget proposals. VAT @ 20% Ouch!! I'm glad that the cuts they are making to things like HIP and Sure Start aren't being imposed until next April. I think it would have been really unfair to take them away from people who are already pregnant. My HIP arrived in the bank this morning so I need to make a list of priority purchases for the baby. I haven't got a massive amount left to get now, I feel like I've broken the back of it. I bought a M&P Play Gym on Ebay last week and it arrived this morning. It's really nice but I was horrified to unpack it and discover it stank of cigarette smoke. I put it straight into the washing machine with some Fairy Non-Bio and it smells lovely and fresh now. I mean honestly, if you were a smoker selling something made of fabric for a baby on Ebay, wouldn't you wash it before posting it? The mat itself is lovely so I left positive feedback but mentioned the cigarette smoke as I think it's only fair to warn other people buying stuff from that person.

Right I'm going to try and relax for a bit. I so wish that DH could come to my growth scan tomorrow. I really hope everything goes ok as I'll be a right mess if there is something wrong with the baby and there is nobody with me.

MrsJ I'm sure everything will be fine, sorry you're having to go through this though! :hugs:

Teeny :cloud9: beautiful baby, and the nose looks perfect to me!

EVeryone is talking about GTT tests... are these a standard thing? They haven't been mentioned to me at all! I had 28 week bloods done nearly a fortnight ago, are they part of that? Worried now!
Well here in Ontario they are pretty much required. I guess you could say No if you REALLY didn't want to have it done...but the way my MW explained it is that before they only reccommended them to ladies at an increased risk for GD (overweight, family history of diabetes. past pregnancies with GD) but often women with no known risk factors developped GD. So now they reccommend them to everyone.

But here it's like what MrsJ explained, you get a 1 hour test first without fasting and then if your levels are too high you do the 3 hour test and have to fast before.

Maybe ask your MW about it Louise!? if it's something you'd like to have done!?

Teeny your scan pic's are lush! love his little hands and feet awwww xxx

welcome ProzacQueen, i had my bloods taken last week and my anti-D was given i was soooo pleased that it was in my arm this time, last time when i had DD i got it in the bum!!! my god it stings too!!

Welcome over Jessica :wave:

elmaxie i agree it is far to hot today!!

Good luck with your GTT carley :flower:

Louise where i live you only get a GTT if you have high level of sugar in your urine or you may be tested if a close family member has diabetes eg mum.
its not part of your blood test that the mw does, Dont worry not eveyone needs to have the test done!! your MW will tell you if she feels that you need to be tested. xxx

Good luck with your GTT Carley, I have mine on Friday! Booooo :( I'm just miserable about not being able to eat for so long :rofl:

Teeny - Those pics are gorgeous and he is perfect :cloud9:

:wave: ProzanQueen! we have the same due date too!

Sorry to anything/anyone I've missed.

Had a busy day, went to Mothercare and to see someone about after birth care mentally wise. All went well.
Got measured for bras by two women, was pretty embarrassed :rofl: bought loads of newborn nappies since I hadn't started stocking up on them and also loads of baby wipes.
I also caved and bought myself a Yummy Mummy changing bag. At least I know they're what a lot of others buy so they must be ok.

I'd better go anyway. It sounds like my cats are terrorising the birds outside again. :dohh:

:hugs: & :kiss:
Aww, lovely pics Teeny.

Bekklez, which one did you get? I got the blue one with stars. I love stars :D

I am probably being sent for GTT, but only because I have been having such extreme thirst and they don't understand why! They are going to check with my consultant and let me know tomorrow. I don't like the sound of blood tests (my arms don't like it, and keep ending up with a bloody cannula) but I do like the sound of the lucozade! I don't think I would be having it either. Ooooo other news, my first hypnotherapy class tomorrow, and I am 30 weeks <3

I have also decided I am pregnant with a tiny teenager. You can't wake her up before six. :dohh: :rofl:

Sending :hugs: to you all :)
thanks for all the hellos!

im back from my 28 week mw appoint. measuring a week ahead now, hopefully will stay only a week! anti D was sore :cry:

not seeing community mw now for 6 weeks!! got to start going to see the diabetic midwife at the hospital weekly now though, tbh im more miffed about how much its going to cost me in parking at the hospital than giving up sweeties:haha:

For anyone in the know.....is tax credits only changing for families with incomes over £40,000? as an independant (ok,single) mummy i really wouldnt be able to afford to go to work if my tax credits were taken away as they pay the majority of my nursery fees :nope:

must admit, whilst i happily cashed in my £190 HiP i did think it was quite a mad amount for nothing really :blush:
Draz - I got this one :D


Well I am a right div! I totally forgot about the HIP thing I was meant to get today and midwife never even bloody offered! Not back until July now:growlmad:
But I never got bloods done either:happydance:

Baby is measuring fine for the weekage...

ProzacQueen I too have gestational Diabetes and had it with my son. My mum also had it with me and my brother and my weight really doesnt help:blush:
Must admit I only gained 11lbs last pregnancy mainly as I got weighed every 2 weeks at the clinic and craved fruit and veg and was off sweet foods...really lucky! My boy was also only 8lb 11.5oz (they said he would be 10lb plus:wacko:) and for all you first time mummies I didnt have anything to pull him out but did tear a tiny bit...it never hurt honest:nope:
This time I have gained 3lbs and have eaten crap really. I do try to be good but I just dont think I have it this time...well not yet as my blood sugares are all fine bar a few morning ones...plus as I whinged about in a previous post if I had scored my blood glucose that I had this time with my last pregnancy I wouldnt have had GD...I mean how does that work:shrug:
Sorry I have gone off on one.

I only had a GTT because of my weight and family history. I am also attending a clinic at the hospital for Tommy research so got one in 1st, 2nd and in 3rd tri.

Oooo Bekklez! That is bloody gorgeous! Must be a new design? Love it!

I have this one;

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