Good Morning,
Congratulations all new Mummies with your beautiful bundles xx
Yes dwindling numbers are making it easier to keep up on here! Doesn't make it any easier being overdue though, i want to be on the parenting thread now please, no offence!!
right so ladies the plan is... sex and then rubbing belly in a clockwise circle at 3.09am standing towards the full moon... if anything i may go into labor laughing at myself for doing it.

. its the waiting which is doing my head in, im so bored.........
My dh suggested he left the curtains open for the full moon, but i said it would be all street light coming in not full moon!
Thanks for the FB entertainment of dog poo in trees my DH now realises it must be a pregnancy thing how our minds work
Like i say what has it come to that i am watching programs about people throwing dog shit!!!
Hi guys (those of you who are left in here - he he )
We tried to DTD last night....big mistake ha ha. Apart from feeling like i have healed over again...ha the only way i could position myself was on my back, DH asked me if i could somehow move my bump out of the way....WTF!!??
LOL, oh so funny

Move it where exactly, isn't that the point of dtd to move it out!!!!
We did have a laugh at each other last night, I stood in front of him and said it is just not going to work is it!
We did manage to find a position to 'fit' but it was not over comfy! Poor baby being jogged about, and if it has not worked my plan was to keep trying tonight, but not sure i can!
Even so we still managed to dtd,

quite an acheivement i thought, I miss propper sex too, it has been a long time!!
I wonder if the discomfort is because i am near to having baby or just plain healed over
COME ON BABIES, Mummies are bored now!!
I even tried leaving some washing up not done last night, I thought perhaps if i was NOT prepared for baby it could happen as i have been ready now for a while, perhaps if i am not ready? No! That didn't work either!
Back later, omg 80 babies born, I seriously think i will not make it into the first 100 now! xx