****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Mrs J, I feel totally devastated for you, I would of felt the same. On the positive side you will get to have to have your LO in your arms tomorrow xxx

Stmw, Roxy is gorgeous xxxx

I had a very weird night, thought at one point that I would be hot footing it to hospital. Had about an hour of contractions, they were about 8 mins apart, then I must of fell asleep and woke up to nothing!! It started when I went to the loo, I had the most intense pressure down below and it felt like she was going to drop out, the top of my bump was really sore and feels bruised inside. I am so hoping that this is a good sign and she won't be too much longer!!!
Mrs J, I feel totally devastated for you, I would of felt the same. On the positive side you will get to have to have your LO in your arms tomorrow xxx

Stmw, Roxy is gorgeous xxxx

I had a very weird night, thought at one point that I would be hot footing it to hospital. Had about an hour of contractions, they were about 8 mins apart, then I must of fell asleep and woke up to nothing!! It started when I went to the loo, I had the most intense pressure down below and it felt like she was going to drop out, the top of my bump was really sore and feels bruised inside. I am so hoping that this is a good sign and she won't be too much longer!!!

I was only saying to my Mum last night that he was really hurting me at the top of my bump and i felt bruised on the inside! How very strange! Iv woken with period pain type cramps really low down today...heres hoping!! xx
MrsJo8, sorry for your traumatic day, I would be so unsure how to feel, i could have cried with relief when they told me baby was not breech, but they are going to scan again when i go into labour, don't loose sight of the fact you will have a beautiful healthy baby, and without intervention would really not have the 'natural' birth you want as intervention with breech will be needed any which way.
My friend delivered undiagnosed breech and a c sec would have been so much less traumatic for her, poor love.
Wishing you all the best for the c sec sweetie, you will be meeting your baby very soon xxx

Stmw, Roxy is just gorgeous, congratulations xxx:hugs:

evening ladies,

rant alert !!! had crap day, first i reversed the car into a post at my sons school.. luckily i was able to fix the panel back but i have never in 15 years had a accident so i was really upset ! then i went to asda, got excited with all the baby stuff and got really sick and had to leave quickly, hubby is taking me again tomorrow.. My son was rude to a teacher today so im not too impressed with him at the moment. Have had no signs this baby is coming out.. and hubby told me that as he is a fireman they may be striking.... which means no income !!!! arghhhhhhhhh ! cant wait for tomorrow !!

Did anyone see the artical in the paper about this September being a baby boom ?

Babythinkpink- well done for keeping the sex a secret..... i couldnt do it..lol x
I know how you feel, i reversed into a taxi that appeared from nowhere when i was pulling over a few years back, and it was no speed, he told the insurer he needed a whole new front end, i had no damage, it is still in dispute and my no claims is frozen til its resolved, i had no incidents in nearly 20 years of driving and it really p**d me off!!
I also had my son come home from school with a detention yesterday, for pushing someone, he said he pushed them back and got caught, but he is already in a new school for being a pain in the arse at his last, this is his new start and within 2 weeks he has his first detention, little sod!!
I had read September was a baby boom, for us it was new year and i was ovulating, it was our 9th month of ttc, dh's back was in spasm and i was not going to waste me ovulating so i turkey basted!!!! Bit of a seasonal baby anyway you look at it!! We had managed twice a few days prior so i like to think that was conception, but hey ho it worked either way!!

BTP - Maybe I should of told M&S woman to F%^$ Off . Bless your daughter trying to keep the sex a secret, I love kids at that age.
I think you should have, i am past giving a care about how i come across now, I love getting past 35 and just life being too short not to say what you feel!!! Take me as i am or sod off, i don't care!!!

labour :dust: to everyone needing it :)
Henry is fast on, proper little daddy's boy! And daddy is devoted to him...i'v not had to do anything since getting home! :(
He settle's so easily for his daddy, but wont for me :( wondering if it's because I was handing him to OH when I was getting stressed over the whole BF thing
I had this with ds, it is because you smell of milk and so baby accociates you with feeding so will demand or cry but Daddy just smells of Daddy so just gets away with cuddles, smart baby!!!xx:hugs:

Well best get of my bum, wanted baby to havea wriggle but very quiet this morning, will have to get back from school run and try again, don't like prodding about but i get so releived when i get a wriggle, its just better baby not being coaxed into!!

Back later, had a dream about baby last night, i was feeding, and it was so beautiful seeing my baby, not long now i hope xxx:hugs:
Oh Mrsj! It must be so hard getting your head around it especially seeing as baby turned head down just as you had mentally prepared for a section and now you have to do it all over again. I know its not what you wanted but it will still be an amazing experience meeting your baby and look at it this way... you get to meet your baby TOMORROW!! Hope it all goes well hun and I look forward to hearing your Lo has arrived into the world. Don't think I have you on fb? Add me if you like- Emma Barnes Xx
Lilbumpblue, things feel weird down there for me this morning!! Might have a bounce on my ball and see if that does anything!!
I had read September was a baby boom, for us it was new year and i was ovulating, it was our 9th month of ttc, dh's back was in spasm and i was not going to waste me ovulating so i turkey basted!!!! Bit of a seasonal baby anyway you look at it!! We had managed twice a few days prior so i like to think that was conception, but hey ho it worked either way!!


