Goos Morning,
Just thought i would pop in and say still here!
Baby officially late today! Naughty baby, and big sis was so good being on time! I was so hoping this baby would be the same!
Just done the school run, it is so beautiful out there today, everything turning so Autumny and pretty, we walk down an old railway track path and i walk back through a lovely park, pond, ducks, big band stand the lot, it is just so pretty and take a few mins and after the old school run it is bliss!!
Limpets, heres hoping your body gets the hint soon sweetie, I know how you feel, last baby my waters broke and I had to sit and wait for labour to start, I was moments from being induced which would have been the third baby i needed inducing for, when my body kick started and off we went!
I hope i don't have to be induced, all that hanging about would drive me nuts too!
Loving the baby pics, and congrats to all new Mummies
Will be back later, check on our labour progress!

to those in labour

Come on labour lets get going! I think i have hospital tomorrow, i had not anticipated going over!! Its either tomorrow or wed, its anti natal and to discuss induction, possibly to book it, I really don't want a sweep, i would rather try and have sex again....and that is saying something, this little pic...

is pretty accurate, me and dh look like a pair of ribena berries at it!!!
Back later xxxxx

tp xx