Emzdreamgirl, that footage had me really on edge! There was a noise from my fridge behind me and I almost jumped out of my skin!!! x
Asher i went to watch it and then paused it just before it started - think id have been a mess all day on my own otherwise. such a wimp lol.
hpw many posts do i need to put on here to get us off page 666?

You did it!!xx
glad i came on here, so funny! xx
Bit of a non believer with it all, I am a scientifically minded person believing everything can be proved, (oh i just love Jonathan Creek!!) it makes religion a bit of a divided subject, and things like ghosts, although i have had orbs in photos that have then been wiped off my laptop and camera with no explanation, and doors slamming in a house i used to live in, things going missing from another, and my son saying he saw a man walk down our stairs and through the wall!! I live in a new house now having always lived in old ones, ignorance is bliss!![/QUOTE]
I can never decide whether i believe or not, i guess its all about being rational and finding a reason for it being fake.
When my little brother was about 5 or 6 he saw a lady walk through our living room wall and out the door and ran into the hallway to find out where she had gone. We were a bit spooked out and questioned him on what she looked like, but didnt really take him seriously. Turns out my grandad had been taken into a big london hospital that night with health problems and when my mum went to visit him she realised that the nurses there were dressed exactly the same as my brother had described.
That was weird.
Also we stayed in a haunted house in Scotland once. Didnt realise that before we went, but during the week we were there my dad managed to fall through a chair when it broke, my other little brother who was about 4 at the time fell over and smashed a glass and cut all his arms and legs, and we had a car crash when out one day on a trip. And several other little things. We didnt think anything of it, but were told the house was haunted when we got back. A lot of things to happen by coincidence, maybe coincidence but ....hhmmmm