So funny!!! Ours was the eleventh month of ttc, so snow or no snow we were at it anyway! We think she was conceived either 23rd or 24th December (23RD WAS AT HOME AND 24TH WAS AT INLAWS IN SISTER IN LAWS BED - HAVENT MENTIONED THAT THOUGH!!!). Ha ha. Then we found out on my birthday! Best present ever!
Mrs J, I feel totally devastated for you, I would of felt the same. On the positive side you will get to have to have your LO in your arms tomorrow xxx

Stmw, Roxy is gorgeous xxxx

I had a very weird night, thought at one point that I would be hot footing it to hospital. Had about an hour of contractions, they were about 8 mins apart, then I must of fell asleep and woke up to nothing!! It started when I went to the loo, I had the most intense pressure down below and it felt like she was going to drop out, the top of my bump was really sore and feels bruised inside. I am so hoping that this is a good sign and she won't be too much longer!!!

I was only saying to my Mum last night that he was really hurting me at the top of my bump and i felt bruised on the inside! How very strange! Iv woken with period pain type cramps really low down today...heres hoping!! xx

lilbumpblue and becs - it looks like something's happening!! good luck i hope this is it!!!
for me- not yet. but at least you two give me hope.:thumbup:
Berkeley, I am not building up my hopes!!! My friend said to me yesterday that everyday OD is a day closer to her coming!! I guess its true, I only have 5 days till my induction date, so I guess its not much longer!! I am trying to see the positives of it all but struggling!! It would be so weird if all of us that are OD go on the same day!!
MrsJ, I'm so sorry that your baby has turned. When baby is finally here none of i will matter. Hugs.x

BTP, lol, loving the turkey baster job! That's sheer dedication and the result is awesome! Heeheee. I'd have done the same babe, never one to miss an opportunity lol!

Starting to feel like I've nearly done my time. Come on baby! I have my cervix assessment tomorrow to assess induction chances. If I'm unfavourable we'll wait and watch, if I'm favourable I'll be booked in. Come on baby save me the indignity of being examined by a man tomorrow!!!!
ha, ha yes that would be too funny!! i agree, at this point it's been a week over already it can't be too long. i am so over it too, tried everything- whatever.
the only thing that really keeps p...ng me off are the constant phone calls, and messages, at this point all i'm saying is: we'll let you know-arrghh. at least it's sunny out today, i'm going for a walk.
Lets hope so Berkley...its totally not the way i planned he should have come a couple of weeks before my due date so id have an extra couple of weeks to get into my size 8 bridesmaid dress on 29th Oct!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh!!

I have cramp in my bloody foot and its making my toes go deformed...arghhhhh!!! xx
Lets hope so Berkley...its totally not the way i planned he should have come a couple of weeks before my due date so id have an extra couple of weeks to get into my size 8 bridesmaid dress on 29th Oct!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh!!

I have cramp in my bloody foot and its making my toes go deformed...arghhhhh!!! xx

i'm sure you'll be fine in time for the dress:flower:. it really can't be too long now. :rofl::rofl: too funny- i hate having a cramp in my foot it totally makes your toes go all crazy!!!!
Lets hope so Berkley...its totally not the way i planned he should have come a couple of weeks before my due date so id have an extra couple of weeks to get into my size 8 bridesmaid dress on 29th Oct!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh!!

I have cramp in my bloody foot and its making my toes go deformed...arghhhhh!!! xx

i'm sure you'll be fine in time for the dress:flower:. it really can't be too long now. :rofl::rofl: too funny- i hate having a cramp in my foot it totally makes your toes go all crazy!!!!

It did it looked like my great Grandma's and she had terrible arthritis(sp) in hers!!! lol x
I'm sorry that I went AWOL yesterday, I had quite a traumatic time and it's taken me a while to come to terms with things.

I had my MW appointment at 9.30 am and had to go alone as DH was on a course. I was 35 minutes late going in so was a bit tense by the time I got through the door. However, I had a nice chat with the MW's as there were two in with me and got ready for them to give me my Sweep. Just as she was about to do it, the MW (thankfully she was a Senior MW!) decided to check the position of the baby. Yes, you've guessed it - the baby has turned back to breech :cry: I burst into tears immediately. The MW said she was 99% sure but wanted a second opinion so she went off to find my Consultant. The Consultant came back with a portable scanner and confirmed that the baby is indeed breech again.

