Hello everyone!!
Finally I have my baby girl xxx
Well after 3 days of labour and no sleep Hope arrived into the world on Monday 20th September at 0817 weighing 8lb 12oz!!!! She has loads of dark hair and I am jsut so in love!
Quick birth story, as you all know we went into hospital as I was showing earlylabour signs, was 3cm and came home, Sunday evening we went back to hospital as my contractions finally got to 2 mins apart, I was so hoping for a waterbirth but due to my bp being slightly raised they said no, pissed off was not the word!! Anyways, I magaed till 2am without no pain relief, finally giving into gas and air!! Then about 3.30am I had pethadine, that wa sfab and I actually managed to have a little sleep! About 5am the urge to push came and that was it, after 3 hours of pushing I was exhausted, didn't help that I hadn't slept for days either. I was wiped out and shattered! At 8am the thetare team were called as vantouse was gonna be used when they got there it turned into a forcep birth where I ended up with a 3rd degree tear, I lost nearly 2 litres of blood, it was awful but I don't remember a thing as shock took over. I was rushed off to theatre and was there 2 hours being sown back together. Ian was so worried about me, it was very traumatic. After such a boring pregnancy it ended so traumatic!! Typical me I guess!! I am now home and on so many meds its untrue, but having her here makes up for it all. She is truly our precious gift, 6 years was worth the wait and even what I went through she is amazing, we are so in love with her!!!
Congrats to all the other new Mummies and thank you all so much for all your support xxx