Aww, congrats to Becs, not surprised about the tear she was a pretty big baby!

(well in my book anyway, my biggest was 8lb5oz and i couldn't get him out!)
thanks! yes, hopefully i can somehow get her out

how far over are you?
Only a day

Have a history of going over though, my first was 20 days late, induced, then 1 week late induced, then 1 week late again induced, if i wasn't induced i am not quite sure how long i would carry my comfy babies for!
My last was only a day late and i thought i was making progress and this baby may just be on time, I was told over a week ago baby was ready to pop and so low etc etc false hope, I do know never to listen to the midwifes by now though!!
I cant stop bloody crying!!!!
Oh my love, what a horrible experience for you, the sweep sounds awful, I must admit i would refuse one having had a nightmare one once, i would tell them to sod off now!
I don't think you ever look back and find it funny as it is so awful at the time waiting and hoping, the overdue thing you just cant describe how miserable it is, i remember with my first just sitting about crying all the time, everyone around me was just as fed up and i felt like you describe about letting everyone down.
Don't be afraid to seek another opinion on being induced, you have to totally breakdown on the midwife (and if that doesn't work the doctor) but it may be worth a try at getting it bought forward, i went hysterical on the consultant and they decided for the welfare of me and the baby delivery was the best option so induced.

today has gone from bad to worse for us - our poor little kitty has leukaemia and has to be put to sleep. she's only just over a year old.
So sorry to hear this,

poor you xx
Back later, nothing happening here, I would just like a date, then i will know! All the waiting about not knowing is the worst!