Hiya i dont post much but my little bundle of joy decided to make his appearance 2 weeks early on 12th not the 25th that was my due date

I was on team yellow. I thought my bubs was a girl right until he came. We've named him Jack and he weighed 6lb 13oz and he was my first baby!
Quick brief of my birth story while little man is asleep: I couldn't of asked for a better labour, i went in at mid night when my contractions went from 9mins apart at 4pm to midnight them been 2mins apart. (after contractions from 4pm- i was just moving things into my new home and just shrugged them off) and was 4cm dilated, got told the midwife was gunna check me in 4hours, she came at 5am and i was only 5cm, broke my waters and by 5.40am i couldn't move from a ben over position lol, i got started on gas & air and was given pathedine shot too. Next thing i remember as i was away with fairies it was 7.40 and midwife came to check and i was ready to push.. But she said she was leaving me until 9.00am but i couldn't even get myself back on the bed and i was saying to midwife i needed to 'poop' sorry, tmi!! She helped me onto the bed and i just wanted to push. Next thing it was 8am and little Jack had arrived. I dont remember much but Jack didnt cry straigh away, just remember my mum running out of the room. When i got home read my notes and 4 midwives and in and 2 peadiatric doctors had to revive Jack because he didnt cry right away (took 14mins) but i was that gone i didn't have a clue, im so glad i didnt know actually. Jacks an angel though and dont know what i'd do without him now. He got weighed today and he's 6lb 4oz so lost 9oz but midwife says its normal.
Hope you ladies are all well anyway!! xxxx