Hi everyone,
Congratulations Limpets, yet to check out fb today but will do, hope you recover fast xx
MixedMama, we are in exactly the same position! Our due date was the same, we both were moved forward a few days by scan, and we both are booked in for induction the same day! Its a race now!! Who will have their baby first, and will we beat the induction date! I refused a sweep today, was offered but i found they don't seem to do much for the unpleasantness!
Well as i said i have had my anti-natal, baby is right down same as before, everything else looks just fine so they are in no hurry to induce! She said it is just an average size baby nothing to big or small, I tend to agree from bump i think if born within the next week about 7and a half pounds.
She said she was confident i would go into labour naturally although i said 3 out of 4 of mine had been induced and spontanious labour was not something i usually did! Although my midwife said they don't let us go over 10 days the hospital say it's actually 12-14 days, i was offered sat 2nd or thur 30th so wanting soonest i went for the thurs. (you would think the midwife would know the local hospital guidelines, they really are shit!!!)
At least we have a date now, i feel much better for the appointment, i was really put at ease with all the little worries i have, and my confidence is back that i can do this sooner rather than later, i feel my anxious feelings are almost preventing things kicking off, but i feel a bit more relaxed now, she was a nice consultant.
She did offer to sweep there and then but i declined, not my thing and don't seem to do much good, she said in which case i should have sex, so we may just try that tonight, i think it prob will work as i feel ready to go! I hope so anyway as if it was as difficult as last time i will just have to wait for induction, and i NEVER thought i would hear myself saying that!!
Sorry not to catch up better, been out for hospital, then i had a sleep as i had such a bad night, and i am now just between school run and cooking tea! I looked and loads of babies had been updated! I wonder if i will make it into the first 100 babies born!!
Back as soon as i can, seem to be fighting dh for the laptop!

tp xxx