Congrats to all the new mums and good luck to the ladies who are being induced and who have either had their babies and were waiting updates on and those who i have missed.
Day no. 5 for me and 41 weeks the day after tomorrow.
Appointment on Friday is ages away, and even then i dont know whether they are going to do a sweep..i hope and presume so.
I asked DH to come with me (he has been doing loads of overtime lately pre-baby to get some more money and I said he owed himself some time off - he is self employed/contract). The appointment is at 9am but he said that he will take the whole day off. Im so glad because I really am fed up and emotional at the moment (to be honest I've been complete bitch and my hormones are all over the place) and I could do with some company there if they are going to give me a sweep, hope it starts something off Friday and at least DH will be there. Annoying thing is the DH doesn't drive (he commutes
to central London)so I have to drive us everywhere and if i do go into labour naturally before induction then
we have to get taxi to hospital....
Baby is moving so much now which is reassuring but i still worry. I wont relax until she is here. In one sense
baby being born now is more healthy than a premature baby, but then there are statistics like 1 in 3000 babies stllborn at 40 weeks then that goes up to 3
in 3000 at 41 weeks and 8 in 3000 at 42 weeks. I just want to see her laying
next to me healthy and then i can relax. No pains at the moment, only when
she wiggles arund to much and i can feel her head 'corkscrewing' but thats it.
Yesterday i found some acupressure massages so i tried them, i had my raspberry leaf tea, i bounced on my ball and made sure i was as active as i
could be tidying the house.
Then i had hot chilli for is just not ready
Sorry for long rant...feeling a bit sorry for myself i guess and bored and lonely at home.