I feel devastated to be honest, as you all know I had to get approval from the Consultant MW to use water for labour, did Moxibustion when the baby was breech before, have attended active birth classes and listened to Hypnobirthing CD's as I wanted a 100% natural birth. To find out at this late stage (it's my due date today) that, that isn't going to be possible has really knocked me for six. I came back from the hospital and cried for three hours.

Eventually I managed to calm down, my DH came home to comfort me and discuss our limited options. It really scares me to think I could easily have gone into Labour with an undiagnosed breech, thank goodness it was the Senior MW that saw me yesterday. The hospital did offer me an ECV, one MW was positive about trying it but the other wasn't. I decided to get an objective opinion so called my Aunt who is a Senior Sister in Casualty - she immediately advised me not to have it. My Aunt told me about a website called Birth Choices which gives you the actual statistics for your hospital - not the national average. Here is the link if anyone is interested https://www.birthchoiceuk.com/Professionals/Frame.htm I had been told that the chance of the ECV working was about 40-50% which is the national average, however when I checked the actual statistics for my hospital there was only a 15.2% success rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 89.1% of Breech Babies born at term at my hospital are delivered by C-Section including those that were undiagnosed prior to labour. With those kinds of statistics in play, my rational mathematical DH, had no doubts about what we should do.

Therefore, I have decided to accept the C-Section that they have booked for me and I will be meeting my baby tomorrow (16th). I have to report to the Labour Ward at 7.30am and assuming there are no emergencies, I hope to meet my baby within a few hours of arrival. I have been told that I can have music and they will do their best to make the birth the way I want it. My main priority is to have skin-to-skin as soon as possible as I really want to try and BF. I will probably be kept in hospital until Sat/Sun and luckily my Mum has now arranged to come up Mon-Thurs to support me as DH will be on his Course.

I'm still feeling very emotional about the situation and can't quite get my head around the fact that the baby managed to turn back at such a late stage. I think I may have a very stubborn character on my hands.

Please can I ask a favour - if you are on my facebook would you mind not mentioning it as I have only told my parents and brother and don't really want to talk about it today while I'm trying to prepare myself mentally. I'm glad I've got you guys to share this with. I know many of you will understand why I am so upset that it has come to this. But, I haven't at any point lost sight of the most important thing, a happy healthy baby regardless of how it is delivered.

I will text Blob/Jellycat with an update as soon as I am able after the op.

If you have made it this far, thanks for listening :hugs: I will lurk on BnB today but may not post much depending on how I feel


:hugs::hugs::hugs: cant wait to read ur birth story and see pics when bubba is here, thinking of ya hun..i got my sweep today im 4 days over due and very emotional! xx
Hi ladies, sorry I've been awol. I've been totally over-whelmed by the whole birth experience and am still trying to get my head round it all. I'm recovering well from the op mainly due to my amazing husband. I'll put pics and birth story up soon but thought I should apologise for the lack of updates on the first page. Jellycat has kindly kept track of it for me so I'll update shortly.

Thanks also to Little A for updating you all :hugs:

Hi ladies, sorry I've been awol. I've been totally over-whelmed by the whole birth experience and am still trying to get my head round it all. I'm recovering well from the op mainly due to my amazing husband. I'll put pics and birth story up soon but thought I should apologise for the lack of updates on the first page. Jellycat has kindly kept track of it for me so I'll update shortly.

Thanks also to Little A for updating you all :hugs:


Congrats hun and its totally understandable which im sure i will find out when LO decided he finally wants to meet us!!!!! lol xx
Lets hope so Berkley...its totally not the way i planned he should have come a couple of weeks before my due date so id have an extra couple of weeks to get into my size 8 bridesmaid dress on 29th Oct!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh!!

I have cramp in my bloody foot and its making my toes go deformed...arghhhhh!!! xx

i'm sure you'll be fine in time for the dress:flower:. it really can't be too long now. :rofl::rofl: too funny- i hate having a cramp in my foot it totally makes your toes go all crazy!!!!

It did it looked like my great Grandma's and she had terrible arthritis(sp) in hers!!! lol x

:rofl::rofl::rofl: that's not attractive LOL
Hi ladies, sorry I've been awol. I've been totally over-whelmed by the whole birth experience and am still trying to get my head round it all. I'm recovering well from the op mainly due to my amazing husband. I'll put pics and birth story up soon but thought I should apologise for the lack of updates on the first page. Jellycat has kindly kept track of it for me so I'll update shortly.

Thanks also to Little A for updating you all :hugs:


Hi Fish and Chips!!
Again, congrats on the arrival of your boy!!! So happy for you! I hope for a speedy recovery for you :). xx
Hi guys

I sometimes go on stumble when im bored and stumble aimlessly round the internet.

( www.stumbleupon.com )

Got directed to this video. Bit spooky, but worth a look if you are

1.very incredibly bored like i am right now

2. like paranormal stuff.


Had me looking behind me and getting a bit weirded out!

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